Dear Walden Supporters:


It occurred to me that many of you are told of Walden's outreach to young students but have not actually seen an example of what we do. Please take 2 minutes to view the attached TV news clip taken last week in Albany, NY where WCP is conducting a three-month residency in the public schools this Spring. During the course of this residency Walden is presenting outreach at the elementary, middle and high school level in the Albany Public Schools. The residency will conclude with several performances on May 20 and 21 in Albany, featuring the students involved in the outreach program. Working with young people never fails to inspire the musicians of Walden!

Be on the lookout for the next WCP newsletter mailing. It will provide a more detailed description of this and other outreach programs (such as our concurrent Concord Academy Chamber Music Workshop).

 Best wishes for the Spring and Summer!


Walden Chamber Players
Christof Huebner
Artistic Director