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 Need Help Managing Your Workspace?


 WSU-EPD's team of professional coaches can help you achieve goals like creating a more productive work environment. Call today to learn more about our coaching services.


For more information, contact Terry Margolis, Director of EPD, at [email protected] or call (313) 577-4449.

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The Power of a Pleasant Workspace 

Have you ever walked into an office that was consumed by piles of paper, filled with miscellaneous clutter and utterly disorganized? What impression did you walk away with? What effect did the environment have on you? Is the office being described here yours?


The appearance of a workspace can inspire creativity or render you stagnant. With the countless number of hours we spend at work, making every effort to reduce stress and improve productivity just makes sense. Maintaining a pleasant workspace is a step in this direction. Here are 2 tips for helping you create a more pleasant workspace:

  • Reveal your space. Disorganization and clutter breeds anxiety, if not for you, then possibly for those you lead. Start by clearing your desk. If you can't do it all at once, organize a designated area of your workspace once a week. This will allow you to have a fresh start upon your return to the office the following week.
  • Make it personal. Decorate your space with a few items that reflect your personal style or interests. A few key items like a family photo in an attractive frame, a small plant, a scented candle or even a unique pencil holder can create a personalized workspace that is serene yet productive.

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