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Need Help With Managing Team Conflict? 


 Contact EPD today to arrange a customized workshop, professional development series or individual coaching session.


For more information, contact Terry Margolis, Director of EPD, at [email protected] or call (313) 577-4449.

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Strategies for Diffusing Conflicts


Conflict that is not identified, understood, and managed effectively can lead to inefficient use of organization resources, stress on the conflicting parties, and misdirection of the energies of those affected by the situation. When a conflict arises within your team, it is especially important to choose your response wisely because your actions will be watched closely by those involved in the conflict and the rest of your team. As a leader you, set the tone for how conflict is resolved, so having a solid response strategy is essential for leadership effectiveness.  


Here are 2 conflict resolution strategies:


  1. Expose the Source. One of the first steps involved in managing conflict is to separate the people from the problem. This allows you to fully assess the situation and quickly determine its source. (e.g., personality clashes, non-compliance with policies, competition for resources, etc.)  
  2. Keep the End in Mind. Keep the parties involved focused on a positive end-state goal that is established up front to help them negotiate through the conflict with a sense of purpose. For example, if resources are at the heart of the issue, set an end-state goal such as, "Allocate resources based on optimization of the team/department/division goals and objectives."  


Conflict that is effectively managed can result in increased creativity and innovation, a rethinking of goals and practices, and a better-informed work group.


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