United States Interagency Council on Homelessness - No on should experience homelessness. No one should be without a safe, stable place to call home.
Harm Reduction forYouth
January 9, 2011
Helping All Unaccompanied Youth Experiencing Homelessness

Youth using a phone at Preble Street Teen Shelter Photo Courtesy of Preble Street Last fall, USICH hosted a webinar for Runaway and Homeless Youth Program grantees and others interested in ending youth homelessness to talk about Opening Doors and strategies for helping unaccompanied youth experiencing homelessness. Bob Mecum, the President and CEO of Lighthouse Youth Services in Cincinnati, Ohio, joined us. There were many great comments and questions from webinar participants. As we neared the end of the hour, it was clear that people wanted more information about using a harm reduction approach with youth.


In this newsletter, we explore how a harm reduction model can help reach youth who are most in need.   


Read a Note from Deputy Director Jennifer Ho on how using a harm reduction model for youth can help us accomplish the goal of ending youth homelessness.


We spoke with staff from three successful youth programs that employ a harm reduction approach: Preble Street in Portland, Maine; the Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska; and Outside In in Portland, Oregon. They shared lessons learned and tips on how to build trusting relationships that can help youth find stability on their own terms.


Read what they shared on the following topics:


What is harm reduction for youth?


Why is a harm reduction approach necessary?


Five ways to build a successful harm reduction program


Four local strategies for working with youth in Nebraska, Maine, and Oregon


We also spoke with Tricia Clerk, a young woman who experienced homelessness in Portland Maine, and who found stability after participating in a harm reduction program.


We hope you find the information here useful, perhaps provocative, or maybe reassuring because you have been doing your work this way all along. We invite your comments and encourage you to join our webinar on this topic next Thursday. 


Guidance for Upcoming Housing Inventory and Point in Time Counts

In preparation for the upcoming 2012 Point- in-Time (PIT) Count and the Housing Inventory Count (HIC), HUD has published updated guidance for Continuums of Care on the Homeless Resource Exchange. CoCs are encouraged to use this guidance and review it carefully to ensure that all participants are gathering the required data.


Read the guidance   


New guidance has also been released on how to gather information on individuals and families experiencing homelessness' unmet need during this annual survey.  


Read calculating unmet need guidance


Important Deadlines  


Department of Veterans Affairs


Supportive Services for Veteran Families Grant Application Deadline


On December 1, the Department of Veterans Affairs announced $100 million in funding for supportive service grants as part of Supportive Services for Veterans Families(SSVF) program. The SSVF program provides grants to nonprofit organizations and consumer cooperatives that coordinate or provide services to very low-income veteran families currently experiencing homelessness, transitioning from homelessness to permanent housing, or who are residing in permanent housing. This funding is available for both initial and renewal funding for a one-year period.


Grant applications are due to the SSVF program office by 4pm Eastern Time on February 15, 2012.


Learn more and apply 


Department of Housing and Urban Development


Continuum of Care (CoC) Check-Up Self-Assessment Tool Timeline Extended in HUD HRE to January 20


In November, HUD launched the Continuum of Care (CoC) Check-Up. HUD sent an e-mail to CoC leads with instructions and login information for the on-line self-assessment tool located at the HUD Homelessness Resource Exchange on November 10th.    


The Check-up is designed to serve multiple purposes: to determine the current functional capabilities of each CoC and the degree to which CoCs are prepared for HEARTH implementation; to help CoCs identify areas for improvement; to serve as a tool for continuous improvement by helping CoCs identify specific goals and action steps that will be documented in a CoC Action Plan; and to help identify areas for possible technical assistance. Though it is not mandatory, completion of the CoC Check-Up is required to request HUD-funded Technical Assistance. As the first step in completing the CoC check up process, the online self assessment needs to be completed by January 20, 2012. This also extends the rest of the timeline for the CoC Check-Up, which HUD encourages all CoCs to participate in.


CoC leads should access the self-assessment using their HUD-emailed login.    


HMIS Requirements Proposed Rule Published and open for comment until February 7, 2012  


On December 9, 2011, HUD continued its process of implementing the HEARTH Act by publishing the proposed rule for HMIS Requirements. Interested parties should submit comments to www.regulations.gov by February 7, 2012.  


This proposed rule provides for uniform technical requirements of HMIS, proper data collection and maintenance of the database and client confidentiality in the data collection.


NY Governor's Medicaid Redesign Team Accepts Recommendations to Improve Supportive Housing Funding, Production 

At the beginning of 2011, Governor Cuomo established a Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) to devise a comprehensive strategy to reduce costs and improve care in New York State's Medicaid program. The MRT focused much of its attention on the 20% of high-need Medicaid recipients who use up to 75% of all Medicaid spending. Given the success that supportive housing has shown with this population in particular, the MRT Affordable Housing Workgroup convened last year to develop recommendations around expanding and managing supportive housing in New York. In December, the Governor's Medicaid Redesign Team voted unanimously to accept the report and recommendations of the Affordable Housing Workgroup.

Read more and download the full report

Upcoming Webinars 

USICH Webinar: Harm Reduction for Youth

Thursday, January 12, 3:30-4:30pm EST  


Panelists from Lighthouse Youth Services in Cincinnati, OH and Preble Street in Portland, ME will join USICH Deputy Director Jennifer Ho and youth who have benefited from harm reduction programs. The webinar will be an interactive forum to discuss the basics of a harm reduction model for youth and the benefits gained from meeting youth where they are at, offering them the supports and trusting relationships they need to gain stability. Join us and come prepared to ask questions.


Register now 



HUD Webinar: General Requirements for ESG Participants


Tuesday, January 10, 3:30-4:30pm EST


This webinar will continue to review the Emergency Solutions Grants program with a discussion of general grant administrative requirements. Webinar topics will include general program requirements, match requirements, deadlines for the obligation and use of funds, and an overview of recordkeeping and reporting requirements. This webinar is limited to 1,000 participants.


Register now 



NAEH Webinar: Putting the Pieces Together: Primary Care and Behavioral Health in PSH


Wednesday, January 11, 3:00-4:00pm EST


This webinar will highlight new policies and best practices that integrate health care services with intensive housing solutions and will feature model programs in the field and comments from national policy leaders. USICH Deputy Director Jennifer Ho will present on this webinar as well as leaders from Pathways to Housing and SAMHSA.   


Register now 


HUD and CDC Webinar: Developing a Cold Weather Sheltering Plan for People Experiencing Homelessness


Thursday, January 12, 2:00-3:00 PM EST 


This webinar will be of interest to homeless service providers, public health and safety officials, and others attempting to establish or improve emergency cold weather sheltering in their own community.  


-   Register now   


NCHV Teleconference: Developing a Homeless Court in Your Community  


Thursday, January 12, 3:00-4:00pm EST


This teleconference will discuss the creation and expansion of homeless court programs to serve veterans experiencing homelessness, including a step-by-step implementation strategy from the leading experts.  


To register, please send your name, organization and email address (in the body of an email) to conferencecalls@nchv.org. You will then receive an auto-response with call-in and conference ID numbers.   



Justice Center Webinar: Overcoming Community Resistance to Reentry Housing

Tuesday, January 17, 2:00-3:30pm EST

Presenters in this National Reentry Resource Center webinar will explore the findings from "In Our Backyard: Overcoming Community Resistance to Reentry Housing: A NIMBY Toolkit," a resource developed by the Fortune Society and John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Presenters will offer strategies for organizations facing community opposition to the establishment of services for populations that are considered "threatening."


Register now 


HUD Webinar: CoC Check-Up Next steps


Tuesday, January 17,  3:30-4:30pm EST


The Continuum of Care (CoC) Check-Up self-assessment stage is coming to a close and CoCs are now preparing for next steps in the Check-up process. The CoC Check-Up is designed to help CoCs determine their current capacity and performance and the degree to which CoCs are prepared for HEARTH implementation. Upon completing the self-assessment, CoCs will develop final self-ratings and a CoC action plan to guide CoC capacity and performance improvements. This webinar will provide an overview of next steps for CoCs, including a review of self-assessment reports, new HDX reports, self-assessment tools, the CoC Action Plan template, and related instructions for completing the CoC Check-Up.


Register now     


HUD Webinar: HUD-VASH 101


Tuesday, January 24, 1:30-3:00 PM


This interactive webinar will provide an overview of HUD-VASH policies and requirements. It is designed mostly for staff from PHAs and VAMCs that are new to the program and/or staff that need a refresher. Topics covered will include: 1) HUD-VASH goals and objectives, 2) general information on VA case management, 3) HUD-VASH voucher operating requirements, 4) project-basing HUD-VASH vouchers, and 5) frequently asked questions.  


Register now   

Table of Contents
Harm Reduction for Youth
PIT Count Guidance
Important Upcoming Deadlines
NY Medicaid Team Seek to Improve Supportive Housing Pipeline
Upcoming Webinars
Join the USICH Team!
USICH is Hiring! Four Regional Coordinator Positions are Open

USICH is excited to announce that it is hiring four new regional homeless coordinators. In the FY 2012 budget, Congress shifted the funding for the positions from HUD to USICH direct hires. Long-time regional coordinators Paul Carlson and Michael German have assumed other positions within HUD. In HUD Region IX, Ed Cabrera will continue to work with USICH during the transition. We are grateful for their dedication and tremendous service in the national effort to end homeless and look forward to continuing to work with Ed, Paul, and Michael through our close partnership with HUD.


Laura Zeilinger, who has been serving as the Lead Regional Coordinator has assumed the position of Director of National Engagement and Field Support. The regional coordinators and Laura will continue the work of supporting and enhancing national efforts to end homelessness and facilitate implementation of Opening Doors. Laura will be the point of contact for national work until the regional team is hired.


Read the job announcement and apply now 

Upcoming Events

USICH Webinar

Harm Reduction for Youth

Thursday, January 12
3:30 - 4:30pm EST 

Supportive Services for Veteran Families

Grant Application Deadline


Wednesday,  February 15
4:00 pm EST



Check Out More Upcoming Events on our Online Calendar  



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