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Save the Date: Drs. George Vaillant and Dan Ariely will speak
Newly Added to the Calendar
Upcoming Programs on the Calendar: January 30 - February 15
PECC Announces Spring Classes
Pro Bono Counseling Network
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The NC Psychoanalytic Foundation, in cooperation with NCPS, announces the
8th Annual Public Lecture and Workshop  
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Featuring speakers  
George Viallant, MD  
George Vaillant, MD
Dan Ariely, PhDDan Ariely, PhD
James B Duke Professor of Behavioral Economics and Author
More information coming soon! Registration begins April 1st.
Our Sponsors
Coming Soon. For more information, contact Sarah Stiegler at

Visit Our Sponsor
January 30, 2009 
NC Psychanalytic Foundation
Weekly Listing of Events for Mental Health Professionals
This past weekend several of you were able to join us for the North Carolina Psychoanalytic Society's Academic Lecture featuring speakers Charles Stozier, PhD and Martin Miller, PhD. We would like to thank all of our friends and colleagues who attended this lecture and especially happy to see NCPF members getting real value from their NCPF membership. More NCPF member discounts will be available at the 8th Annual Public Lecture and Workshop. Not a member? Join now and be ready to save at our next program. 
We would like to extend a warm welcome to some new readers that we met at the event on Saturday and asked to be added to our distribution list. There are many wonderful programs like the one this past weekend being planned for 2009. We hope you will encourage your friends and colleagues to join our e-mail list and to become active in the psychoanalytic community.
We are always open to new ideas. What would you like to see in our announcements? Send your ideas to
Newly Added to the Calendar
Sunday, February 22, 2009    3:00pm - 5:00pm
'Faith at Work' While Caring for People with Mental Illness and Their Families
Location: 1712 Willow Drive, Chapel Hill, NC (Fellowship Hall, Binkley Baptist Church)
Presented by: Faith Connections on Mental Illness
Speaker' s Panel to Include:
Dr. Dan Blazer, Psychiatrist at Duke
Dr. Mike Gammon, Psychiatrist at UNC
Dr. Shirley Brazda, Psychoanalyst
Dr. David Cox, Psychoanalyst
Moderated by: Dr. Toyna Armstrong, PhD, MTS 
Description: People of faith who care for individuals with serious illnesses are challenged daily by the harsh realities of brain disorders. Hear from a panel of professionals, each of whom are endeavoring to walk their faith, share real-life experiences of how they and their patients have met these difficulties head on.
Fees: Free and open to all.
For additional information and to register: Please email or call (919) 942-6227. 
Upcoming Programs
January 30 - February 15
Saturday, January 31, 2009     8:30am - 4:00pm
Latino Mental Health and Substance Abuse Conference
Location (Directions):
UNC-CH School of Social Work
Keynote Speaker: Luke Smith, MD
Continuing Education: 5.5 CEUs available
Fees: $70; $40 for students
For additional information: Please see the flier at  
Tuesday, February 3, 2009      7:30pm - 9:00pm
Thursday, February 5, 2009     6:30pm - 9:00pm
Education Program for family members of close relatives with Major Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder, Panic Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Borderline Personality Disorder
Location: 2551 Homestead Rd, Chapel Hill, NC (Dogwood Room at the Seymour Center) 
Sponsored by: NAMI Family-to-Family
Description: A series of 12 weekly classes structured to help family members understand and support their ill relative while maintaining their own well being. The course is taught by a team of trained volunteer family members who know what it's like to have a loved one with a serious mental illness in the family.
There is no cost to participate in this program.
For more information: Contact Gove Elder (919-967-5403), or for confidential inquiries e-mail
Saturday, February 14, 2009   3:00pm - 6:0pm
To Have and to Hold: On the Experience of Having an Other
Location: 9001 Weston Parkway, Cary, NC 27513 (Lucy Daniels Foundation)
Sponosored by: Lucy Daniels Foundation
Speaker: Susan S. Levine, MSS, LCSW
Description: We readily understand common expressions of possession such as "I have a child," "I have a husband," and "my analyst," "my patient." Using psychoanalytic concepts of internalization, object representation, and object constancy as a springboard, this lecture will examine the critical importance of "having" one another in the therapeutic relationship.
Cost: This lecture is free and open to the public.
For more information: Please visit email or call 677-9888, ext. 123 to reserve space at this lecture.
Sunday, February 15, 2009      2:30pm - 7:30pm 
The Family in Art and Psychoanalysis
Location: 2110 Blue Ridge Road, Raleigh 27607 (North Carolina Museaum of Art)
Sponsoring by:
Lucy Daniels Foundation and the NC Museum of Art
Speaker: Steven Levine, PhD
Description: This lecture will illustrate the dynamic concepts of the Imaginary, Symbolic, and Real by examining the relationships between mother, father, and child as seen in the visual artwork of Botticelli, Rubens, and others.
Cost: This lecture is free and open to the public. If attending pleas plan to arrive by 2:15pm to assure seating prior to presentation.
For more information: Please visit
Psychoanalytic Education Center of the Carolinas
A division of the North Carolina Psychoanalytic Society
Announces Spring 2009 Courses

Introduction to Psychodynamic Assessment
Time: Tuesday, 7:15 pm - 8:45 pm
Dates: March 10 - May 19 (No class on April 7)
Location: Chapel Hill Psychoanalytic Practice (902 Christopher Rd, Chapel Hill)
Instructors: Ernest R. Braasch, MD & Laurie J. Pahel, MD 
Course Description: This 10 session course will provide an introduction to the process of psychodynamic assessment using the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual (PDM), the work of Nancy McWilliams, PhD, contributions from other psychoanalytic writers, and characters portrayed in literary works. Readings will include individual articles from various authors, sections of the PDM, and selections from McWilliams' three major publications, Psychoanalytic Diagnosis, Psychoanalytic Case Formulation, and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.

Class members will have the opportunity to discuss case material. Class will be limited to 12 students and is for clinicians at beginning through intermediate levels.

CME Credits: 15
CE Credits: 9 Category A & 6 Category B

Psychoanalysis and Mindfulness
Time: Tuesday, 7:15 pm - 8:45 pm
Dates: March 10 - May 19 (No class on April 7)
Location: Center for Psychological and Family Services (501 Eastowne Drive, Chapel Hill)
Instructor: Alan J. Stern, PhD
Course Description: This 10 session course will provide an exploration of the mutually enriching dialogue between clinicians basing their treatment on a psychoanalytic perspective and students of mindfulness working from a Buddhist perspective. We will discuss how an integration of these approaches to insight, awareness of body and mind, and self-acceptance help with a variety of psychological problems, but especially disorders of the self. Readings will include Psychoanalysis and Buddhism, Buddhism without Beliefs, Thoughts without a Thinker, and The Mindful Way through Depression.

Each class will include a period of mindfulness practice. Class will be limited to 10 students and is for clinicians at beginning through advanced levels.

CME Credits: 15
CE Credits: 9 Category A & 6 Category B

For Additional Information: Course details and registration information are at our website:  

If you have questions, please contact:
Sarah Tillis, LCSW, Administrator
(919) 490-3212
Pro Bono Counseling Network-- Volunteer NOW!

NCPF had been operating a pro-bono counseling partnership with Rape Crisis. This has served as a pilot program for the newly launched Pro-Bono Therapy Network. NCPF Board Member, Debbie Barrett, also serves on the Advisory Board for this new program. She has the following invitation to the clinical community:

Dear members of our clinical community,

It is with much pleasure that I share with you the long awaited launching of the "Pro Bono Counseling Network" project thanks to the effort of many committed individuals, and the financial support of agencies such as OPC and Healthy Carolinians in Orange County. Over the years in which we sought to launch such a program to assist individuals with mental health needs who would otherwise "fall through the cracks." Many of you have expressed dismay about the growing gap in service and motivation to help. This project, which transformed over time, has become the ProBono Counseling Network, and it will serve English and Spanish speaking clients in Orange, Person, Chatham, and Durham counties. It provides a way for each of us to do a part.

I am also delighted to share that the Network has hired Michelle Johnson, LCSW, as Program Manager. Michelle will be coordinating this large collaborative project, housed at MHA-OC, which involves matching with clinicians who volunteer to see one (or two) clients per year. This is where each of you comes in. The calls from clients have now begun. We ask that you consider volunteering to treat one client pro-bono. The target population is people who are generally mentally health (do not have severe or persistent mental illness) and are without financial insurance or health insurance (or have inadequate insurance for mental health coverage.)

In exchange, you will be part of this community effort to strive to provide needed services for those who could otherwise not afford them, part of important data collection for policy advocacy work, as well as free opportunities for professional growth and networking. For more information please contact Michelle Johnson at

This is a phenomenal achievement for our communities, and as they say...... "Many hands make light work."

Debbie Barrett
NCPF Board Member
Pro Bono Counseling Network Advisory Board
I hope to see you at one of our upcoming programs.

Sarah Stiegler, MS.Ed.
NC Psychoanalytic Foundation
Program Disclaimer 
The NCPF shares program information and announcements on behalf of other organizations which may be of interest to our constituents. However, the NCPF is not responsible for the content of these program offerings: that responsibility rests with the sponsoring organization.
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