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Inspiring REAL Brain Development For All Young Children
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Brain Facts to Share
The Importance of Imagination
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braininsights is dedicated to creating a broad awareness and understanding of the importance of early brain development.
Issue: #7

 I Have a Dream Issue!
January 2010


This month we celebrate the New Year and begin imagining all  this year can become.  We also remember and honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for his work and the dream he had.  Without his vision this country may not be what it is today. 

I have a bright vision for 2010.  My plan is to expand braininsights even further with the result of reaching more children and families through sharing the importance of early brain development.  Great connections have already been made this year and I would like to once again thank all of you for your help, support and individual efforts.

New and bigger opportunities for working together are coming soon. This is something you are going to want to get involved with!

Imagine the difference we can all make through working together throughout this new year. We will begin a decade of dramatic changes for ALL children!!

Deborah McNelis
Owner and Creator of braininsights
Did you know....?

physical play stimulates the higher emotional regulating part of the brain which leads to better management of stress and emotions!

..... studies show that the brain is not just idle during day dreaming!

..... new and creative ideas begin with slow and relaxed brain waves!

Tell everyone you know!!
     " The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but
  ~ Albert Einstein

Did you ever stop and realize how important imagination is?
It really is mind boggling to try to comprehend all of the creative thoughts that have lead to the world we live in today. I was considering listing some examples but it is almost too much to think about!

I often talk and write very passionately about how incredibly important it is that young children have opportunities to play. The development of imagination and creative thought is one of the reasons I feel so strongly about play.

Creativity and imagination are higher level skills in the brain. It is critical that we provide opportunities for all of our young children to develop these valuable skills. It is through experience and repetition that the brain learns and makes connections between neurons. It is only through play that children get the chance to develop these higher level brain skills. Activities like watching television, doing paper and pencil tasks, or flash cards do not offer the possibility to develop imagination. Offering varied activities for play and exploring with real objects, people, and nature gives the brain the ability to pretend and to gain knowledge about how things in the world work. 

These types of experiences add to developing essential brain connections and contribute to the knowledge needed for the process of creativity. Creative ideas occur when the brain is in a relaxed state. This allows us to  open our mind to combining what we already know with new information. Our brains are then able to generate new thoughts and ideas.

For further information on the importance of play in developing imagination and creativity read:

Thoughts on Imagination Deficit Disorder

All Work And No Play Makes For Troubling Trend In Early Education

Let the Children Play (Some More)
If you are aware of additional articles on this topic that others can benefit from please forward them to me and I will share with braininsights readers! 
If you are a parent or a professional working with children and families, you can get activity ideas on how to easily incorporate loving interactions into a daily routine and learn how it all benefits brain development by visiting for The Brain Development Series.

Your organization or workplace will also benefit from learning more about the brain. To arrange a
presentation that fits your needs, contact Deborah at


*The braininsights presentation schedule is now available on the braininsights website or by clicking here.  Attend or book a presentation today!
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*Baby Good Buys Blog is giving away The Brain Development Series set of 5 activity packets. Check out the great review and enter to win.  

* Check out Deborah's author page on  There you can find the activity packets, presentations, and participate in a discussion.   
* braininsights now has lower shipping rates.  To celebrate, braininsights is offering free shipping with the purchase of a activity set.  See below for more information. 


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with the purchase of any Brain Activity Set* 

Brain Development Series

Use Promo Code: FREESHIP
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Offer Expires:  January 31, 2010
*Includes The Birth To Three Set or The Brain Development Activity Series