Healing Touch for Subscribers 
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Art and Teachings to Nourish Your Soul
by Mr. Oscar Basurto Carbonell  



For Reflection:

" If you hold my hand, if I hold your hand. If many of us, hold hands, we will be able to embrace the world. Isn't this but wonderful? Together, we will embrace the world and we might even embrace the whole universe. Will you hold my hand? "

                                                    Reaching the Safe Shore 


There are wonderful, clear, cloudless skies, which encourage us to continue ahead even in the most difficult situations, but is important to understand that the clarity of this universal expansion begins in our own mind.

There will be some persons who don't dream about a better tomorrow but there are some of us who love life and we will make our dreams become a reality and if we can reach this in ourselves, then soon, there will be peace in the world although this seems idyllic and utopian.

Is there perhaps another way?

We are on a rough sea and we want to reach a safe shore. Should we abandon ourselves to our luck? Nothing like this !

We will struggle to reach the safe shore and here I call women and men of the world.

If we want to be all the good that we want to be, let's devote the necessary energy and God will manifest. And in this way we will pass from utopia to reality.

                                                The Torch of Light                



All the persons have experienced doubts and confusion, at some stage of their lives.

But we should not consider this as defeat, but rather to see that these experiences will allow the realization of our limits.

But those experiences should be overcome, that is why, doubts are a calling to work, excel and persevere.

We experience confusion by self denial, forgetting about our possibilities and in truth, this only happens when we don't want to improve.

We all are rich, holy, wise in a potential state, but it is through perseverance and work that
we will see the fruits and a very important point, a torch of light, that will guide us in the darkness is:

Let's never abandon faith.

Let's never stop believing in Love.

Let's follow the path of hope.

And let's build in trust and in constant creative love.

And then all doubts, fears, confusion and uncertainty will disappear.

Then, the limits, only point to us that we have to reach the summit to see in the horizon the wonderful light of reality and peace.

 Art to Support People. Project


Art is for people and this Project has been so successful that the artist has decided to share its success.

People, who are interested, can write to us saying their goals, dreams, needs, like: Meditation Journeys, Studying, Medical bills, Personal debts, Business equipment or Whatever needs you may have.

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                                         Invitation to become a Benefactor

Benefactors of Mystic Healing Art have Benefits and Awards
see some below

-Acknowledgement in the Benefactors Honor List ( optional)

-Spiritual Guidance for a certain period of time.

-Exquisite Fine Art Giclee Prints in sizes,
small, medium, large.

-Original Oil Paintings, signed by the Artist,
sizes are small, medium, large.

-Receive a Thank You Letter from Mr. Basurto.

-Meet Mr. Basurto (when he visits your city)


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" Why to buy Art? Because Art is an expression of love.
   Do you want love in your life?
   Feel the Art, sense the Art, be one with the Art.
   Buy the Art

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 Special Promotion of the Week ! From the Zen Art Collection


Paintings have always been the soul of many elegant decorated home or business since they show a lot about the character of the owners. A collection of paintings gives an extraordinary sense of originality and uniqueness to the homes and corporate offices.

Original Oil on Canvas, One of a Kind, Signed by the Artist.

Sold unframed. Free Shipping.