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2012 Weird & Wacky Holiday Marketing Guide
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Marketing  Fun and Easy 
Volume 7 Issues 75 Mar 2012

I hope you enjoy this eZine provided by -- and We stand by our tagline: We Make YOU Look GOOD! 
Quote of the Month
"If you will take the time needed to learn how to do simple things perfectly, you will gain the skill to do hard things easily."- Author Unknown 
Mission Statement
It Happened by Design - Kathy ThomasWords of Wisdom E-newsletter will attempt to always deliver sage advice and tidbits to assist you in your business and personal growth & development. Our purpose is simple; support, encourage and supply.  In an attempt to provide you with quality content and I welcome your feedback.

As always any tips you would like to share would be welcome
additions. Email me at with any comments, articles, or tips that you would like to see considered for inclusion.

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On A Personal Note

Welcome back to Words of Wisdom Ezine. This month I have gotten back my ability to type with both hands on a limited basis after breaking my wrist in December. As the bone is still on the mend I have begun the therapy to get back the well-oiled joints of pre-fracture agility. As I work through the process of retraining my wrist and arm from the inactivity of six weeks in a cast I am reminded of what inactivity does to our businesses. This is why, well into the new year my thoughts turn backwards to the plans and commitments made on January 1st. How are you doing on your resolutions? If you need a bit of help and want to get your business back on the right track then this month's Feature Article "Marketing Fun and Easy" is just in time for you.

As always, I hope you find the information informative and useful. It is for you and the benefit of your company that I continue to offer this Words of Wisdom Ezine.

Wishing you a God filled day!
Ginger Marks

Marketing Fun and Easy    


We are well into the new year. Is your marketing plan on target? Or, like the rest of your New Year's resolutions has it too lost its momentum? Would you like to get back on track? In this article, I will offer you a couple of ideas on how to do so.


First, change your mindset. Most likely, your marketing is boring and just plain work. Truth be told, marketing is FUN! When you consider ways to market your business, why not incorporate some frivolity? Two things happen when you break out of the norm. First, you will actually enjoy putting your marketing in action and second your customers will take notice. Boring marketing materials are destined for the round file. Is that really where you want yours to end up? If you are at a loss for fun and unique ways to market your business I suggest you look first at the annual Weird and Wacky Holiday Marketing Guide. It is updated with new ideas and the tools to implement them every year. This is a marketing resource you'll find yourself turning to often. (See the link in resource section below.)


Now that your marketing is no longer following the path of the normal and boring let's turn our gaze to your actual marketing plan. You did write one down, right? Well, if not there is no better time than now to do so. Before your heart rate elevates to an out-of-control level, and you throw up your hands let's take a quick look at just how easy it is to write a marketing plan.


Wikipedia defines a marketing plan thus, "A marketing plan is a written document that details the necessary actions to achieve one or more marketing objectives." So, a marketing plan is merely a list of ideas and when and how you plan to use them. Dare I say, not the scary monster you imagined.


Once your plan is written down to stay on track you can use what's known as a tickler file or just click here to download my free two-page Weekly Activity List sheets. Print them out and use them daily to help you stay focused and on track.


Remember to keep your business growing a good marketing plan is needed. However, unless you implement, at the least you'll stagnate. Action is needed to succeed.




� Copyright 2012 Ginger Marks



Ginger Marks is the founder of the DocUmeant Family of Companies, We Make YOU Look GOOD! For more information, visit Her 2011 annual edition of Holiday Marketing Guide, Your business-marketing calendar of ideas is now available at



  Tip of the Month

Take the time to clearly describe your target audience. Be specific as to the demographics and psycho-graphics of your ideal buyer. Focus your company's resources and marketing tactics on these groups.


Until next month...
Subscriber Feedback

"Great the tip of the month!!!" 

Wendy VanHatten

I hope you are learning much and implementing the lessons learned in the WOW Ezine. If you enjoy it, why not tell your friends how to get their very own copy? I would love to hear from you how WOW Ezine has affected your business and you.

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Available Now On Amazon's Kindle Lending Program! 

2012 Weird & Wacky Holiday Marketing Guide,
Your business marketing calendar of ideas.

2009 through 2011 editions of the Weird & Wacky Holiday Marketing Guide are still available. Why not complete your collection today?

Available on Amazon & Lulu for only $19.97
in PDF & Kindle



If you have read all the way down to this special message I want to offer you the opportunity to get a 10% discount on your next ezine template update. Just mention this special code WOWez-2012 to take advantage of this offer. Forward this ezine to a friend, let me know who and when they sign up for this free monthly ezine I'll  give you an additional 10% off any service of your choice over $50!
Thank you for spending a few minutes with me. I welcome your feedback and support. Until next month.

Ginger Marks
DocUmeant Designs