Healing Touch of the Day




When the sun is born, the glory of the day is born, but when a Child is born, the whole humanity is reborn.

Your Inner Child


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The Inner Child's topic does not refer to a child in particular, neither to a time of life, specifically. The Child is the spirit who is born as a human being and then, becomes the principle, the seed of life that germinates bringing in itself the potential of True Wisdom


About The Inner Child

The Inner Child is that beauty that will never die. The tenderness that must stay alive forever.

The Inner Child is the grace granted by the Spirit of Life. He is then, the initial will of life, founded and combined because the human and the divine are integrated. He is the first breath received.

The first love that is born, forged, developed, which needs from everything and from everyone to continue growing, to continue manifesting, to be able to complement his process of life, as much the external as the inner life. Until, the moment where there are no differences, because the Inner Child is the source that maintains and gives place to all the stages of life in the human being. Therefore, he is the living memory of each experience, of each feeling.

The Inner Child is the eternal present, that when absent, then, life lacks life, no matter how ironic this may seem. When we separate ourselves, then, something worse than depression and madness happens: Love slips away and is not found. Why does this happen? Because the purity and the heart of the Inner Child have being mistreated and offended. There is nothing as tender, as pure, as genuine, generous and sincere as our own Inner Child.

Everyone has an Inner Child

The Inner Child is our heart, is that genuine "I" that we all receive at the moment of birth. And by being born pure and innocent, does not know good from bad. And for that reason, is fragile and vulnerable. But on the other side, is strong, flexible, practically indestructible. But this Inner Child can be perverted if he is not recognized, respected and honored. If he is not given what belongs to him, what belongs to the Inner Child and to all the children and men of the world: Peace, confidence, permanent stability, justice and freedom.

Everyone has an Inner Child. Some have the virtue of knowing him, whereas others do not. To return to the origin is to find oneself.


 -excerpts from "The Primordial Source: The Inner Child"
by Oscar Basurto Carbonell

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Your Inner Child
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