The Healing Touch

From Mystic Healing Art 
Tuesday, July 20, 2010 


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The Awakening of the Spirit
Absolute Knowledge
Phrase of the Day to reflect about:

-The still mind is profound and luminous. It has neither uncertainty, nor fear. Consciousness flows without restrictions. The spirit is serene. And the whole vision is of prosperous peace.

The Awakening of the Spirit

There is something that meets the dreams, something that meets the intentions, that concentrates our will and our being and enlarges, refines it. A perfect source that defines the mystery, that is to say, that deciphers life and the inner content of man and the universe itself.
When thousands of years ago, man looked at dreams, he may have asked himself, what was in them as sustaining force, as primordial light, reflected on the stars. A dew in the night, drops of light that illuminate not only the path but also the feeling, in order to learn and awaken the look of the heart, that reveals the awakening of the spirit.

  -Oscar Basurto Carbonell is the artist and author of all the Art and Inspirational Writings presented in these Healing Touches
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I close my eyes to see what I did not see. Since now, there are no walls, no limits, the distances have disappeared. The spaces have become one and they are now, an infinite light. There are no sides, no above, no below. The lights, the shadows, everything that existed have now disappeared. The breath is deep and it allows to be absorbed and diluted in the infinity. It takes many forms of inspiration and poetry. The intuition knows everything, investigates from the tip of the pin to all the minds and all the things. Life has become the present and the present has become eternity where nothing happens any more. There is no mystery to resolve. The all and the nothing are presented. The image and the words are not necessary. And from this source the divine knowledge springs:

  Absolute Knowledge

Meditation has been born to be able to understand reality. It certainly is a spiritual art that transcends the senses, the forms and allows to know the unlimited essence. Meditation is a direct and absolute knowledge that goes beyond words and ideas. It is like submerging in the fountain of knowledge but that is only the beginning because a deep Meditation is plenitude, unconditional peaceful existence which has transcended the limits of reason in its ample range of extremes and dualities.

To meditate is to discover -in front of the light of silence, that life and the present are eternal.
This is accomplished in deep and complex stages, where selfishness is transcended and suppressed.

Nevertheless and at the same time, the identity is maintained but it is bold and free now, as the vision, contemplation and unification with the grace of the creative unity.

To meditate is not only equilibrium, harmony and control but consistent action to meet reality. To the point that Meditation and reality become a unity that can't be divided. It is important to emphasize that this is the beginning and that starting with this accomplishment, the individual reaches a protection that makes him not a God but a humble devout of God. Because the knowledge of reality is the discovery and total understanding of Divine order, which makes man, an initiate of God's laws.

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