International League of Conservation Photographers International League of Conservation Photographers

June 2011

International League of Conservation Photographers
Photo Credit: Cristina Mittermeier

Letter from the iLCP President and Staff:

Whenever life brings us to a closing point, it is hard to avoid becoming sentimental. On this, my last entry as President of iLCP, I could write about the amazing journey that has brought us to this point. About how we grew from a being handful of enthusiastic photographers hoping save the planet, to becoming an effective, successful and inspiring organization. I could also bid a nostalgic farewell to the hundreds of photographers, partners, donors and friends who have helped along the way. They have propelled us to reinvent our profession in order to make it a more useful tool for conservation. Instead of focusing on our achievements, however, I would like to reflect on the idea of growth. Anyone who has raised kids knows that growth demands shedding old stuff. Old ideas, old models, old practices. If our hope is to become even more effective at using our skills as conservation photographers and communicators for conservation, we will need to continue embracing the principles of growth: Innovation, fearlessness and entrepreneurialism. As I look towards my last day as leader of iLCP I marvel at how far we have traveled. As I get ready to revisit my career as a photographer and a conservationist all I can see is the bright path that lies before us. This is a great organization and we have done a good thing. Now let?s do more of it. - Cristina Mittermeier

Cristina Mittermeier will step down as President of the iLCP June 30th. As the Founder, Executive Director and finally President, Cristina has played many roles within the iLCP. First and foremost, she succeeded in creating and defining the genre of Conservation Photography which before the iLCP was thought of as how to preserve photographs in a museum. Most notably however is that she created a strong community of dedicated photographers, scientists, writers, filmmakers, and conservationists that for the past 5 years have united to redefine the conservation communications landscape. Cristina discovered a need and started a movement that cannot be stopped. The need for the iLCP and for the greater iLCP community is necessary now more than ever. Cristina can be defined by many things, a force of nature, a convener, a visionary, a herder of cats, a scientist, a conservationist, a mentor, a mother, and a friend. Cristina is also defined by the fact that she is herself a talented and passionate photographer who is driven to use her imagery to tip the scales in favor of concrete conservation outcomes. Cristina is without a doubt one of the most inspired and inspiring people we know. Please join the iLCP Board and Staff in wishing Cristina the best of luck as she re-commits herself to her own photography and to moving the conservation dial. - iLCP Staff

The Board is actively seeking an Executive Director for the iLCP. The staff is committed to the growth and sustenance of iLCP and the continued realization of its founding vision. Until Cristina's successor is found, please direct any communications, queries or suggestions directly to the staff.
What's New

Salmon in the Russell Senate Office Building Rotunda

Save Our Wild Salmon and the iLCP celebrated the wild salmon of the Pacific Northwest and the communities, jobs and people they support at the Russell Building last week with a reception and the Snake River Tripods in the Mud exhibit, One of a Kind Salmon, One of a Kind Habitat. Congressman Jim McDermott of Washington State stole the scene with his passionate words about the importance of wild salmon. The exhibit, with images from Neil Ever Osborne, was on display in the Russell Rotunda from June 13 to 17.

More about Snake River TIM >

Photo Credit: Neil Ever Osborne

SAVE the DATE Telluride Photo Festival 2011

Telluride presents its 2nd annual Photo Festival. The inspiring event culminates the vibrant Telluride Colorado festival season September 26 - October 2, 2011. The world's most renowned outdoor and adventure photographers will share their art and their passion. Presenters include Michele Westmorland, Boyd Norton, Garth Lenz and many more!

Follow the festival on Facebook for updates on schedule, workshops and presenters.

More about Telluride Photo Festival >

Photo Credit: Garth Lenz
Rapid Assessment Visual Expeditions

Sacred Headwaters, the book, is available for pre-order

In The Sacred Headwaters, is a collection of photographs from the Sacred Headwaters RAVE, with works from Carr Clifton, Claudio Contreras, Paul Colangelo, Joe Riis and Wade Davis, portray the splendor of the region. These photographs are supplemented by images from other professionals who have worked here, including Sarah Leen of the National Geographic.

The compelling text by Wade Davis, which describes the region’s beauty, the threats to it, and the response of native groups and other inhabitants, is complemented by the voices of the Tahltan elders. The inescapable message is that no amount of methane gas can compensate for the sacrifice of a place that could be the Sacred Headwaters of all Canadians.

The Sacred Headwaters will be published in October, 2011 and can be pre-ordered!

Q&A with Photographer Paul Colangelo.
The Sacred Headwaters will be published in October, 2011 and can be pre-ordered!
Photographer of the Month

Cristina Mittermeier

"Everything I photograph is colored by the experiences I have had through my life ~ growing up in Mexico, being a marine biologist, raising children, writing, traveling all over the world, and a 20 year-long career in conservation. As President of the International League of Conservation Photographers I have gotten to use all of the lessons and skills I have learned to further my life’s mission: using photography to protect our planet’s precious resources. Where the journey takes me from here is defined by who I am today: a photographer."

Cristina was just in the Brazilian Amazon where the threat of the Belo Monte dam has turned into a reality.

More about Cristina >
Check the iLCP website for more updates from the photographers >

Photo Credit: Cristina Mittermeier

Fresh Water exhibit to The Office of the British Consulate General

June 8 2011 – July 7, 2011

The Office of the British Consulate General in New York has very kindly agreed to host an exhibition of photographs taken from the book, Fresh Water: The Essence of Life. The “Fresh Water: The Essence of Life” exhibit features images by 17 of the world’s most accomplished and award-winning photographers. Their works are also featured in a beautiful hard-cover book called “Fresh Water: The Essence of Life”, the latest in the Conservation Book Series published with support from CEMEX.

More about the iLCP Books>

Photo Credit: Carr Clifton
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