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Inspiring Brain Development For ALL Young Children
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Brain Facts to Share
The Brain Likes Structure
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braininsights is dedicated to creating a broad awareness and understanding of the importance of early brain development.
Issue: #2   August 2009

It is wonderful to be sending out the second issue of the braininsights newsletter. After only one issue there are many new subscribers interested in learning about and sharing information about the importance of early brain development! The braininsights newsletter is now received in Canada and throughout the US! Every issue includes interesting brain facts, updates, and also information you can share in an effort to make brain development common knowledge. Subscribing to this free newsletter offers information to help make a positive difference for the children you know... and for our communities!
It is so exiting to work together to make a positive impact on the development of all young brains! (Maybe your own as well!)
Thank you for being a friend of braininsights and being a part of creating a greater awareness of the difference all of us can make!
Deborah McNelis
Owner and Creator of braininsights
Did you know....     

.... the most important experiences for a young brain is to explore the world and learn how to interact with people? Studies show this leads to more success in school than learning facts does (like names of animals, colors, numbers, shapes, etc.)

.... if you repeatedly stick your tongue out while facing a newborn, you will see the baby begin to imitate you?

.... the brain is going to remember best (and learn) through focused attention?
Example: Have you ever read a paragraph and didn't pay attention to anything you read because your brain was thinking about something?
Tell everyone you know!!
THE BRAIN LIKES STRUCTURE: Getting Into the Back to School Routine
Summer vacation is quickly coming to an end and with it comes getting back to the school year routine.
While time to relax is very important, it also is somewhat of a relief to get back to a regular schedule. This is because the brain feels comfortable with structure. It feels good to know what to expect. Lack of structure can make children (and adults) feel anxious and can lead to out of control behavior. Setting up a regular routine that includes a consistent bedtime and a healthy breakfast is very important for the brain. Nutrition and sleep keep brain systems in balance. All of this leads to creating a more stable mood for everyone.

Incorporating fun interactions into a daily routine also makes the day go much smoother because children love to have your attention and the brain doesn't like to be bored. If children don't get recognition or stimulation in positive ways they will defiantly find other ways to get those needs met.

If you are a parent or a professional working with children and families you can get actvity ideas on how to easily incorporate fun interaction into a daily routine and learn how it all benefits brain development. Go to for The Brain Development Series.

Your organization or workplace will also benefit from learning more about the brain. To arrange a presentation that fits your needs, contact Deborah at
*braininsights is now also available on!!! Check it out! Start a discussion on the author page.
* Registration is available for two new brain development trainings in Milwaukee at
Contact us to book a training in your community!

* Deborah conducted a webinar hosted by Child Care Aware Parent Network entitled, Brain Develeopment: You Can Easily Make A Positive Difference. There were 1,200 registered! You can  learn more about Child Care Aware and view the webinar at
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* Save! *

All packets in The Brain Development Series are specially priced for the month of August! Spread the word to all parents, grandparents, educators, family and friends to take advantage of this special pricing! 


Offer Expires: August 31, 2009