Looking for that Perfect Holiday Gift? Look no further than Rivers of Steel's Museum Shop!
Check family and friends off your shopping list by visiting Rivers of Steel's museum shop and find gifts for every person in your life. All the gifts promote Southwestern Pennsylvania's steel heritage, whether its the Coal Miner's Gourmet Cookbook or a Matryoshka Doll T-Shirt or a DVD of Homestead's History.
An added bonus is that with each purchase made at the Rivers of Steel Museum Shop, you support heritage preservation projects throughout the Rivers of Steel Heritage Area. The museum shop will be open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. now through Dec. 23 and Dec. 26 through 30. For more information, call 412.464.4020, ext. 32, or click here.
Give the Gift of Carrie! Carrie Furnace Hard Hat Tour Gift Certificates are now available for 2011! Take the tour and learn about the furnaces, constructed in 1906, that stood at the heart of U.S. Steel's Homestead Works until 1979. At one time, the furnaces and the steelworkers who labored in them produced more than 1,000 tons of iron a day. Now, these 92-foot-tall structures stand as sentinels to our region's steel heritage. The tours are approximately 1.5 hours long.
Read what recent tour guests had to say about them:
"A powerful reminder of our recent history."
"Gave me a real appreciation of the kinds of conditions my father and other relatives endured while working in the mills."
"This was one of the best tours we've had. It was very well organized and the tour guides were incredibly knowledgeable, interesting and approachable."
"Instills a tremendous appreciation for the role that Pittsburgh played in the building of our great nation."
"Fascinating glimpse into our steel heritage."
"I would recommend this tour to anyone interested in general history, industrial history or the history of Pittsburgh."
To purchase gift certificates, click here or call 412.464.4020, ext. 32.
Larry Brown chosen ROS Volunteer of the Year
 The former Supervisor of Special Education at the Allegheny Intermediate Unit believes volunteering is important because "you give back to the community. My undergraduate degree is in Social Studies and history always was an interest of mine." Besides guiding and assisting on Carrie Furnace Hard Hat Tours, Larry stepped up to coordinate the Life on a $1.65 educational student tours this past year. A Baldwin Borough-resident, Larry has also volunteered as the coordinator of wheelchair games for the Special Olympics of Allegheny County for the past 10 years. Of Italian heritage, his grandparents were born in Italy and immigrated to the Mon Valley in the late 1800s. "My grandfather was a laborer in a chemical plant which provided acid to the steel mills in the valley," he said, adding "They died young and I never had a chance to know much about them." People might be surprised to know that Larry was an American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor for 30 years teaching babies at his local pool, college students at California University and adults attending Community College of Allegheny County at Brentwood High School. Besides volunteering, he enjoys reading the local morning newspapers, and dining at Napoli Da Valentino Restaurant in Pittsburgh. He is also a Baldwin Borough councilman.
Larry thinks the best part of living in the Pittsburgh region "would take more than 100 words and more than one sheet of paper to explain how I feel."
In the News 
AOL News: Blast from the Past
Scientific American: Beyond the Light Switch
Cultural Heritage Tourism News
Are you a blogger who has written about Carrie Furnace or Rivers of Steel National Heritage Area? Let us know and we may include you in our next newsletter! Email smoreira@riversofsteel.com.
Holiday Heritage Market a Success; More to Follow!
The Dec. 4 event at the Pump House was considered a success by all involved, with many items sold and information about Rivers of Steel National Heritage Area given out. Here's what some of our vendors had to say about the event.
"Thank you so much for organizing the event. We had a great time and can't wait until next year. Please let us know about any other opportunities for us to get involved with Rivers of Steel this coming year. We're always looking for opportunities to co-promote events in between Irish Festivals!" - Mairin Petrone, Special Projects Director of the Pittsburgh Irish Festival
"What a great time Dorothy's Candies had at the Holiday Heritage Market! The Pump House is adorable, and people seemed to really having a good time. We met lots of folks, and people enjoyed making their own chocolate treats at Dorothy's station, with the help of one of our expert chocolatiers ... We look forward to many more get-togethers at The Waterfront." - Marti Gastel, Owner of Dorothy's Candies, White Oak, Pa
Winners of the Pick-A-Prize Auction are Jerry Kallay, Judy Watts, Jennifer Droschak, Joe Gkrman, Jr., Dotty Kuhs, Paula Borsch, Jim Busch, Tarry Fantaske, Debbie Conway, Barb Theofilis and Leisel Lengyel. Congratulations to all of them!
Look for information about a Spring Heritage Market with plans for Easter handcrafts, live flowers, music and a visit from the Easter Bunny. If interested in vending at the event or renting The Pump House for private functions, email Sherris Moreira or call 412.464.4020, ext. 46.
Membership with Rivers of Steel National Heritage Area includes free admission to our exhibits and museum store discounts, among other benefits. Become a supporting member and receive two tickets for a Carrie Furnace Hard Hat Tour ($50 value). Click here for here more information.