This week we are going to be kicking off a new series of classes on Jewish History. Sign up for this FREE program and you will learn about our rich 4,000 year old history in only 5 weeks.Four thousand years of Jewish history condensed into a five week lecture series, NJOP's Crash Course in Jewish History is a program that covers the history of the Jews from Abraham to Ariel (Sharon).
I will begin teaching the class this Monday night at 8:00 pm at Boca Raton Synagogue. If you know a friend that might be interested in this program please forward them this email.
Five Sessions
Part 1 - BIBLICAL TIMES: Jews go down to Egypt - The Exodus - Jews in the Wilderness - Jews enter Canaan - Jewish Commonwealth
Part 2 - UNITED KINGDOM TO EXILE AND DIASPORA: Period of the Two Kingdoms - The Babylonian Exile -The Second Temple Period - Rome - The Gaonic Period
Part 3 - THE JEWISH EPICENTER MOVES WEST: The Rishonim - The Golden Age of Spain - Anti Semitism - The Spanish Inquisition - Post Expulsion - Protestant Revolution - Rise of the Chassidic Movement - Jews in the New World
Part 4 - ENLIGHTENMENT TO WWI: Enlightenment and its Impact - Emancipation - The End of the 19th Century - Turn of the 20th Century - WWI
Part 5 - HOLOCAUST AND RENEWAL: 1993 - PRESENT: Jewish Life in America - WWII The Holocaust - Rebirth - The Founding of the State of Israel - The Era of Israel Thanks and I hope to see you soon! Josh Please call me anytime at (561) 702-3864 The class is FREE and will take place at the Hahn Judaic Campus: 7900 Montoya Circle, Boca Raton FL 33433