I hope you had a great weekend! For those of you that missed this past week's Friday Night Live, we spoke about the significance of the last night of the Holiday of Chanukah and the idea that there are occasions when "seeing is not believing" and how sometimes we make assumptions because of the way we perceive something or someone. It's only when we take the time to really know someone that the light shines through. I mentioned a video on YouTube that is a perfect Illustration of this idea. Since this video of Paul aired about two years ago, more than 60 million people have been amazed. But this story is something that happens every day in our own lives. How often do we all jump to conclusions? Please click here to see the short film. Also, tonight we are continuing our Monday night beginner's class with a special class called the "5 Levels of Pleasure" taught by a guest lecturer, Rabbi Daniel Wolnerman. How many people honestly say that they are completely satisfied with what life has to offer? How many can say, "Life is great"? How many truly feel that their lives are giving them everything they want and more? Please join us at 8:00 pm in Room 101 and learn how to achieve these goals. I hope to see you tonight! Josh Please call me anytime at (561) 702-3864 The class is FREE and will take place at the Hahn Judaic Campus: 7900 Montoya Circle, Boca Raton FL 33433