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News & Notes 
Information for South Carolina's Independent Colleges & Universities 

Volume 3 Issue 2                                                                            February 12, 2010

In This Issue...
Board to Meet at SMC
Ways and Means Delays Budget
Advocacy Efforts Receive Boost
Making New Friends
EPA Meets with Peer Audit Group
Wells Fargo Interviews Seniors
Calendar of Events
February 15 -26
SCICU Virtual Job Fair
February 17
Human Resources Meeting
10:00 a.m. at Wofford College

February 18 
SCICU Undergraduate Student/Faculty Research Symposium
BMW Zentrum Visitors Center in Greer, SC
February 24
10:30 a.m. at Spartanburg Methodist College

February 26
Institutional Research Directors Meeting
12:00 p.m. at Columbia International University
March 4
Public Policy Committee Meeting
10:00 a.m. at SCICU Office
March 11
Chief Finance Officers
10:30 a.m. at Erskine College
April 12 - 16
South Carolina Independent College and University Week       
April 13
Excellence in Teaching Awards Dinner
6:00 p.m. at Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center             
April 14
South Carolina Independent College and University Day
9:30 a.m. at the State House
June 14-18
SCICU Guidance Counselor Campus Tour
August 5
Development Committee 
10:30 a.m. at SCICU Office
August 26
Finance Committee
9:30 a.m. at SCICU Office
To view more info about these meetings and events, click here
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Board to Meet at SMC
Spartanburg Methodist CollegeThe SCICU Board of Trustees will hold its spring meeting at Spartanburg Methodist College on February 24, beginning at 10:30 a.m. President Colleen Perry Keith and the college community are excited to welcome the Board to its first visit in memory to the SMC campus.
In addition to the usual committee reports, the Board will recognize departing presidents Dr. Randy Ruble of Erskine College, Dr. David Shi of Furman University, and Dr. Mick Zais of Newberry College for their many years of outstanding service. Mr. Ken Wingate, chair of the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education, will be the luncheon speaker. Board members should receive reference materials for the meeting by February 17.
Ways and Means Committee Delays Budget Deliberations
The House Ways and Means Committee announced late Thursday that full committee deliberations on the FY 2010-2011 state budget will be delayed by one week until February 22. House floor deliberations will be pushed back to the week of March 16.
After weeks of subcommittee hearings, it appears that budget leaders and staff need additional time to prepare for the budget meetings. Amid a still sluggish economy, growing demands to replace and increase reserve funds, and constitutional spending mandates, the committee is scrutinizing programs and services across-the-board for possible elimination or reduction. Even programs like the need-based tuition grants and merit-based scholarships, which have been spared from budget cuts in the past, are vulnerable. With expected state revenues at 2003-2004 levels, the face of state government could change dramatically in the next few weeks.
Public support for student grants and scholarships has been strong and visible. Students across the SCICU spectrum have written letters to their local legislators to thank them for their past support and encourage them to hold the line against cuts in student aid. The delay in the deliberations provides additional time for students to have their voices heard.
Friends of independent higher education in South Carolina can help preserve funding by writing to members of the General Assembly, especially to members of the House Ways and Means Committee, to urge them to continue investing in the future of South Carolina by supporting student grants and scholarships at the current levels.
Talking points, legislative contact information, and other resources are posted in the Advocacy section of SCICU's website. See related article below.
Advocacy Efforts Receive an Electronic Boost
SCICU's governmental relations efforts have been strengthened in the last month with the expansion of the Advocacy section on the organization's website.  In addition to the major section on the right-hand side of the Home page, Advocacy now has a separate link at the top of each web page for more direct access.
Content has been expanded, too. Along with real-time tracking of Bills of Interest and a legislator locator, we have added copies of SCICU's Legislative Strategic Plan, Priorities, and Quick Facts. Additional resources include a primer on the legislative process and listings of Senate and House committee members.
A new section called Legislative Alerts will keep visitors to the site up-to-date with the most pressing legislative issues facing independent higher education in South Carolina. For example, continued funding of tuition grants and merit scholarships is our #1 priority. The Advocacy page includes an explanation of the gravity of this year's problem, a call to action, and a copy of a letter sent to key legislators on behalf of the students attending independent colleges and universities. Additional updates will be reported throughout the appropriations process.
Our hope is that these additions will give our friends and supporters the opportunity and the resources to stay engaged.
 The South Carolina College Access Network (SC CAN), a program of the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education, is building momentum with the launch of a website (sccango.org), recent release of TV and radio commercials, and outdoor boards posted in cities and towns across the state.
The primary goal of this campaign is to encourage South Carolina students and families to take an active role in pursuing higher education while raising needed awareness about college access. SC CAN serves as a comprehensive resource for information regarding financial aid, college and career options, planning advice, and much more. It includes direct web-links to SCICU and to all 20 member institutions. A link to the new site is now a permanent part of the Prospective Students section of SCICU.org.

Funded by the U.S. Department of Education College Access Challenge Grant Program, the SC CAN GO campaign is one of the first steps in a much larger plan to improve college awareness and accessibility in South Carolina. Click here to read more about this exciting initiative.
Making New Friends and Raising Awareness
The Development Committee is planning a series of receptions this spring to share with business and community leaders the many benefits and contributions that a strong and vital independent higher education system brings to the state. Hosts in Charleston, Columbia, and Greenville are working with the Development Committee to identify leaders who will join the growing list of individuals and corporations that support the work of South Carolina's private colleges and universities.
A schedule of the events is listed below. For more information, contact SCICU Executive Vice President Eddie Shannon at 803-799-7122 or

Charleston: March 16, 2010, The Harbour Club, Host-Hugh Lane, Bank of South Carolina
Greenville: April 28, 2010, Devereaux's, Host-Stewart Spinks, The Spinx Company
Columbia: May 18, 2010, The Capital City Club, Hosts-Sara Fisher, NBSC and Mike Brennan, BB&T
EPA Official Meets with Peer Audit Group
EPAWes Hardegree, EPA Region 4 Compliance Assistance Coordinator, met with representatives of the 16 independent colleges and universities that participate in the SCICU/ EPA Peer Audit program on February 5 in Columbia. Rebecca Sproles and staff from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control also attended the meeting.
Mr. Hardegree and Ms. Sproles reviewed the group's progress towards satisfying the 2008 audit agreements and explained the various options for moving the program forward. According to the EPA-SCICU agreement, a participating college has 24 months upon completion of the first audit to commence implementation of an Environmental Management System or begin the next series of periodic self-audits. The first campus audit was conducted at Presbyterian College in October 2008. The last audit is scheduled for Limestone College in April of this year.
In a planning session that followed the presentations, the SCICU representatives discussed various options and alternatives for maintaining the high level of health and safety that the campuses have achieved by coming into compliance with federal and state environmental regulations. The chief financial officers of the participating colleges and universities will continue to work together on this new phase of environmental compliance.
Wells Fargo Interviews Seniors
Wells FargoWells Fargo's purchase of Wachovia Bank has provided employment opportunities for college seniors as the bank seeks to broaden its presence on the East Coast. Working with SCICU' s Brenda Torrence and campus career counselors, Wells Fargo sponsored an interview day in Columbia on February 9. More than 40 students from SCICU member institutions participated in over 80 individual interviews. The experience yielded such a high number of exceptionally qualified applicants that Wells Fargo is considering teaming with SCICU to sponsor more employment events.  
News & Notes is published by the South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities, Inc. Please send all comments or questions to SCICU President & CEO Mike LeFever at mike@scicu.org or 803-799-7122. Mailing address: P.O. Box 12007, Columbia, SC 29211