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Inspiring REAL Brain Development For
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Brain Facts to Share
A New Year Wish
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braininsights is dedicated to creating a broad awareness and understanding of the importance of early brain development.
Issue: #6

Happy Holidays Issue!
December 2009


Happy Holidays and "Thank You", once again for being a friend of braininsights! You have been a part of creating a greater awareness of the difference we all can make!

I so appreciate all the wonderful people I have had the pleasure and honor of connecting with throughout the world! I can not express how exciting it is to daily become aware of additional people that are contributing in some way to make the lives of children and families better. I send you very sincere and heartfelt wishes for what will bring you the most pleasure, the best health, and greatest happiness in 2010!

Looking forward to the incrediable difference our connections will make in the new year!

Deborah McNelis
Owner and Creator of braininsights
Did you know....?

When donating, the reward center is activated in the brain ..... of the giver!

...... biologist are finding babies are innately sociable and helpful to others!

.......  The  feel good hormone, oxytocin that increases trust and cooperation is released in the brain when giving to others!

Tell everyone you know!!
A New Year Wish
With the new year and a new decade I have big dreams and therefore creating big goals. In January I will be sharing more information about how you can very easily be a part of making a valuable difference!

Because children can not do it on their own... my dream is for all of us to work together to convey the hopeful message of EVERY child .... and make these wishes become a reality!

                    sleeping baby
If this baby could express her desires she would say....
"I hope every adult understands that providing loving, safe, healthy, nurturing, and stimulating environments allows me to reach my full potential....  hopefully they will not   ignore this amazing opportunity!" 

My goal is to work with everyone who already understands the opportunities we have to make this a reality ....  to make this the decade where EVERYONE realizes that we have the capabilities to make a REAL difference in the future of EVERY child!

Why now?

*We have more scientific knowledge than ever before on what contributes to the optimal development of young children's brains.

*We have an economy that requires that we do all we can to make sure what we do is cost beneficial.

*We have a greater ability to connect, network and share with others than ever before.

*We have approximately 216,000 babies born in the world each day with the UN expecting an increase to 150 per minute in the next 5 years.

So, in January, I will be announcing something new! The possibilities are exciting and are very easy.... it is called BRAIN! 

Watch for the announcements!  In the meantime, you may be interested in these articles and information on why we need to work together NOW!
If you are aware of additional articles on this topic that others can benefit from please forward them to me and I will share with braininsights readers! 
If you are a parent or a professional working with children and families, you can get activity ideas on how to easily incorporate loving interactions into a daily routine and learn how it all benefits brain development by visiting for The Brain Development Series.

Your organization or workplace will also benefit from learning more about the brain. To arrange a
presentation that fits your needs, contact Deborah at

* Feeding Brains! With your help, braininsights donated 217 jars of baby food and 24 boxes of infant cereal. The babies thank you!
food donation 
Baby food products were donated to the Feeding America® Eastern Wisconsin food bank for every brain activity packet purchased through the month of November.
 *braininsights featured in
Creative Child Magazine as an Award Winner!

Here is what one of the judges said about the brain packet series:
"Great information for the constantly developing child. Wonderful ideas. I will use these everywhere I go. Also, terrific for travel!!! Love this packet!!

*braininsights contributed to a new book released in November! 
"Teaching the 3 Cs: Creativity, Curiosity and Courtesy, Before you teach the 3Rs-Teach them the 3Cs!" is a vauable book for early childhood educators and was written by a friend of braininsights.  I had the honor or contributing a small section.  CONGRATULATIONS PAT!
For more information on the book please visit 


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Stocking Stuffer Prices

Brain Development Packets



Tell all parents, grandparents,
educators, family and friends!

Available at


Offer Expires:  December 30, 2009