Strategic Thinking Check-Up
Strategic thinking is a management art that is often misunderstood and mislabeled as merely an input to strategic planning. While strategic thinking is a clear partner of strategic planning, it is more importantly a powerful leadership competency that involves skills such as creativity, exploration and understanding discontinuities. Leaders who excel in this competency challenge conventional thinking, encourage their teams to anticipate potential opportunities or threats, examine policy issues and strategy with a long-term perspective, etc. Answer these four questions to assess the degree to which strategic thinking is a common practice within your team:
Strategic Thinking Check-Up
1. Does my team proactively seek to
resolve today's issues while maintaining a view of tomorrow.
2. Does my team regularly sort through ambiguity and information clutter so that the focus is on what matters strategically.
3. Does my team considers current and future circumstances when making decisions.
4. Does my team involves key players in assessing strategic options.
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