APC e-News

news and information from
the  Association of Professional Chaplains
September, 2008
In This Issue
APC Membership Elects Leaders
Summit '09 Offers Over 70 Educational Sessions
Dues are Due: What's in it for You?
Sponsored Web Links and Educational Opportunities
SCC 2008 Salary Survey Report
Results are in for the Spiritual Care Collaborative 2008 Salary Survey. APC members can access the report at no charge in the APC Web site Members Only section.
Quick Links

Job Opportunities

Board Directory

Local Leadership Directory


In Memory
The APC extends our sympathy to the family and friends of these APC members who have died. Memorial articles may be viewed at the APC Web site, where you will find them in alphabetical order by last name.
topSpiritual Caregivers Respond to Hurricanes Gustav and Ike
By Earl Johnson BCC
A number of American Red Cross Spiritual Care Response Team members were deployed to Baton Rouge to provide emotional and spiritual support to those profoundly impacted by Hurricane Gustav, including APC board certified chaplains Bonny Dillon, Joel Harvey and William Mich. In addition, Naomi Paget BCC was deployed to Red Cross national headquarters to help manage SRT deployments in the Disaster Operations Center.

Thankfully, there were no mass fatalities along the Gulf Coast, although, with the departure of national media, the depth and breadth of the destruction has been widely under-reported. Red Cross is still heavily involved in sheltering and feeding, with client casework beginning once damage assessment has been made in impacted areas and utilities restored. Baton Rouge alone has the worst wind damage since 1965, and that speaks volumes, in terms of restoring basic human services.

Today [Monday, September 8] Red Cross continues to prepare for Hurricane Ike, a category three hurricane. American Red Cross SRT manager and APC board certified chaplain Greg Bodin is in Orlando working with the Disaster Mental Health manager to support the 700 Red Cross staff and volunteers that arrived to support mass evacuations from South Florida. With the change in track, only the Florida Keys were evacuated and all eyes are on Louisiana and Texas once again for the greatest possible impact of the storm.

Healthcare institutions are also impacted as medical evacuations or shelter-in-place provisions are implemented. We need to support our colleagues in those institutions as they seek to care for their patients and staff colleagues dealing with the pressures of yet another weather catastrophe.
Military and National Guard chaplains, and NORTHCOM partners are also providing support in the Gulf disaster arena and preparing for Hurricane Ike. They have continually supported our civilian efforts as we try to serve those impacted by these disasters and those who are deployed to provide those services - from evacuations to rescue and recovery, restoring order and services, and compassionate professional care.
Earl Johnson BCC is the Spiritual Care Response Team volunteer partner and coordinator for the American Red Cross. He may be contacted at johnsonea@usa.redcross.org.

APC Membership Elects Leaders

Congratulations to all APC leaders elected for service for the coming year, some of whom are returning leaders and some of whom are new to their positions. Their terms of service will begin on November 1, 2008. Following is a brief introductory message from each leader.
Leaders in new positions include:
David Johnson DMin BCC, president-elect
David JohnsonAPC is a growing and vibrant organization that is moving into a leadership role within the spiritual care field. We have had a desire to be inclusive and now must learn what it means to truly be a diverse and pluralistic organization both in word and action. We have to lead our membership as we listen to our membership. These tasks must be delicately balanced with structure and flexibility.

It is incumbent upon the president to lead by example. That example is one of hard work, diligence, transparency, creativity, active listening, humor and a willingness to let go and let the Holy be present. As a servant leader, I invite those I lead to join me in a process that envisions the future while paying attention to the present.
Since its inception in 1998, APC has risen to meteoric heights. Membership, finances, educational offerings and the national staff have grown. It is time for APC to go to the next level of expertise. With the new survey results and the new strategic plan process beginning, a sense of history of the organization is needed. I look forward to offering a steady hand and focus over the next four years. My involvement in APC joint projects with Spiritual Care Collaborative organizations and my experience from six years of service on the APC board have been important in preparing me to guide APC to the next level of leadership in the movement of spiritual caregiving in our culture. I am honored to have been elected to the position of president-elect. I look forward to continuing to provide leadership as we move into the second decade of the life of APC.
Rev. David C. Johnson DMin BCC is the director of pastoral care and education at Cabell Huntington Hospital in Huntington, WV. He can be contacted at david.johnson@chhi.org.
Harry Burns BA MA BCC, board of directors member at-large

Harry BurnsI am grateful for the challenge put before me as a newly elected at-large board member. I would like to thank all of my colleagues who voted recently and have supported me over the years. 

I vow to keep my promise of networking and bringing together people of all races, genders and ethnic backgrounds. I hope to encourage others to become involved in the process of leadership. Having served on the Commission on Quality in Pastoral Services for three years, I find that many issues around diversity have created challenges, and I want to assist in addressing those challenges.
My platform has been about encouragement, hope, progressive intervention and accountability in the life of professional chaplaincy. I am fortunate to work with the great leadership already in place at APC. It is with great honor and integrity that I thank God for yet another opportunity to serve humanity.

Harry Burns BA MA BCC is a chaplain at The Presyterian Hospital in Charlotte, NC. He can be contacted at hlburns@novanthealth.org.

Kenneth Siess DMin BCC, board member and Commission on Professional Ethics chair
Ken SiessHaving served on the APC Commission on Professional Ethics and as chair of the ACPE Ethics Commission, I believe I have a very good understanding of the challenges and opportunities of maintaining and promoting high ethical standards in our professional organizations. Now that APC and ACPE are engaged in an effort to work more closely together on professional ethics concerns, I believe my past experience will be of value to both organizations.
In addition, my long experience in a variety of clinical settings has provided me with some important insights into the overall challenges and opportunities of a professional chaplain. Finding effective ways to provide educational opportunities to our members on matters of professional ethics will be a priority for me. I look forward to working with the APC board and membership in further strengthening an already strong organization. I invite members to contact me with comments, questions and concerns.
Kenneth J. Siess DMin BCC is a "retired" chaplain, having last served full-time as director of chaplaincy and CPE at University of Minnesota Hospital in Minneapolis, MN. He continues serving in various capacities as teacher and consultant and may be contacted at kesiess@comcast.net.
Appointed to an unexpired term is:
Debbie Husband JD MDiv BCC, secretary
debbie husbandI am a strong advocate for compliance to APC standards and excellence for all chaplains, and look forward to serving next year as the appointed secretary of the board.
Extremely organized, I have run a spiritual care department 24/7 in a large metro area. In addition, my work on the 2006 Atlanta conference was great fodder for learning some of the inside ropes of APC.
The next five years for the Spiritual Care Collaborative will be exciting and ground-breaking times in many areas, and I look forward to being a part of the hard work and excitement that comes with change. Lastly, I believe in the work of APC and in its depth. I choose to be a servant to this ministry as well as that of my hospital ministry. They are high callings which inform one another.
Rev. Debbie Husband JD MDiv BCC is the manager of spiritual care at Orlando Health South Seminole Hospital in Longwood, FL. She can be contacted at debbie.husband@orlandohealth.com.  
Re-elected to leadership positions are:
Richard Haines, DMin BCC, board member and treasurer
Dick HainesI have served APC for two years as treasurer. This has been a great honor. It has also been a lot of rewarding work.
I have enjoyed working with the officers and board members as we consider the future of APC and our profession of chaplaincy. I have supported several new initiatives in fund development and in marketing, as well as supporting changes in our certification process and advocacy efforts.
I look forward to serving a second term to continue these efforts in the belief that they will make for a strong future for APC and for professional chaplaincy.
Richard B. Haines DMin BCC, certified ACPE supervisor, is the director of the department of chaplaincy services and pastoral education for the University of Virginia Health System in Charlottesville, VA. He can be contacted at rbh3b@virginia.edu.

Jon Overvold MDiv BCC, board member and Commission on Quality in Pastoral Services chair
Jon OvervoldIn all of my experience as a chaplain, participation in the quality assurance program has been essential for integrating pastoral care into the multi-disciplinary clinical team. Because I understand the importance of quality improvement, I can champion the ways in which it helps to professionalize our work as chaplains.
I believe the development of standards of care and best practices will be the next major advancement for our profession. The challenge will be to define our core standards, to develop consensus among chaplains and to communicate these core standards to the Joint Commission and other organizations that have a stake in healthcare. The Commission on Quality in Pastoral Services can accomplish this and provide other resources to serve the needs of our membership. I am truly honored to continue to serve APC in this position.
Jon A. Overvold MDiv BCC is on staff of The HealthCare Chaplaincy and serves as director of pastoral care and education at North Shore University Hospital on Long Island, NY. He may be contacted at jovervol@nshs.edu.
Valerie Storms MDiv BCC, board member and Membership Services Council chair
Valerie StormsServing APC as a member of the board of directors is a distinct privilege. The opportunity to complete a second term as chair of the Membership Services Council is one that I look forward to.
The Membership Services Council is distinct in that it is the only entity that has "membership" in its description. While it is not the only voice of the members, it is called upon to evaluate benefits and other offerings to enhance the value of being a member of APC.
This is a time of great change, not only within the diverse venues where chaplains do their work, but within the profession of chaplaincy. As Membership Services Council chair, I will continue efforts to strengthen the existing lines of communication between the membership and the volunteer leadership on the APC board, and will strive to always act in the best interest of the members of APC.
Valerie R. Storms MDiv BCC is the manager of pastoral care at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL. She may be contacted at valerie.storms@moffitt.org.
Elected to committees are:
Josué Delgado, Nominating Committee member
Josue DelgadoI am grateful to continue serving in this role as part of the Nominating Committee in order to help our fellow chaplains find their place in service to others in the national forum.
We on the committee get the privilege to try to seek the best-qualified person who is both willing and gifted to serve in various capacities. This, of course, brings challenges to discern the giftedness of each candidate in relationship to past positions, references and desires. I enjoy speaking to many of the candidates and encourage them as we seek the best for all involved.
Rev. Josué G. Delgado Jr. MDiv BCC, works with Providence Medford Medical Center, in Medford, OR. He may be contacted at josue.delgado@providence.org.

James Dunlap MDiv DME BCC, Finance Committee member
I bring broad administrative experience in higher education, the parish andJim Dunlap chaplaincy to a leadership position in APC. As an APC leader, I have two emphases: professionalism and accountability.
I have witnessed the importance of professional development in my ministry and in the healthcare system where I serve. I will continue to work for the financial health of APC through emphasis on accountability, seeking ways to help the membership understand and address financial issues. I am honored for the opportunity to continue to serve APC in a leadership role.
Rev. James Dunlap MDiv DME BCC joined the spiritual services staff of Saint Francis Hospital, Evanston, IL, in 1995. He can be contacted at jdunlap@reshealthcare.org.
Jeffery Garland, Nominating Committee member
Jeffery GarlandAt our 2002 APC conference, I was challenged by the APC president to make a difference within the APC organization. I am honored to serve as a member of the Nominating Committee and hope to continue building a new approach toward recruiting and encouraging members to become more active within APC.
I have served APC in many local and national committee roles, including the APC 2007 Conference Planning Committee as the chair of the spiritual needs committee, APC Membership Services Council as chair of the Multicultural/Multiethnic Committee, and as the New Jersey state membership chair. My gifts include my dedication and commitment of service to my ministry, which includes APC. 

Jeffery T. Garland DMin EdS BCC serves as staff chaplain with Saint Barnabas Hospice and Palliative Care Center in Newark, NJ. He can be contacted at jgarland@sbhcs.com.
Thanks to all members who who were willing to be nominated to serve as leaders, and give their time and talents to benefit the APC membership. APC also extends deepest appreciation to those leaders who will be completing their terms of service on October 31. Each leader brings his or her unique perspectives, talents and insights to the APC board, and each helps ensure the ongoing success of the organization, enrichment of the profession and satisfaction of the members.  
Summit '09 Offers Over 70 Educational Sessions
by Mary Kendrick Moore BCC

The Spiritual Care Collaborative is excited to present a diverse array of educational opportunities during and prior to Summit '09, Feb. 1-4, 2009 at Disney's Coronado Springs Resort in Walt Disney World®, FL. With the theme of Health and Hope: The Hard Reality of Living Intentionally in a Village of Care, the conference will offer up-to-date trends and resources to facilitate the promotion of health and healing while incorporating the wisdom of many disciplines. The following are some of the opportunities:

Sixty 90-minute workshops, scheduled during three sessions on Monday and Tuesday of Summit '09 will feature over 100 presenters on topics including research, skill development, best practices and innovative approaches. Cost is included in conference registration.
Pre-conference Workshops
Twelve pre-conference workshops will be offered prior to Summit '09 on January 30-31, 2009 in both half-day and full-day formats. Delve into an intensive look at the topic of your choice. The early-bird cost to members is $75 for half-day workshops and $125 for the full day.

View complete descriptions of all workshops and pre-conference workshops, and their goals and objectives on the SCC Web site.
A two-day symposium, Enhancing Health and Hope through a Collaborative Continuum of Care, will be held on Friday evening and all day Saturday, January 30-31, 2009. The symposium will feature five sessions, integrating presentations, panel discussions and case studies from chaplains, pastoral counselors and physicians. Presenters will offer their unique perspectives about promoting health and hope among those facing complex clinical circumstances, focusing on the following topics:
  • end of life care
  • substance use
  • depression and suicide
  • dementia
  • chronic illness
Attendees will not only be able to gain insight about medical and psychiatric conditions from experienced clinicians but also learn to address various ways in which spiritual and medical providers can collaborate to create a continuum of care in today's challenging healthcare environment. The early-bird member cost is $150 and includes Saturday's lunch and refreshment breaks.
Online registration will be available at the SCC Web site in late September, and conference registration brochures will be mailed in October. Please take this opportunity to invite colleagues in your area to attend.
Mary Kendrick Moore BCC is the publicist for APC and is serving on the Summit '09 Publications Committee. She may be contacted at mary.moore1014@comcast.net.
Dues are Due: What's in it for You?
By Rita Kaufman CAE
On October 1, the APC office will mail dues invoices to all members and affiliates. Your dues support the mission, vision and values of the Association of Professional Chaplains. They also provide you with many direct and indirect benefits, including:
  • Free copies of APC publications - Chaplaincy Today, Healing Spirit and APC e-News.
  • Free access to Members Only resources on the APC Web site, including salary survey results and the APC Membership directory.
  • Discounted member rates for educational workshops and annual conferences.
  • A collective voice for the profession of chaplaincy, influencing organizations such as the Joint Commission, American Medical Association, American Psychiatry Association and others.
  • Professional chaplaincy resources to assist you with your ministry.
  • The opportunity to be or become a board certified chaplain with the premier certifying body in the field of spiritual care.
  • Collegiality and networking with fellow chaplains in your area and across the country.

These are just a handful of the benefits membership or affiliation with APC provides you. Thanks to the dedication of its members and volunteer leaders, APC continues to grow and expand with more services and programs to support the membership and strengthen the profession of chaplaincy. So stay with us and stay tuned for even more good things to come! 

Rita Kaufman CAE serves as the marketing and public relations manager of APC. She can be reached at rita@professionalchaplains.org.
Sponsored Educational Opportunities and Web Site Links Programs Added to Web Site

The APC Board of Directors is pleased to introduce two programs to the APC Web site: sponsored educational opportunities listings and sponsored Web site links.

Both programs are excellent ways for companies, organizations and institutions to market their services, products or educational events to chaplains and other spiritual care providers in diverse settings throughout North America and the world.

Non-profit and for-profit organizations hosting educational events are invited to submit information about their event for inclusion on the APC Web site Educational Opportunities page. Please see the application form on the Educational Opportunities page for complete details.
Likewise, applications are welcome for Web site links, which advertise non-profit and for-profit organizations with a direct link to their Web site, along with a 100-word description on the APC Web site. Please see the application form on the Links page for complete details.
Web site links and educational opportunities listings are $100/non-profit and $500/for-profit organization. Listings expire after three months and may be renewed at the same rate. APC Cabinet of Liaisons organizations, religious endorsing bodies and non-profit pastoral care and counseling organizations may be eligible for free listings. APC reserves the right to decline any listing at its sole discretion for any reason, which need not be disclosed.