Community Empowerment Workshops

Topics include: fund raising, board development, non profit formation issue, program implementation, public policy, technology, starting a non profit and more. 

Each participant will leave with a step-by-step action plan
for ongoing sustainability and follow up support.

February 8, 15, and 22, 2010
starting at 8:30, 12:30 and 4:30

Click here for a full workshop schedule and registration.

On Saturday, October 24, 2009, the APEX Museum in collaboration with the Georgia Black United Fund (GBUF), and the Fulton Atlanta Community Action Authority (FACAA) launched the first SHARE non profit EXPO at the Georgia International Convention Center. The response to this initiative was encouraging as more than fifty non profit organizations participated in the event as exhibitors or workshop attendees.

The consensus from the attendees was unanimous. The SHARE non profit EXPO should be an annual event. Based on this, the organizing committee is now presenting the:

  • APEX SHARE-A-THON Community Empowerment Workshops addressing your agencies most critical needs such as:  fund raising, public policy, board development, program implementation and technology best practices.  Each participant will learn to create community partnerships that will take their organization to the next level and leave with a step-by-step action plan for ongoing sustainability.
  • APEX SHARE-EXPO as an annual event and exploring the possibilities of expanding to other cities. (Mark your calendars for October 9, 2010 and become a member of our website or Meetup to keep posted on upcoming information as well as network and SHARE with our growing community).

We are reaching out to individuals like you, who have an invested interest in the growth and development of our community; empowering the non profits, the faith based organizations and business sectors. You are welcome to join with us in this collaborative partnership to reinvent ourselves, revitalize our passions and redefine our destinies from the inside out.

When we marry compassion with capability
we can reach into our own communities and realize that
"We Are the Solution"

This effort is a community collaborative; we welcome your feedback and support!


Angela Harmon
Harmony Works
APEX SHARE-A-THON Committee Member

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