Lenz banner July 09
International League of                                   August 2009
Conservation Photographers                                      Newsletter
Bringing conservation into focus
susan Sontag once wrote that "a photograph can't coerce. It won't do the moral work for us. But it can start us on the way".  She probably had no idea this would become the guiding principle for a whole new generation of photographers dedicated to using their images for conservation.
This week a team of iLCP photographers returned from the Flathead River Valley in British Columbia, where we were asked to do a RAVE (Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition) to help influence decision making on whether this area should be a National Park or a new coal mine site. Veteran photographers trekked up to the mountains, dipped into the creeks, and photographed from airplanes, trying to capture the spirit of a valley very much in danger of being forever changed by mountaintop removal and coal bed methane mining.

Joe Riis GrizzlyIt was, however, the youngest in the team, Emerging photographer Joe Riis, who captured the iconic image of the Flathead River basin and all the issues surrounding it.  A beautiful, healthy sow stands in Glacier National Park overlooking the Flathead River watershed.  With the largest concentration of carnivores, water so clean it serves as a benchmark for purity, and over 1000 species of vascular plants, this biological corridor straddling two countries is of great international importance and the grizzly bear, the largest of the carnivores in the hemisphere and a species that regularly crosses the border between Montana and British Columbia, represents the international significance of whatever decisions are made here.

The second iconic image to emerge from this RAVE Matthias Crougerspeaks precisely about the moral compass that is required from photographers who hope to achieve conservation outcomes. The beautiful photograph of a shy cougar cub hiding in a field of wildflowers was made by iLCP Fellow Matthias Breiter. This is not an image of a captive animal rented out to be photographed under controlled conditions, a sad and all too common practice used by photographers with questionable ethical standards.  It is an image of a truly wild animal in its natural habitat that honestly and forthrightly represents nothing less than the wild spirit of this place and all the moral reasons why protecting it for posterity is important.
So, yes Susan, making the images will not get the job done.  It merely gets us started. It is the passion, the ethical care, and the integrity that we put into them that defines the real character of the conservation photographer.  

Cristina Mittermeier
Executive Director, iLCP
Photographer of the Month - Garth Lenz
Conservation Photographers in ACTION
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PHOTOGRAPHER of the MONTH - Garth Lenz
Garth Lenz July 09
Everyone of the iLCP photographers has an inspiring conservation story to share and we want to give them as big an audience as possible.  This is why we will be highlighting the work and commitment of these amazing photographers throughout the year. 

This month's featured photographer is iLCP Fellow Garth Lenz.

Born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia, and originally trained as a classical pianist, Garth Lenz left his music career in 1992 to dedicate his photography to conservation. He has photographed environmental, wilderness, and indigenous peoples' issues throughout Canada, the U.S., Chile, Ecuador, Borneo, and China. This work has led to assignments and publication in numerous books, newspapers, and magazines. These include International Wildlife, B.B.C. Wildlife Magazine, The Nature Conservancy Magazine, Time Magazine, The Guardian, The Guardian Weekly, The New York Times Sunday Edition, The Tokyo Times, The Christian Science Monitor, The Globe And Mail, Sierra Magazine, and many others. He was one of the lead photographers of the book "CLEARCUT, The Tragedy Of Industrial Forestry", as well as La Tragedia Del Bosque Chileno, dealing with the clear cutting of Chile's forests.

Lenz's work for many non-governmental organizations has appeared in numerous full-page ads in the New York Times, Conde Naste, The New Yorker, Travel And Leisure, and on billboards in the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and Germany, in addition to many reports on conservation issues, and in numerous posters.

Known as an outspoken advocate for the environment, Lenz has been invited to show his work to The European Parliament, Canadian Senate, major corporations and business leaders. He has given numerous public presentations throughout Canada, the U.S., Europe, and Japan, on issues of wilderness and environmental protection. In 1993 and 1994, Lenz made major tours of Europe, the U.S. and Japan, in order to build the international campaign for the conservation of British Columbia's temperate rainforests and Clayoquot Sound. During this same time, he helped develop the markets campaign to encourage corporate responsibility as a tool for forest protection and conservation. In this role he has given presentations to The New York Times, Nippon Telephone and Telegraph in Tokyo, major newspapers in London, GTE in Los Angeles, and many others.

Lenz's recent images from the boreal region of Canada have helped lead to significant victories and large new protected areas in the Northwest Territories, Quebec, and Ontario. His boreal images and work from the Alberta Tar Sands received major awards at the Prix de la Photographie Paris, and International Photography Awards in 2008. In 2008, he was also awarded the Fine Print award in the Center for Fine Art Photography's "Our Environment" exhibition for one of his Alberta Tar Sands aerial images.

Check out Garth's Blog Here!

Check out Garth on the iLCP website.
Leo Keeler July 09On January 11, 2008, iLCP Fellow Dorothy Keeler completed a video entitled "End Aerial Wolf Hunting" and uploaded it to Current.com, the brainchild of Al Gore. Within a week, the video became the #1 Most Popular Viewer Created video on the website, and one of the top 10 videos on the entire website.

This explosive new video blasts the justification for Alaska's current aerial wolf hunting program and rallies voters to end it. Using testimony from Alaska Department of Fish & Game staff, a master hunting guide, and Board of Game members, this video exposes the fallacy behind former Governor Sarah Palin's claim that predator control is based on sound science. Declarations that the program is for the benefit of subsistence hunters are shattered with documentation showing that sport and trophy hunters take up to 73% of prey in areas where aerial wolf hunting has taken place.  End Aerial Wolf Hunting rallies support for H.R. 3663, legislation now being considered in the U.S. Congress which will close the loophole in the Federal Airborne Hunting Act that has been exploited to allow this practice to continue. Five years in the making, this video exposes the truth about the stranglehold the hunting lobby has on wildlife management in Alaska.

Both Dorothy and iLCP Fellow Leo Keeler's images are currently included in the 40 image photography exhibit, Irreplaceable Wildlife in a Warming World, now touring the United States and sponsored by Earthjustice, Conservation International, and the Noah Alliance.

Besaw June 09iLCP Associate Bridget Besaw's 4-month-long salmon conservation photography project for Nature Conservancy magazine was featured in 2 articles in the magazine's Summer 2009 issue as well as online in a 9-part multimedia showcase.  Bridget covered the Conservancy's salmon conservation work in 5 Pacific Northwest states (AK, WA, OR, ID, CA) photographing and interviewing scientists, fishermen, ranchers and local conservationists. Bridget spent a year on the project as sole creator of all still photography, video, and audio assets and was co-executive producer of the project.  It's the first time TNC tackled multimedia - they really went for it as a team...photographer and NGO working together to produce a huge project on one of the organizations main initiatives.  Conservation projects from California to Alaska are stitching back together once-majestic salmon runs and restoring fish to rivers where they haven't been seen in years.  Watch the video!

Shive National Parks bookiLCP Emerging Member Ian Shive will be publishing his first major book on August 1st.  The 224-page, hardcover coffee table book titled The National Parks: Our American Landscape will hit store shelves nationwide. National Parks have long been an inspiration to his photography. Ian spent the last 4-years photographing on assignment or just meandering through the woods documenting everything from the arctic slopes of Mt. McKinley in Alaska to the underwater world of Channel Islands National Park in his backyard in California.  Ian is donating proceeds from the sale of his book to the National Parks Conservation Association.  Also, WILD EXPOSURE with Ian Shive - a series that originated as a web promotional tool for Ian's upcoming book - "The National Parks: Our American Landscape"  will debut in August on the Emmy award-winning CURRENT TV, led by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore. CURRENT reaches approximately 50 million households in diverse markets  from the United States to the UK. Ian is proud to be associated with the cutting-edge outlet and being enabled to continue to deliver nature, the message of conservation, and photography to a broader audience in unprecedented ways. Stay tuned to the blog for updates as well as specific air-times in the coming weeks.

Linder July 09iLCP Emerging Member Chris Linder is in Cherskiy, Siberia for the month of July documenting climate change scientists studying the effect of global warming on the arctic ecosystem. Science stories and blogs from the field will be posted to the Polaris Project website.  This week the story was picked up by the New York Times "Dot Earth" science blog, which has a post and  an audio sideshow featuring Chris' images. Following the expedition in Siberia, Chris will be crafting a 10-minute multimedia presentation to tell the story of the Siberian 'carbon bomb'.  Follow Chris on his website.

Benvie July 2009Check out iLCP Fellow Niall Benvie's blog - The concept of "Thinking Photographers" has become a point of considerable interest in our community. One of the iLCP's most prolific writers, Niall blogs about everything, from equipment reviews to philosophical ideas.  Wise and entertaining, it is a pleasure to follow Mr. Benvie's musings.

Inaki Owl July 2009iLCP Emerging Member I�aki Relanzon, just finished a project with the Tengmalm Owl in the Pyrenees mountains, Spain. This owl is common in North Europe, but endangered in South Europe.  He has been working for a year with the scientist who is managing this species, and the photos will be published not only in different magazines but also in educational issues and posters.

Also, I�aki will be spending two weeks in the Masai Mara and Amboseli National Parks in Kenya, leading a photo workshop with a small group. The group will follow the great migration and the Mara river crossing and will spend time in the savannah with nightly slide shows and master classes in the lodges. More information in www.photosfera.com.

Lastly, the August issue of National Geographic Magazine will be publishing  one of I�aki'sphotos of Madagascar. I�aki was working in a remote rainforest in Madagasacar with the primatologist Erik Pattel and his team when he captured a wonderful image of the silky sifaka,  one of the most endangered primates in the world. Take a look at the online edition. Daniel Beltra July 2009

iLCP Fellow Daniel Beltr� is the winner of he Prince's Rainforest Project Award at the Sony World Photography Awards. Daniel continues his journey to photograph the last remaining large tracts of rainforest in the planet. His next stop: Indonesia. Daniel will be accompanied by ABC's Bob Woodruff, a producer and a cameraman. Together they will be producing  documentaries for a range of TV outlets, likely  including Planet Green, ABC's Good Morning America and World News Tonight. This media coverage will mostly focus on the Prince's Rainforests Project and  Daniel's recognition as the recipient of the Award.  To see some of the images he has created for this project visit the Photography Blog.

Frans Lanting july 2009iLCP Fellow Frans Lanting's European exhibition of "LIFE: A JOURNEY THROUGH TIME," will be on display at the Differdange Museum in Luxembourg from July 1st until August 30th.  More information on The LIFE Project, including upcoming performances and exhibitions, may be found at www.lifethroughtime.com.

In the United States, "JUNGLES," Frans Lanting's exhibit celebrating the splendor of tropical rainforests from the lowlands of the Congo to the cloud forests of the Andes, will be on display until August 30th at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum in Wasau, Wisconsin,  For information about this exhibit please check www.lywam.org.

art wolfiLCP Fellows Art Wolfe, Tom Mangelsen, and David Doubilet have recently announced the launch of a virtual stock photography agency called WILD Photography (wildphotography.com) operating on the PhotoShelter platform.  As the stock agency landscape underwent fundamental changes and consolidation in recent years, iLCP Fellow Art Wolfe saw an opportunity. Art states "we'll soon be able to truly claim we have the richest and highest-quality image collection celebrating the wild world, searchable on one site. Our motto: Go to the Source." wildphotography.com.  Read the entire article by Art on Outdoor Photographer online.

Annie Belt July 2009iLCP Fellow Annie Griffiths Belt's exhibit on THE LAST STAND continues to travel.  This summer it will be featured at the Chautauqua Institution in New York.  The exhibit will then travel to Springs Preserve Botanical Garden in Las Vegas for the fall. 

Her book THE LAST STAND; AMERICA'S VIRGIN LANDS  takes readers from the tall grass prairies of Kansas to the Arctic tundra of Alaska to the deserts of the Southwest and bears passionate witness to the last wildernesses, reminding us why they must be preserved.

Toft giraffe June 09iLCP Fellow Roy Toft will be leading a wildlife safari in Botswana with Focus on Planet Earth in collaboration with David Anderson Safaris from March 21 - April 2, 2010.  View the itinerary, details on registration and some of Roy's images from the 2009 Botswana safari.

Roy also recently participated in the Flathead River Valley RAVE completed by the iLCP and its partners in British Columbia, Canada.

Ziegler August 2009iLCP Fellow Christian Ziegler
is featured in the August issue of National Geographic Magazine.  The story is titled "The Art of Deception." In the rainforest, camouflage is an advanced evolutionary process and one nature's best survival tricks.  Christian captures organism's fascinating ability to mimic their environments. How many frogs can you see in this picture?

Ketchum Regarding the Land Feb 09Good news from iLCP Associate Tom Peschak - the site (Hanifaru) where he photographed the National Geographic manta story has just been proclaimed a marine protected area.  Check out the "feeding fenzy" video and read the blog.  Looks like the combined hard work of the local scientists, government, the  Save Our Seas Foundation and the photographs in National Geographic magazine have done the trick.  Read the "Feeding Frenzy" article published in  the July issue of National Geographic Magazine.  Tom is heading back out there in August to work on a environmentally focused guide book to Hanifaru's Mantas and Whale sharks and a poster series to encourage the tourists who will soon begin to visit the site to tread (swim, dive) lightly.

Skerry whaleshark August 2009iLCP Fellow Brian Skerry just recently returned from Isla Holbox off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico where he photographed migrating whale sharks as the first installment of the Yucatan Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition (RAVE).  Brian spent 14 days exploring the waters around Holbox in search of whale sharks to photograph for the Yucatan RAVE. Brian also documented the surge in whale shark tourism and explored the potential impacts on the whale sharks behavior through his photographs. The photos will be used by iLCP and partner organizations, like Amigos de Sian Kaan, who facilitated this expedition, at the WILD9 Congress in November 2009 as well as in presentations to key Mexican decision makers to ensure the newly created Whale Shark Reserve is properly protected and that new approaches to whale shark tourism are generated.  Read more on the Yucatan RAVE!

Luciano CandisaniiLCP Fellow Luciano Candisani was invited to participate on the Board of Planeta Sustent�vel, the main online portal for sustainability in the Brazilian media. This portal is hosted by Abril publisher, the largest publisher in Latin America. To mark his presence on the portal, Luciano wrote about his work with iLCP and RAVEs, especially in Bioko. Luciano states "this will be a great space to discuss iLCP's actions in Brazil." Read more about Luciano on Planeta Sustentavel online

Sartore chicken Aug 09LCP Fellow Joel Sartore's images of Attwater's prairie chickens were featured in the Flora & Fauna section of Nature Conservancy magazine's Summer 2009 issue.

Jeff FoottWe would like to welcome Jeff Foott as a new Associate of the ILCP. Jeff has worked for over 35 years, documenting nature and environment in both film and still pictures. Most recently, Jeff participated in the iLCP Borderlands RAVE. Having worked in over 35 countries, he has produced over 40 films, shown in over 100 countries. His last film on Patagonia for the "Living Edens Series" was a finalist for an Emmy. His films for National Geographic, Discovery Channel, BBC have won numerous awards. His pictures have appeared in National Geographic, Geo, Nature's Best, Smithsonian, Cemex Books and many others.
RAVEs (Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition)
flathead logoMembers of the iLCP are just returning from a RAVE in the Flathead River Valley area in the southeastern corner of British Columbia.   The Flathead River Valley, an area the B.C. government most values for its coal, timber and methane gas, is immediately adjacent to the world's oldest International Peace Park, the Glacier/Waterton, and it is one of the most important wildlife corridors in North America, especially for large carnivores, like grizzly bears, cougars and wolves. iLCP Fellows  Garth Lenz, Matthias Breiter, Roy Toft, Emerging Member Joe  Riis, Executive Director Cristina Mittermeier, Chief of Staff Justin Black and naturalist and photographer Michael Ready undertook a remarkable expedition from July 18-29th with the intention of drawing the world's attention to an area many people want protected as a national park. The hope is that the images of the area, which lies along the dramatic western edge of the Rocky Mountains, will convince the government of B.C.  to protect the region before proposed major resource projects go ahead.  At the end of June, Joe Riis was in the field on the border of Montana/BC trying to capture Wolverine shots with Doug Chadwick for the Flathead RAVE. This marked the beginning of the expedition!  Read the Flathead RAVE blog! Many thanks to our sponsors: The WILD Foundation, LightHawk, National Parks Conservation Association, Sierra Club, Wilburforce Foundation, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, AlpineAire Foods and special thanks to Harvey Locke who's passion for the Flathead has supported the idea behind this RAVE. Follow details of this RAVE on our website.

Robles Gil Yucatan July 09
Yucatan RAVE logoThis month, the iLCP sent Fellow photographer and National Geographic contributing photographer Brian Skerry to Isla Holbox off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico to photograph the large agreggations of whale sharks that gather there as the first installment of the Yucatan Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition (RAVE). Brian spent 14 days exploring the waters around Holbox in search of whale sharks to photograph for the Yucatan RAVE. In addition to photographing the whale sharks, Brian also documented the surge in whale shark tourism and explored the potential  impacts to the whale sharks' behavior. The photos captured during the RAVE, which will extend into late October and will include the participation of many other iLCP photographres including Klaus Nigge, Pete Oxford, Christian Ziegler, Art Wolfe, Claudio Contreras and many others, will be used to ensure that the last wild places in the Yucatan Peninsula are taken into consideration as the region continues to develop. Special thanks to Amigos de Sian Ka'an for supporting this RAVE.

The iLCP will continue the 8th RAVE to the Yucatan Peninsula, with several iLCP Fellow photographers participating an a range of expeditions until November. The Yucatan RAVE will focus on documenting the threats posed by deforestation, tourism, and forest fires on existing protected areas, important unprotected areas (i.e. corridors) and specific flagship species (i.e. Jaguar) throughout the Yucatan. The RAVE is scheduled to precede the world's longest-running public international forum for the environment, WILD9, which will convene in the city of Merida in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula from the 6th to the 13th of November 2009. Download the Yucatan RAVE synopsis as a PDF.

Borderlands RAVE logoThe Borderlands exhibit in Las Cruces, New Mexico has been extended through July!  Continental Divide is an exhibit of 30 large canvas photo prints that depict the land, wildlife and people of the borderlands of the US and Mexico, and the impact that construction of a border wall is having on them. The exhibit debuted on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. in April and it will travel around the United States and internationally, including plans for a show in Berlin, Germany, in November during the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. We are currently seeking venues for the exhibit in the United States.  We would like to ask any of our partners who have connections for exhibit space to please contact iLCP Emerging Member Krista Schlyer at kris_schly@yahoo.com.  Learn more about the RAVE and exhibit on our website!

Also, Defenders of Wildlife has published a story by Krista on the Borderlands RAVE in their magazine, and they will be posting a voiceover slideshow about the RAVE on their website.  Wend magazine will be publishing an account of the RAVE by Krista, and Outdoor Photographer will run a story in the fall.  Especies magazine published a story on the RAVE written by Rurik List.

Krista has been working on a project with the Sierra Club that highlights the human costs of the wall. They recently sent info on the project to a target email list of 80,000.

Now people can purchase prints from the exhibit on the Art for Conservation website.  All proceeds go to costs of traveling the exhibit.  Thanks for your support! 

Rick Lobello wrote a great article about the Borderlands project "Dream of a Giant Park on the US Mexico border breathes new life". Read the complete report online.
iLCP at WILD 9
Wild 9 LogoWILD9 - World Wilderness Congress & Wild Speak: November 6-13, 2009 Merida, Mexico

The iLCP will have a significant presence during WILD 9!  In celebration of our 4th anniversary, we will be organizing a conservation photography symposium  entitled WiLD SPEAK, to discuss ways in which communications can have a greater impact in achieving conservation success. The iLCP will also coordinate a series of photography-related events, including exhibits, workshops, lectures and presentations by some of the world's best conservation photographers. Register Now!

Highlights of iLCP at WILD9
- iLCP will hold its Executive Committee meeting on November 5th
- There will be an all day iLCP Membership meeting on November 8th
- iLCP is curating four photographic exhibits showcasing the work of our partners, including National Geographic's Wild Shots (4 years of conservation stories by iLCP members) and Wild Wonders of Europe
-iLCP will be awarding the first League Award to recognize an outstanding conservation photographer
- During the evenings we will feature your "12 shots" during the after-congress Cocktail Hours

The iLCP is convening WiLD SPEAK, a Conservation Communications Symposium, during the upcoming WiLD 9 Congress, in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico from 6-13 of November. WiLD SPEAK will take place in the afternoon sessions from November 9-12.

WiLD SPEAK, celebrating iLCP's 4th Anniversay, will include plenary sessions and debates to discuss issues relevant to conservation communications, including the role of photojournalism in conservation, the imperative of partnering with the conservation community for general audiences and much more. Many iLCP photographers will participate on these panels and will also be giving presentations on their current projects. Our newest partner, Wildscreen Film Festival will host an afternoon dedicated to the role of film-making in conservation Don't miss this important event, it will be the largest gathering of conservation photographers to date!

New Partners
Speakers Confirmed for WILD9/WILD SPEAK
  • iLCP Board Member, Dr. Jane Goodall
  • iLCP Fellow, Art Wolfe
  • iLCP Fellow, Michael 'Nick' Nichols
  • iLCP Fellow, Tom Mangelsen
  • iLCP Fellow, Jack Dykinga
  • iLCP Fellow, Brian Skerry
  • iLCP Fellow, Florian Schulz
  • iLCP Fellow, Christian Ziegler
  • iLCP Affliate, Andy Patrick, CEO Livebooks
  • And More...

The League Award - Outstanding Achievement in Conservation Photography
The iLCP is proud to announce the launch of our first International League of Conservation Photographers League Award, to recognize the conservation work of an outstanding photographer.  5 nominations have been requested from our Affiliates and Board (including both iLCP and non-iLCP members) and voting by iLCP Fellow photographers will take place in August.  The award will be presented by iLCP Board Members, Dr. Jane Goodall, Dr. Sylvia Earle, Dr. Russell Mittermeier and Vance Martin, to the winner at the award ceremony during WILD 9. We hope that the League Award will become the most prestigious recognition to the work of an outstanding conservation photographer by the conservation community.

12 SHOTS - A story told in 12 frames
During WILD9, iLCP will be hosting a cocktail hour and photo exhibit to encourage networking with iLCP members. We invite photographers to submit their '12 shot' essay to WILD9. The theme has to be related to wild nature, conservation, climate change or other aspects of our planet's natural history. Human juxtaposition with nature is also welcome.  A committee will review submissions and selected essays will be shown during the evening photography sessions.  Please email Jenny@ilcp.com for submission guidelines. Read more about 12 Shots exhibit.

There will be four fantastic exhibits at WiLD9 featuring the work of iLCP photographers and some of our best partners.  Many Thanks to FujiFilm, the official WILD9 printing partner.
    • Wild Wonders of Europe: 40 images capture the essence of the Wild Wonders of Europe campaign.
    • Wild Shots: 4 years of conservation photography at National Geographic with iLCP photographers representing the unique and awe-inspiring wilderness worldwide.
    • Focus on Mesoamerican Wilderness: 40 images illuminate the beauty of the remaining wilderness in the Corredor Mesoamericano
    • Your shot: Look3 the Festival of the Photograph is traveling to Mexico and will be hosting an exhibition of your best shot.  Bring a digital file and Fujifilm will print it!
National Photography Contest in MexicoReforestamos Apr 09
Reforestamos Mexico would like to invite you to participate in their Centinelas del Tiempo - Majestic Trees of Mexico National Photography Contest.  Your job is to seek out and photograph the most outstanding trees in Mexico, the majestic trees of the country, the Sentinels of Time.  Some members of the jury are iLCP Fellow Patricio Robles Gil, Fulvio Eccardi (an Italian photographer who organized the El Triunfo RAVE and participated also in the Balandra RAVE) and iLCP Emerging Member Jaime Rojo (also Executive Director of Wild9). You must register before the 21st of August 2009 at 8:00 pm.  For more information on the contest and how to register, visit the website.

2nd Annual Ocean in Focus Conservation Photography ContestMarine Photobank logo June 09
SeaWeb's Marine Photobank and Project AWARE Foundation invite you to participate in the Ocean in Focus Conservation Photography Contest.  Submit your compelling photos that engage viewers in pressing marine issues and solutions that address the rapid decline of our ocean's health.  Contest opened on World Oceans Day (June 8) and runs through August 27, 2009.  To learn more about the attractive prize packages and for full contest details please visit the contest website.

Nature's Best: Conservation Photographer of the YearCPY Logo
The Conservation Photographer of the Year Award was created to recognize a special individual who has used his or her skills as a nature photographer to implement meaningful and measurable conservation efforts that inform and educate the public about environmental concerns and resolution opportunities. Nominations for this prestigious award are accepted each year as part of the Nature's Best Photography Windland Smith Rice International Awards competition. Nominations may be made on behalf of photographers that you know whom may meet the criteria, or you may nominate yourself. The 2009 CPY Award nominations are due by August 15, 2009. Read more on the CPY Award Website. iLCP Fellow Florian Schulz was the winner of the 2008 CPY award.

Fotoweek DC 2009 Awards Competition
FotoWeek DC logo June 09FotoWeek DC is pleased to announce the second annual FotoWeek DC Awards has expanded from a regional competition to an international call for entries of remarkable imagery, both in single and series form, as well as multimedia pieces that combine the strength of still images with video, sound and graphics. So much profound work has been created by photographers from around the globe we felt we needed to include this work in our Awards and at our Festival.

You are invited to submit your best work! The competition is open to all professionals, amateurs, and students around the world, and features $21,500 in cash awards.  The final Awards deadline is September 13, 2009. Visit the website for a complete listing of award categories, eligibility, rules, judges and information on FotoWeek DC 2009.
Get to Know logo
iLCP and Robert Bateman Focus on the Next Generation
The Get to Know Contest will be launching in California this September. iLCP has partnered with the Get to Know Program and will be responsible for judging the photography entries. For ten years, internationally renowned wildlife artist Robert Bateman has run a program in Canada that encourages youth to "get to know their wild neighbors." The main initiative of his "Get to Know" Program is an art, writing, and photography contest that has been wildly successful in inspiring youth to discover nature, express themselves creatively, and learn to care for the environment.
As Robert Bateman has said, "caring for the planet begins with getting to know the names of your neighbours of other species." We hope that youth who enter this contest will be inspired to continue exploring, conserving, and photographing nature. The contest will run from September 26th to November 30th; details are available on the Get to Know website.

Sandesh DocumentaryThe Mountains of the Monsoon Screening with Sandesh Kadur
Wildlife documentary filmmaker, environmentalist and iLCP Associate photographer Sandesh Kadur will be presenting at the screening of "Mountains of the Monsoon" release by BBC Natural World this year. The screening will take place at 1:00pm on August 8th, 2009, at the  Baird Auditorium in the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, in Washington D.C.  Before and after the screening there will be presentation from, Kamal Bawa, a distinguished professor from University of Massachusetts, Cristina Mittermeier, executive director of iLCP,  as well as Sandesh Kadur. Click here to watch a trailer for the film. Click here for the invitation.

Ketchum July 09Camp Denali Special Emphasis Series 2009
Join iLCP Fellow Robert Glenn Ketchum for an "Autumn Nature Photography Workshop" on August 28-30 and August 31-September 3, 2009. Now is the time to sign up for this world-class workshop held in spectacular Denali National Park/Camp Denali North Face Lodge in Alaska! It is said to be "an unparalleled Setting... An Uncommon Experience" Contact: Anne Beaulaurier anne@campdenali.com or 907 683 2290

Michele Westmorlandg2 logoMichele Westmorland Presents H2O at G2 Gallery.On August 11, 2009, the G2 Gallery will present H2O, an exhibition featuring the work of renowned underwater photographer iLCP  Fellow photographer Michele Westmorland with three fellow environmental photographers who have captured images of waterscapes and underwater environments.  Michele will be present for an Artists Reception celebrating the opening of H2O, to be held Friday, August 14, at 6:30 pm. Michele will also present a special kid-friendly presentation on marine life and conservation on August 15th, 2009 at 10am. Michele will discuss the images from her book, Ocean Duets, to inspire young minds to be curious about just what is under the surface of the water and to encourage the development of conservation-minded youth.  Learn more about events at The G2 Gallery. 

Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival
Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Fest logo
Registration for the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival is now available online!  The next Wildlife Film Festival and Film Competition is slated for Sept 28 - Oct 2, 2009. The industry conference will culminate in a weekend community celebration with winners screened in downtown Jackson Oct 3-4, 2009. You won't want to miss the 10th Anniversary retrospective covering the last 20 years of natural history filmmaking. Stay tuned for more information on the agenda, keynote speakers and sponsorship opportunities.  New Film Competition Categories have been added to incorporate web designers and tech support industries as well as media professionals from NGO's museums, zoos and other public institutions. Click here for a 2009 Festival Calendar of important dates.

WildPhotos 2009
WILDPHOTO logoSave the Date! This year's WildPhotos, the most highly anticipated gathering of nature photographers in the world, will take place once again this year from October 23 to 24 at the Royal Geographical Society in London, UK.  Online delegate registration is now open!  iLCP Fellow Michael "Nick" Nichols leads the line-up of speakers and also presenting their work will be winners from the Veolia Environment Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition, the results of which will be announced shortly before WildPhotos.  The event is programmed by iLCP Affiliate and Executive Committee Member Rosamund Kidman Cox, journalist and former editor of BBC Wildlife Magazine, and a judge of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition since 1981, launching it in its current form.  Confirmed speakers so far include iLCP Fellows Daniel Beltr�, Niall Benvie and Kevin Schafer, iLCP Associate Vincent Munier and Solvin Zankl. More names will be announced in the coming months so keep checking the website for updates.

click646Click 646: October 16 & 17,2009 Greenwood, SC
Small town, big ideas: Greenwood launches photography event that showcases the world. Click646 is a photographic collective that will take place Oct. 16 and 17, 2009 at venues throughout Uptown Greenwood. The inaugural event will spotlight iLCP Fellow Christina Mittermeier,  as well as Joyce Tenneson, Keith Cardwell and Jon Holloway, plus a student exhibition and photography contest.

The Arts Council at the Federal Building will host the International League of Conservation Photographers' "Borderlands" exhibit with renowned photographer and ILCP founding executive director Cristina Mittermeier presenting work. Mittermeier's photography focuses on the relationship between nature and humans and "the idea that people and nature are not isolated from each other, but inexorably connected." She is well-known for her photographs of indigenous people and of the environment. Her work has taken her to 54 countries, including some of the most remote and beautiful areas of the planet. For more information visit www.click646.com.

Hyde Minarets June 09Philip Hyde Retrospective: 58 Years In The Wilderness
The first major commemorative exhibition honoring the prolific 58-year career of master landscape photographer and iLCP Honorary Member Philip Hyde will open Saturday, November 7, 2009 at Santa Monica College.  A new retrospective portfolio of archival pigment prints will contain a selection of color photographs and for the first time ever unveil a selection of new black and white archival pigment prints. This exhibition will revive the controversial Hyde tradition of exhibiting color and black and white photographs together. Read more about Philip Hyde on his website.

Moffet AntAnt Exhibit at Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History
Nature's Best recently supported a ant exhibit titled "Farmers, Warriors, Builders: The Hidden Life of Ants" at the Smithsonian.  Photographer and researcher Mark Moffett displays some amazing imagery of these fascinating and important creatures.  This exhibit was funded through the Nature's Best Photography Windland Smith Fund at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History as part of a long-term exhibition alliance.  The exhibit will be on display at the Museum until October 10.  Then Nature's Best will install the winners of the 2009 Awards around the end of October.

Nick Dunlop 2009Art Show Celebrates Return of Peregrine Falcon from Brink of Extinction
The Peregrine Fund is celebrating the 10th anniversary of this remarkable recovery with a display of 22 stunning photographs of Peregrine Falcons by award-winning photographer Nick Dunlop of Sebastopol, Calif. The show opens Saturday, Aug. 1, and runs through Oct. 31 in the gallery at The Peregrine Fund's World Center for Birds of Prey interpretive center, 5668 Flying Hawk Road. For more information, visit the Peregine Fund.
Ketchum Regarding the Land Feb 09
Get a signed and numbered collector's edition copy of iLCP Fellow Robert Glenn Ketchum's Regarding The Land and help support the International League of Conservation Photographers, too. Limited to 125 copies, this special edition set arrives in a fine linen slipcase. Also included in the set is a digitally-mastered, 7.5x9.5-inch Fuji Crystal Archive print of one of Robert's classic images, Sun Dance. The only previous print run of Sun Dance, an edition of thirty-three 30x40-inch cibachrome prints, sold out in just two weeks, making this a rare opportunity to own a signed and numbered print of this important image. The price is $1,500 for the complete set, of which Robert will donate $250 to the iLCP. For more information, contact Robert's studio at (310) 472-3681, or by e-mail at peace2rth@mac.com. More information is available on Robert's website.
Art for Conservation logoThe all new Art for Conservation website is finally here! There are a lot of refinements from the old site, including a section of the gallery reserved for iLCP Fellows, Associates and Emerging Photographers. They also have been - and will continue to be - featuring news from iLCP as often as possible. And they're aggressively developing their AFC social networking.

Take a look at the iLCP Gallery!  Enjoy - and purchase - these beautiful images by the photographers of iLCP. Know that each purchase provides valuable funding for both conservation photographers and the causes they are supporting.
NANPA Logo July 2009
Applications for the Philip Hyde Grant are due to NANPA by August 31, 2009. This $5,000 grant, funded by Fine Print Imaging through its Art for Conservation program and the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA) Environment Committee, is awarded annually to a NANPA member who is actively pursuing completion of a peer-reviewed environmental project that is consistent with the missions of NANPA and the NANPA Foundation. The application deadline for the 2010 grant is August 31, 2009. The grant criteria and  application forms are available on the NANPA Foundation web site.
Wild Wonders of Europe logo
iLCP Fellow Norbert Rosing was chosen as the photographer of the week on the Wild Wonders of Europe website. See his photos and read there interview here.

Visit the Wild Wonders of Europe website to see the latest posts on their blog (now also available in Spanish).  Join one of their many communities or check out the new galleries of images.  You can also enter the photo competition, or place your vote!  The last day of each month is the deadline for each coming month's competition. Join Wild Wonders of Europe on FaceBook! Browse some 200 images on Flickr
Wolfe iGoogle theme July 09
Now you can enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors from the comfort of your laptop or desktop.  iLCP Fellows Jim Brandenburg and Art Wolfe both have nature themed images as part of iGoogle.

Jim has traveled the globe as a photographer with National Geographic Magazine for several decades. His extensive body of work has been published throughout the world and his photographs have won a multitude of national and international awards.  Download Jim's white wolves theme!

Art's career spans four decades, and focuses on the beauty and diversity of the Earth. He is the author of 60 books and the host of public television's 'Art Wolfe's Travels to the Edge.'  Download Art's eagle and landscape themes!
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