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Southwest Florida Chapter of ASTD Newsletter

March 2011



Welcome to the March Newsletter from the Southwest Florida Chapter of ASTD.  We have multiple events this month.

  1. March 16th Monthly Meeting - Topic "Delivering Training"
  2. March 19th Master Class -Engaging Audiences and Maintaining Interest 
  3. CPLP Study Group - Topic "Delivering Training" 

To quickly navigate our newsletter use the links in our table of contents below.


Our plan this year is to engage you with informative, fun, and exciting programs.  Whether you are new to the profession, would like to learn more about AOEs in the world of training, are interested in pursuing certification, or somewhere in between there will be something for everyone!

Our Mission: Through exceptional learning and performance, we create a world that works better.


Charlie Carpenter

ASTD Southwest Florida Chapter 

VP of Communications

Table of Contents
Master Class March 19th
Visit Our New Website
Meet this Month's Meeting Speakers
February Meeting Feedback
CPLP Study Group
Presidents Message
March 2011 Chapter Meeting
TOP 10 List
Master Class - Best Practices - March 19th


Engaging Audiences and Maintaining Interest

How do we keep audiences engaged and interested in our content?

Master Class Books Join Training and Development Professionals for a half day seminar to discuss the greatest and latest tools, techniques, and tips for interactive training.


Click Here to Learn More, Register, or RSVP. 



Learn about:

  • The newest controversies and best uses of standard methods, which include handouts, assessments, PowerPoint, and all types of audio visual aids.
  • The best methods for leading discussions, breaking into groups, and playing training games.
  • Using social media in the classroom.
  • Handling tough audience situations.
  • Interactive methods of closing training sessions that helps knowledge stick.


ASTD Members $45, Guests $95, Students $25


Bonus offer for Guests:

One year membership in Southwest Florida Chapter of ASTD included with your registration.


Saturday, March 19, 2011, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Hodges University

Community Room - Room 364

4501 Colonial Blvd., Fort Myers, FL


8:30 - 9:00  We will serve a Continental Breakfast, Handle Registrations, and Network with Fellow Training Professionals

9:00 - 12:30  Master Class - Best Practices for Engaging Audiences and Maintaining Interest

 All participants are encouraged to bring their favorite training tool, prop, toy, gadget, or aid and be prepared for show and tell.

 WARNING: This session will be highly interactive and is intended for Training Professionals who are ready to learn new methods while sharing their experience and expertise.

 It's Saturday, It's interactive, so be comfortable!


You can also Register by Contacting: Mike Fischer, Treasurer

Southwest Florida Chapter of ASTD  (239) 540-7197

Visit our New Website
New WA Website

ASTD SWFL has launched a new website.  We have a BLOG and FORUMS so we can share ideas, thoughts, and best practices.


It is a great way for our chapter's members to collaborate. Go ahead and take a closer look just Click Here or the website picture.

Meet this Month's Meeting Speakers


Lorna J. Kibbey designs and delivers management and leadership seminars and services to public and private sector organizations. Her seminars focus on the many issues surrounding leadership, motivation, and communication.  Lorna is a motivational speaker and has spoken at a large variety of conferences and meetings. Lorna has more than 22 years of managerial experience in the government sector and President Lorna Kibbeyhas first-hand experience in dealing with the most difficult situations managers face.  Ms. Kibbey earned her Masters' Degree in Business Administration from the University of South Florida and her Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts from the University of Cincinnati.  Employed by the Florida Department of Children and Families for more than 24 years, Lorna served as a line supervisor, trainer, program consultant, operations administrator, and senior management consultant in a multitude of public service programs. Lorna has achieved recognition in the State of Florida as a Certified Public Manager. Lorna was recognized as "Best Boss of the Year" in a nationwide initiative.  A six time winner of the Davis Productivity Award, Lorna is known for her innovation and optimism. Lorna enjoys membership in the National Speakers Association, serves as the current President for the American Society of Training and Development Southwest Florida Chapter, and participates in several other community networking organizations.


Ken Bodenhamer has more than 19 years of training, course development, and management experience.  Ken began his career in the travel industry, where he has had a golden opportunity of living and working in such diverse Ken Bodenhamercities as San Francisco, Fargo, Kansas City, and Singapore. Here at home in Cape Coral, he serves as a Human Resources Training and Development Specialist for Goodwill Industries of Southwest Florida, Inc.  A native of Missouri, Ken holds a double bachelor's degree in communications and Spanish from William Jewell College in Liberty, Missouri.  Ken recently became certified as a Professional in Human Resources and serves as the current Vice President of Membership for the American Society of Training and Development Southwest Florida Chapter.


February Meeting Feedback

For those that attended the February 16th meeting and those that couldn't make it we all learned a lot about Measuring and Evaluating the Impact that our training has within an organization.  Theresa Hiatt taught us about statistics and it wasn't even painful!


Theresa explained the two popular methods of measuring the effectiveness and bottom line impact that training can have.

  1. Kirkpatrick Model
  2. Philips ROI  

  The most important take away was gaining the insight that the key to measuring and evaluating training begins during instructional design. 

CPLP Study Group

This Month's Topic is

Delivering Training


Mark your calendars Everyone!  


Our next CPLP Study Group is scheduled for Wednesday, March 23, at 5:30 p.m. You can come right after work. We will meet at Books-a-Million at the Forum. The Study Group will discuss Delivering Training.  


The first Study Group was a success and we hope to see you at the March session!  The following commentary is from Lorna Kibbey, our President, regarding the CPLP Study Session:

Our first study session was held February 23rd at Books-a-Million at the Forum. I have to say, I found it most enjoyable. Teresa Hiatt was our facilitator on the subject of Measuring and Evaluating Training - one of the nine areas of expertise defined by ASTD. We had relaxed conversation and I discovered that I have a lot to learn! It's really nice to sit down with other people in a relaxed atmosphere and talk about what we do and how to do it better.  I left with new ideas and a renewed commitment to learn more.


Here's a list of books recommended by Teresa at our session:

  • Focus Groups - Richard A. Krueger
  • Return on Investment - Jack Phillips
  • Making Training Evaluation Work - Jack Phillips
  • Root Cause Analysis - Bjorn Andersen

Our members indicated an interest in learning more about the nine Areas of Expertise (AOE) in the CPLP certification.  We invite you to attend whether or not you are interested in the certification exam.  Over the course of the year the study group will review all nine AOEs.  The CPLP AOEs comprise the following topics. 

1.     Designing Learning

2.     Delivering Training

3.     Improving Human Performance

4.     Measuring and Evaluating

5.     Facilitating Organizational Change

6.     Managing the Learning Function

7.     Coaching

8.     Managing Organizational Knowledge

9.   Career Planning and Talent Management


When:  Wednesday, Mar 23

Schedule:  Every 4th Wednesday to study the topic presented at the ASTD Monthly Member meeting.

Time:  5:30 - 7:00 pm

Where:  Books-a-Million at the Forum on Colonial off of I-75

Approach:   Guided discussions following the ASTD CPLP handbook.


Please RSVP and we will provide any details you may need. 

President's Message
President Lorna Kibbey

Hello fellow members!

Our plan to focus on core areas of our profession - called areas of expertise by ASTD, is in full swing! Teresa Hiatt did a fantastic job in February with "Measuring and Evaluating." In March, I'll partner with Ken Bodenhamer - our President-elect - to present "Delivering Training." We have a really fun meeting planed. We hope you will join us on March 16, to work on developing a training delivery plan to teach Irish Culture to the employees of our fictitiously created company!

Also in March, we present our first 2011, "Master Class." It's called a master class because it is training that is targeted to training professionals - teaching skills to help them "master their craft." The March 19 session will be at Hodges University and is - in tandem with our topic this month of delivering training, all about interactive training delivery. We'll demonstrate and teach ways to keep your audience engaged, excited, and better able to apply lessons learned after the class is done. Please JUMP at this rare opportunity to join other professionals in learning and sharing tools, techniques, and tips that will improve your performance overall.

But wait . . . there's more! In February, we held our first evening "study group." These meetings will be more in depth discussions of the topics introduced at our luncheon meetings. It was really fun - great conversation and because we were small, we talked about our individual needs. I loved this session and can't wait to do it again on March 23 at 5:30.

Just in case you haven't yet marked your calendar - here's a reminder. Mark it for the third Wednesday each month - 11:30 to 1:00 for our member meetings. Then, mark it again for the fourth Wednesday at 5:30 for our "study group meeting." Be sure to mark it as "professional development" time - because this year, that's what we are all about.

I'm always open for your input. You can call or write anytime - or, you can use our blog on  ASTDSWFL Blog (SW FL Blog).

Thanks to everyone!

Lorna Kibbey

Your  SW FL ASTD Chapter President

Our Southwest Florida chapter has begun its 21st year.  Members share a common vision to promote quality, competence, and professional development of all members.

What We Do

  • Provide resources for professionals.
  • Bring people together
  • Offer professional development opportunities.



Charlie Carpenter
ASTD SW FL - VP Communications 

March 16, 2011 Chapter Meeting

Join us on our ongoing journey to offer sessions based on the ASTD's Areas of Expertise. "Delivering Training" will be presented by Lorna Kibbey and Ken Bodenhamer, on March 16, 2011 .  You'll be treated to an enlightening session discussing the key ingredients for successful content delivery!  You'll learn about delivery method options and practice choosing the best one with a group of participants.  And, you'll get a sneak peek into our March 19 Master Class: "Engaging Audiences and Maintaining Interest"


Understanding who your audience is, how they learn, and how to keep them engaged is the key to delivering learning solutions that produce desired outcomes. In today's market, there are many different delivery options: online, electronic, classroom, self study, blended - just to name a few!  How do you choose?  And once you choose, what tools and techniques can you use to make your training stick?


Click on the Links below to Register.  You can pay by credit card or choose to pay at the door.  We can only accept credit cards online. 


Lunch is from Jason's Deli  Please let us know when you register if you want a lunchbox with sandwich, chips, and cookieSpecial Food Request, let Mike Fischer know here.

Ice Cold Water will be provided for everyone.



March 16 from 11:30 to 1:00



The FGCU Florida Institute of Government which is at The Atrium - 8695 College Parkway, Suite 1181, Fort Myers, 33919.



MEMBERS: $15 with lunch, $10 without lunch - GUESTS: $20



If you have a special meal request please contact Mike Fischer   

Quick Links
Join Our Mailing List!
Harry Chapin Food Bank

Our Chapter donates to the Harry Chapin Food Bank at every Monthly Meeting.  We can't do it without You!

The mission of the Harry Chapin Food Bank is "to overcome hunger in Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry, and Lee counties through education and by working in a cooperative effort with affiliated agencies in the procurement and distribution of food, equitably and without discrimination." 

Every dollar donated allows the Food Bank to distribute $6 worth of food!  

TOP 10 List

Reasons I'm Happy We're Focusing on CPLP Areas of Expertise in 2011

10. I get to have a latte at every study group meeting!

9. I have a "no brainer" ten month study plan.

8. It gives us an opportunity to welcome folks new to the profession and help them develop solid knowledge and skills.

7. If I get certified I get to join even more Facebook and LinkedIn groups - for "CPLP's only" - eww, ahhh.

6. It puts focus on the profession and validates our industry.

5. It's great to see how excited people have become by this opportunity.

4. It gives me something interesting to talk about with my friends.

3. We have an opportunity to be amazed and dazed with the talented folks we have right here in our Chapter.

2. I need more initials after my name - 6 aren't enough - 10 will be much better.

1. I thought I knew everything - turns out I don't.

Our Sponsors
SW FL Members advertise
here, only $10 per month. National Members $60 per month. Non-Members $200 per month
 For Details.
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