Happy New Year! I love January - it's time for a fresh start. Did you indulge a bit too much over the holidays - I know I certainly did with the champagne. That's why I' so excited to start my detox on January 24th - who's ready to do this with me? Read below about why it's important to detox (no, not the lemonade diet kind!) and how amazing you'll feel after you do it. Also scroll down to get your special gift from me to start the year off right! If you're in San Diego, I'm leading a workout at the Convention Center Stairs this Sunday at 10am sponsored by Barry's Bootcamp and Lululemon Athletica, I would love to see you there!
Best wishes for a very blessed 2011!
In Health, Evelyne Lambrecht Health Coach San Diego |
WHY DETOX?We live in a world full of toxins - whether they are in the air we breathe or water we drink, or the foods we consume on a regular basis. During the holidays, we overburden our detox organs with all the extra indulgences so they could definitely use extra attention at the time!Our detoxification organs - such as the kidneys, liver, and skin, have a lot of work to do every day. To do this, they need a variety of nutrients to support this process. Without these nutrients, toxins cannot be effectively eliminated and we experience symptoms of toxicity like brain fog, gas and bloating, joint aches, weight gain, fatigue, and digestives issues to name a few.HOW DO I KNOW I SHOULD DO A DETOX? - Are you relying on coffee to wake up in the morning or get through the day? - Do you realize you need to make some changes in your diet but want a jumpstart?- Do you feel like you need a fresh start in 2011?- Do you want to lose fat and fit into your skinny jeans again?- Are you suffering from digestive issues?- Do you just want to feel better???WHY THIS DETOX?- you will support the body's detox processes through emphasizing a diet with WHOLE, REAL foods- you will eliminate known allergenic and inflammatory foods so you can learn how these affect your body- you will include lifestyle practices to enhance detox- you will support your liver's detox pathways- you will take time to relax and nurture yourself- you will rebalance your body- you will learn how to eat best for YOUR body and learn how to exercise to enhance your results by a certified holistic health counselor and personal trainerWHEN IS IT? The Fat Loss Fit Detox starts Monday January 24th. The group coaching calls will take place on 1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/15, and 2/21. All calls will be recorded so don't worry if you can't make them live!
WHAT'S THE INVESTMENT? I've taken a full $150 off the original price and am offering the full 28 day program for just $347 until January 14th. After that, the price will go up to $397. Your investment includes:
- workbook and 2 DVDs with menus, meal plans, and recipes (value = $86)- supplements to support your gut, support your liver, and aid in the drainage of toxins from your body (value =$179)- 5 recorded group coaching sessions to support you in going through the detox with ease- education on nutrition, health, and how to maintain your new lifestyle so you don't revert back to your old sabotaging habits- a system for keeping track of changes and taking charge of your health- workout plan for the month so you can look fit and toned in all the right places To get more info and sign up to secure your spot right away, click here.
Client Success Story
| I have acid reflux and I've always had digestive issues. Before doing the detox with Evelyne, I was a complete carbo-loader and sugar junkie. I hardly thought about what I ate, and only adhered loosely to the acid reflux diet I was supposed to be following relying on my medication instead. Basically, I ignored the connection between what I put in my body and how I felt. Starting the elimination diet was tough. I had headaches for the first couple of days which I'm sure were a sign of withdrawal, and I was hungry all the time. But after just one week I totally stopped craving bread. And when another week had passed, I realized I felt so much better!! My reflux symptoms were way improved and in a completely surprising turn of events, the psoriasis I'd had since I was a kid started to disappear! Evelyne changed my world and gave me hope. I'm continuing with the good dietary practices I've learned, and I'm hoping to go off my reflux meds in the coming months. I am so happy I made the decision to do this detox with Evelyne.
- Elissa W, Los Angeles |
My Gift to You
| Do you wish you had someone to listen to your health concerns? Do you want to do the detox but still have questions? Do you feel like you need a nudge in the right direction?
I'm giving away 8 complimentary Get Fit Fast Strategy Sessions so you can get clear on what you want in terms of your health in 2011!
These will go fast so don't hesitate, just reply back to this e-mail with the line "Get Fit Fast" and I will send you a link to schedule your 30-minute session!!
Upcoming Events |

Barry's Bootcamp is the featured studio this month at Lululemon Athletica San Diego and I will be teaching the weekly workout THIS SUNDAY at 10AM! Meet at Lululemon Athletica Downtown at 877 G Street. Be prepared to SWEAT and HAVE FUN!
I am teaching the TRX classes at Barry's on Sundays at 11:30AM in Hillcrest. The TRX is a total body suspension training system. Take the intense workout from the TRX along with running intervals on the treadmill and you have an AMAZING calorie burning booty-kicking workout!! If you've never tried a class at Barry's, let me know and I'll get you a VIP pass to try it out.
Though I am no longer the producer of the show because Sean is now putting on 2 shows per week (!!!!!), it's still my favorite show on the Internet! The first show of the season was with Dr. Cate Shanahan, author of Deep Nutrition, last night. You can check the schedule at or
My Favorite Recipe Resources | Instead of sharing just one recipe with you this month, I wanted to share my favorite resources for cooking! These are the websites I consistently go back to for myself and my clients.
Happy Cooking!
| Evelyne specializes in holistic nutrition coaching and personal training for women who want to get healthy, feel great, and lose weight. Could one conversation change your life? Call Evelyne at 925-216-9157 or e-mail at to schedule a consultation.
What is a Health Coach?
|  A health coach is a wellness guide and supportive mentor who helps you achieve your goals in areas such as weight management, food cravings, sleep and energy. Through working with me, you'll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance and health. You can find out more about the school I'm attending at If you've thought about becoming a nutrition professional, IIN is currently offering a $500 gratitude scholarship Just mention my name when you call. Making the decision to enroll in IIN literally changed my life!