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Delivering Effective Feedback is a Key Competency for Leaders. How Does Your Organization Measure Up? 


  EPD has helped many leaders improve the communication skills needed to deliver tough messages.     


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3 Ways to Deliver Tough Feedback Fearlessly

Giving feedback to an employee when expectations have not been met can be one of a leader's most challenging tasks. Determining how to deliver the message in a way that promotes recovery rather than resentment is often the biggest hurdle. While providing feedback is both an art and a science, it is possible to improve this delicate skill. Here are 3 ways to develop your ability to deliver tough feedback fearlessly:


  1. Be Direct. Stick to the facts not feelings. Start by acknowledging what was done correctly. Clearly emphasize how the employee's performance compares to the original expectations or intended outcomes.
  2. Help Employees Move Forward. Don't dwell on things gone wrong. Once you know that the receiver of the feedback understands the performance gap, immediately start to focus on finding viable solutions. Set realistic goals and due dates for turning the situation around.
  3. Schedule a Follow-Up Appointment. Communicate your desire to help the employee succeed by setting a follow-up appointment immediately. Make time to check-in on progress and offer the employee positive, constructive feedback continuously.
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