Inland Craft
Inland Stained Glass e-News
APR 2010 

Classes are in full swing, ideas and products gathered at the recent Glass Craft & Bead Expo are germinating into new projects... it must be Spring!
Thanks For Stopping By Booth #105
We want to thank all of you who stopped by our booth at the Glass Craft & Bead Expo earlier this month. It was nice to see new faces and reconnect with old friends. We appreciate your business and your time to share your thoughts and ideas with us.
Where Does a Free Choice Lead?
Many of you took the opportunity to choose from either a free Bead Reamer or a Diamond Wire Drill when you visited our booth at the Glass Craft & Bead Expo. Which means there were at least 3 reamer profiles or 6 other drill types you didn't get...
Bead Reamer Set and Diamond Wire Drills4 Piece Bead Reamer Set: This set contains 4 tips designed specifically to clean out, enlarge, and finish off holes created when making glass beads. Use them also to carve, engrave, and shape glass, stone, tile, and other materials. learn more
Diamond Wire Drills: Come in seven diameters and are available as six packs of a single size or a multi-pack containing one of each diameter. Use diamond wire drills for drilling small holes in glass beads, glass jewelry pieces, and stone beads. see all available sizes
These are just a few of the creative diamond tools we manufacture to help you turn the tedious into a treat or add that extra bit of detail that turns the ordinary into the extraordinary... the choice is yours!
Dan Waber, Sales & Marketing Manager
Inland Craft Products, Co.
Need Diamond Drilling Info and Tips?
How To Use Diamond Drills
Learn the best practices for using and drilling with diamond coated tools. This free online guide covers all you need to know to become proficient!
Featured Product
 FlexShaft \
FlexShaft™ makes working with the 4 Pc. Bead Reamer Set, Diamond Wire
Drills, and other small shaft tools a breeze. Simply plug it on to any 5/16" motor shaft and grind, shape, or drill away! learn more
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