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April 26, 2010
Contact: Cathie Humbarger, Communications Director 260-615-1961  
Indiana Right to Life PAC rescinds endorsement of Richard Behney in U.S. Senate race

Indianapolis, IN - The Indiana Right to Life Political Action Committee today rescinded its endorsement previously granted to Republican senate candidate Richard Behney for comments made by Behney on Saturday.

Speaking to an Indianapolis Tea Party event for candidates, Behney stated, "One of the things I'm most disappointed about in running for the United States Senate - I've met many people here - I've met many of these leaders - pro-life leaders - here in our state.  And I'm convinced as sure as I'm standing here that they are more concerned with their egos and with their jobs than with saving lives."

"Mr. Behney's comment reveals an uninformed and cynical view of what drives Indiana's pro-life leaders to invest their lives in the most selfless of causes by speaking on behalf of unborn children," states IRTL-PAC chairman Mike Fichter.  "Indiana's pro-life leaders are mostly volunteers who give sacrificially of their time and money so that children they will never meet might be given a chance at life.  This is the heartbeat of Indiana's pro-life movement."


Fichter, who has never met Behney, is not aware of Behney ever meeting with any member of the Indiana Right to Life board of directors or any president of one of Indiana Right to Life's 38 county affiliates. 

"An error of perception and judgment of this magnitude, and concerning allies in the fight for the unborn, has caused us to lose confidence in him and his reliability, so much so that we cannot recommend him to voters," says Fichter. 


The Indiana Right to Life Political Action Committee is encouraging pro-life voters to thoroughly review the survey responses and voting records of its remaining endorsed candidates for the U.S. Senate Republican primary race before casting their votes primary election day. 




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Indiana Right to Life's mission is to protect the right to life, especially of unborn children, through positive education, compassionate advocacy, and promotion of healthy alternatives to abortion.