Temple Emanu-EL
Rabbi Morton J. Cohn Torah/Hebrew School
In this Issue
2009-2010 Schedule
TSHS Committee News
December Events
Save the Date-January
Family Education
Here is the schedule:
December 13th  
Grade 2    
Torah Scroll Making

January 24th   
Grade 6   
Blessings and Creativity

February 21st     
Grade 5   
Mezuzah Making

April 25th           
Grade 6   

May 23rd           
Grade 4   
Ten Commandments

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TSHS Committee News
Join us for our next meeting:

Sunday, December 13th at 9:45am in the conference room.  We'll be planning events for next year.

Please sign up to help however you can.  Our programs depend on your support.

Contact Rachael for more information.
Chaverim Youth
Chaverim Youth GroupFor kids in grades 2-4. They meet several times a year for fun activities. 

Next Event:

 Sunday, December 13
12-2pm Library

Contact Rachael with questions.
E.A.S.Y Youth
EASY Youth GroupEmanu-El Active Super Youth is for middle school kids, grades 5-8.  It is super and very active! Monthly activities incorporate fun, social action, and Judaic content. 

Next Event:

Saturday, December 5
7pm Ice Skating
Meet at the Temple

Contact Danny with questions.
S.A.N.E.T.Y Youth
SANETY Youth GroupSan Diego Emanu-El Temple Youth, is the high school group, grades 8-12.  They have several activities each month and like EASY they participate with the Temple in social action projects.  They always have a great time socializing with each other and will incorporate Judaic content into some of their programs.

Next Event:

Saturday, January 16th

Contact Danny with questions.
yearbook Yearbooks
Now on Sale for $15

We are looking for sponsors.  Put your business card in for a full year in full color for $18.

Email Rachael for details.
Friendship Notes for the Yearbook.

Do you have a special friend at Torah/Hebrew School?  Send them a friendship note in the yearbook letting them know how special they are to you. 

1 note is $2 or 3 notes for $5.
Click Here
Join Our List
Email Rachael with your Email Address and Child's grade.

Contact Us
Torah/Hebrew School Office:
(619) 286-3096

Temple Office: (619) 286-2555

Email Cathy Kamin, Director of Education

Email Star Laddon, Director's Assistant

Torah-Hebrew School Kids

Our Torah/Hebrew School was really hopping this past month. 

Rachael Davila spearheaded the Sisterhood/Torah Hebrew School Craft Bazaar.  It was a tremendous undertaking for her, but as usual, Rachael did a fantastic job! 

Havdalah PicturesAfter weeks of preparation, Saturday night's Havdalah Fundraiser was a great success.  A very big thank you to Sheri Rosenberg for chairing the event and to Lynn Saks for orchestrating the gift baskets (and more).  Rachael Davila brought in the movies, Up and Transformers 2 and made sure that the money paid in and out was correct.  Carrie Colona staffed the front table while her son, Joseph, ably made popcorn all evening long.  The kitchen was bustling with Brian Marcus, Melissa Stroh and Sheri Rosenberg preparing the dinner.  Cindi Ringoot, Cecile FleetwoHavdalah Picturesod and Lynn Grady helped to serve the food to the hungry participants.  Audrey Patterson, along with the school committee, purchased an i-Pod for one lucky winner that evening.  It was so funny when Sheri Rosenberg's son, Ethan, won the prize.  The sixth grade class is the winner of the ice cream party, which will be held after winter vacation. 

Tzedakah FairAs tired as we all were that night, we still came back to Temple bright and early Sunday morning for the Tzedakah Fair.  Once again, this incredible group of people, along with a few more volunteers, cooked, cleaned, schlepped, sold, blew balloons and just plain gave of themselves the entire morning.  A very big thank you to Star and Mike Laddon for selling the hot dogs and Tzedakah Fairchips, and carrying many heavy objects up and down the steps.  Ron Marx volunteered his time to help with the hot dogs too and Brian Marcus must have made 200 snow cones that morning. Ron Turner was in charge of the basketball net which raised money for "Nothing but Nets".  We raised almost $2000 at the Havdalah event and almost $1000 in food sales at the Tzedakah Fair.  I am very grateful to all of you for helping and coming out and supporting your school. 

Rock Manut, THS Rock GroupPlease also make a note to come to the Temple on Sunday night, December 13th for the Temple's Hannukah celebration - HANNUKAH SOUL.  Not only is the group, Soul Aviv going to perform, our very own Temple rock group - ROCK MANUT is making itsRock Manut, THS Rock Group debut that evening.  This band is comprised of Temple children playing drums, base guitar, saxophone, electric guitar and vocals.  We have five musicians and 10 soloists.  You won't believe how fantastic they are.  I hope to see you there.

With Hanukkah around the corner, here is an article with 10 Hanukkah Activities For Your Family.
Have a wonderful holiday,


December Events
December 5: EASY Event 7pm Ice Skating
December 6:Preschool Sunday Morning-9:30 am Room C Hanukkah
December 11: Family Shabbat, Grade 5 Hanukkah Service 6pm
December 13: Torah School Committee Meeting, 9:45am Conference Room
Family Education, Grade 2 10:30am Library
Madrichim Meeting 10am Library
BBM Workshop 9:30am Social Hall
Chaverim Event-World Series of Dreydl- 12-2pm Library
Hanukkah Soul Concert 5:30pm Sanctuary
December 20-January 6: No Torah/Hebrew School-Winter Break
Save the Date...
January 3-6: No Torah/Hebrew School- Winter Break
January 8: Family Shabbat, Grade 4/ Camp Newman
January 10:  Breakfast with the Rabbi Grades 4 & 5
Preschool Sunday Morning-Shabbat
January 16:  SANETY Event
January 17-18:No Torah/Hebrew School- Martin Luther King Holiday
January 24:  Breakfast with the Rabbi Grade 2 & 3
Family Education, Grade 6-Library
January 30: EASY Event
January 31: No Torah School-Limmud Teachers' Conference

A Message from your Teacher
These messages change from Month to Month. Click on your teacher to go to their section!
Mother's Circle
Mother's Circle The first Mothers Circle meeting is Tuesday, November 10th, 2009 at 8:00 a.m. at Temple Emanu-El. 
The Mothers Circle Program is an umbrella of free educational programs and resources for non-Jewish women raising Jewish children within the context of intermarriage or a committed relationship, created by the Jewish Outreach Institute through a grant from the Marcus Foundation. 

The group will meet twice a month for 16 sessions.  Free childcare is available upon request. If you would like to participate but this time does not work for you, please contact us!

Contact Jessica Kort with questions or to join the group at (619) 286-2555 x 146 or [email protected]. Find more information at www.themotherscircle.org.