I hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend! Welcome to the first issue of my newsletter. The last few months have been crazy in a very good way! I am attending the Institute for Integrative Nutrition this year and have been able to go to quite a few seminars already including Results Business with Alwyn and Rachel Cosgrove and Functional Blood Chemistry with Dr. Bryan Walsh. It's amazing how much you can find out about a person's health just by looking at a set of blood markers. I've also had the opportunity to host interviews with two phenomenal guests on Underground Wellness Radio: Gary Taubes, author of Good Calories, Bad Calories, and JJ Virgin. Check out an excerpt from my show with JJ in the article below.
About a month ago, I attended a live session at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City. It was great to be in a lecture hall surrounded by so many wellness-minded individuals. Our lecturers were Joy Bauer (Today Show nutritionist), Dr. Andrew Weil (author of Why Our Health Matters and founder of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at U of A), Dr. Barry Sears (author of The Zone Diet and Toxic Fat), and Dr. Annemarie Colbin (founder of the Natural Gourmet Institute.) Needless to say, it was an awesome learning experience and visiting NYC again wasn't so bad either.
I appreciate feedback so please don't hesitate to share your thoughts on my newsletter and share it with others. Make it a great month!
In Health, Evelyne Lambrecht Health Coach San Diego |
Shorter Workout, Better Results?
|  Yes! Interval training, burst training, high-intensity interval training - no matter what you call it, it's one of my favorite tools for fat loss.
Interval training is performed by varying between cycles of high and low intensity. You can do this just about anywhere: in the pool, on a bike, on the treadmill, or at the track. You can run, swim, jump rope, swing a kettlebell, or perform bodyweight exercises like burpees... the options are endless. It's all about the intensity, not the duration of the session!
One of the reasons interval training is so effective is due to excess post-exercise oxygen consumption or EPOC. What does this mean for you? A big metabolism boost - you're burning calories at a higher rate after you finish exercising than if you'd performed steady-state exercise or done nothing. Studies vary as to just how long this EPOC lasts, but one showed an elevated metabolic rate for 38 hours after the training session!
Here are some other benefits associated with interval training: - No matter what your fitness level is, you will get a great workout.
- It improves your mood.
- It improves your overall cardiovascular fitness: you'll be able to go longer and faster.
- It improves your immune system
- You don't have to spend hours in the gym.
- You'll lose belly fat.
So how do you start interval training? Here is a sample workout that can be done on the treadmill (I love doing them on the Woodway Curve!) or outside. Always start with a 3-5 minute warmup and end with a 3-5 minute cooldown. You can do this workout 2 to 3 times a week: - 30 sec sprint
- 60-90 sec recovery - jog or walk
- repeat for as many rounds as you can
If you can do this for longer than 8 minutes total high intensity (16 rounds), you're not going hard enough! You can vary your workouts by increasing the incline or speed, and by aiming to add one round each week. The total workout will take less than 20 minutes.
One of my go-to experts on interval training is JJ Virgin. She is a celebrity nutritionist and a wealth of information when it comes to wellness, nutrition, and exercise. Listen to this excerpt in which she explains why interval or "burst" training is the key to fat loss and why training for a marathon can actually hinder weight loss! |
Eating for Healthy Bones
|  Rates of osteoporosis are climbing and this puts people at significant risk for hip fractures. Incidentally, some of the drugs that are supposed to increase bone mineral density can actually contribute to these fractures, crazy! There are many ways we can build stronger bones including weight training and spending time in the sun but for this article I'm focusing on food.
What are some dietary risk factors for fractures? - too much white flour and sweets (processed and refined foods wreak havoc on your body)
- too many nightshade vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, bellpeppers (can promote inflammation)
- consumption of soda including diet soda (deplete bones of calcium)
- not enough vegetables (acid/base balance)
- not enough quality fats (help with hormone balance)
- insufficient protein intake (individuals consuming low protein diets demonstrated reduced bone density and increased rates of bone loss in several studies)
Interestingly enough, countries with the highest dairy consumption have higher incidence of fractures; makes you think twice about those Got Milk? ads!
Bones are made up primarily of calcium, which makes bones strong, and collagen, which makes bones flexible. There are many other nutrients necessary for healthy bones including vitamin D, phosphorus, vitamin A, protein, vitamin C, healthy fats, magnesium, and vitamin K.
Some foods that can be beneficial for building strong bones include: vegetables - especially leafy greens (high in calcium) protein (protein is a major constituent of bone) nuts and seeds (good source of minerals) bone broths or stocks - fish, chicken, beef (rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, as well as glucosamine, chondroitin, and gelatin which are good for the joints) edible bones - like those from sardines (high in calcium and other minerals)
It's important to keep in mind that everyone is different on a biochemical level so you have to find the right way of eating that works for YOU and YOUR body.
This article is based on Annemarie Colbin's live lecture "Whole Food for Strong Bones" at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York on May 23rd. You can find more about Annemarie Colbin, Ph.D. at |
Recipe of the Month |
Summer's a great time for fresh produce! It's easy to tell what's in season by looking in my CSA box or visiting the farmer's market - beets, orange and yellow carrots, leeks, avocados, Swiss chard, snap peas, radishes, zucchini, yellow squash, dandelion greens, blueberries, blackberries, and oranges. I used to eat beets quite often growing up and discovered this year that I actually do like them! I brought this salad to a potluck with the other Integrative Nutrition girls and they loved it! It's very fresh, colorful, and tasty!
Beets are naturally sweet, purify the blood, and benefit liver function according to Healing with Whole Foods.
This salad goes well with a piece of wild Alaskan salmon or free-range chicken.
Ingredients: - 2-3 beets
- 3-5 carrots
- 1 cup + 2 tbsp olive oil
- 4 tbsp sherry vinegar
- about 1 tsp mustard
- 1 shallot
- sea salt and pepper to taste
Preparation: Wash and peel the carrots and beets - careful not to stain your clothes! Shred them in the food processor. For the vinaigrette, mix all the ingredients and add the finely chopped white part of the shallot. Put the shredded beets and carrots in a bowl and decorate with the green part of the shallots... add some vinaigrette and you're all set - simple! |
WHEN: Tuesday July 13th at 7pm WHERE: Seaside Market in Cardiff WHAT: I am filling in for my friend and colleague Christa Orecchio of The Whole Journey as your grocery store tour guide! Learn how to shop and eat for your health. Get new ideas and learn about products that are tasty and healthful! You will learn a lot of nutrition information for common health concerns and have the opportunity to sample generous portions of 2-3 dishes.

I am teaming up with Optimal Nutrition Inc. for the 2 free events below! Just bring water and a smile! Find out more about this company that delivers fresh organic food at www.optimalnutritioninc.comBEACH BODY BLAST w/ Josh Trent, Evelyne Lambrecht, and Optimal Nutrition Inc. WHEN: Saturday July 24th at 9amWHERE: meet at Swami's Beach parking lot in Encinitas, 1298 Highway 101WHAT: Josh Trent from Wellness Force and I will be leading a beach body blast at one of San Diego's most scenic beaches! Activities will include fun exercises, stairs, beach runs, and other surprises. Total workout time will be an hour. Sample Optimal Nutrition's tasty bars after your workout! TOUR DE BALBOA PARK w/Evelyne Lambrecht & Optimal Nutrition Inc. WHEN: Saturday August 14th at 9amWHERE: meet at the corner of 6th and Upas on the edge of Balboa Park. From 6th Avenue heading into downtown, turn left onto Upas and park; we will meet at the benches on the grass. WHAT: I will be leading a hike through the Marston and Florida Canyons of Balboa Park as well as walk through the middle of the park so we can see all the museums. Explore this beautiful area of America's Finest City and get ready for a total body workout incorporated throughout! Total workout time will be about an hour and a half.
UNDERGROUND WELLNESS RADIO I am the producer for my friend Sean Croxton's awesome radio show on Below are the guests and topics for July. You can listen live at and call in with questions. You can also download each show as a podcast; just search for Underground Wellness on iTunes and subscribe for free. Shows are Wednesdays at 5pm PST. July 7 - Dr. Thomas O'Bryan - gluten sensitivity/ functional medicine July 14 - Ann Louise Gittleman - parasites and your health / detoxing July 21 - Julie Matthews - nutrition for autism July 28 - Matt Stone - 180 degree health blog |
| Health Coach SD provides one-on-one and small group personal training at the Aztec Recreation Center at SDSU as well as holistic nutrition and wellness coaching. Could one conversation change your life? Call Evelyne at 925-216-9157 to schedule a complimentary consultation. |
What is a Health Coach?
|  A health coach is a wellness guide and supportive mentor who helps you achieve your goals in areas such as weight management, food cravings, sleep and energy. Through working with me, you'll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance and health. You can find out more about the school I'm attending at |