Mystic Healing Art
Healing Touch of the Day

What do You know about Unconditional Love?

Love is the spring of crystalline, pure, Divine Water that will certainly never end, that will never become cloudy, it is the spring born from the Divine to satiate your thirst, to refresh your mind, to wash your wounds, to nourish and make you strong, to remove your doubts, to free you from sorrows, to transcend resentments and turn your Love into true happiness.

When you learn to see Love as the virtue of giving, you will get to know that exceptional source. If you carry that grace, that candor, that purity, even that passion of Loving as much as it is needed, as it is required, then you'll become as that spring reflecting that sensible virtue of tenderness, peace and true affection.

Then, you will see Love as shinier than the sun, more successful than the horizon, deeper than Loving. Because you will bring the light of hope, you will dissipate the shadows of confusion, even in the darkest place, and that darkness will not prevail. Thus, Love will extend and you will realize that there are neither frontiers, nor horizons that can contain Love, because Love goes beyond distance, time, form, space, even beyond resentment, hate, intolerance, indolence.

And you will see how Love liberates, gives consolation, transcends. Love will become deeper because its secret is found in humbleness and thus, it is sensible, open, integral and generous. Nothing can be compared to its great commitment of giving, of understanding, of accepting, of forgiving. Love is the spring of living water that will never dry because Love is unconditional and gives everything out of Love.

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