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Issue No. 4                                                                                                                                                   April 2012  

   5 Signs Your Allergies Are Out of Control

allergies21. Racoon Eyes:

Dark circles under watery eyes are another sign of allergies run amok. The circles may result from frequent rubbing of itchy eyes. Fortunately, itching, tearing, sneezing, and a runny nose can all be relieved with antihistamines.


2. Chronic Congestion:

A stuffy nose usually lasts a week or two when a cold or flu is to blame. If congestion goes on and on, allergies are a more likely suspect. During an allergic reaction, the lining of your nasal passages may swell and produce excess mucus. This can cause sinus pressure and headaches. Decongestants can provide short-term relief. For a long-term plan of action, consider seeing an allergist.

3. Wheezing:
Wheezing is often associated with asthma, but it can also signal a serious allergic reaction. The characteristic whistling sound occurs when air passes through narrowed airways. In severe cases, obstruction of airflow requires emergency care. You should be evaluated and monitored by your doctor if you have wheezing related to allergies.

4. Itchy Skin:
Itching may just be a sign of dry skin. But when it's persistent, and especially when it's insomniaaccompanied by a rash, eczema may be to blame. Eczema is a type of skin reaction that's common in people with allergies. Triggers may include soap or detergent, pet dander, and coarse materials. Antihistamines, moisturizers, and hydrocortisone cream can help soothe flares. For severe cases, prescription medications are available.

5. Insomnia: Itching, congestion, post-nasal drip, sinus pain -- allergy-related symptoms can be tough on sleep. Symptoms like coughing or wheezing may wake you up, and a stuffed nose may make it hard to fall asleep. Some allergy drugs can also disrupt a good night's sleep. Trouble sleeping is one sign that it may be time to ask your doctor about changing your allergy treatment regimen.

                                                      Click here to read more 

How To Fix That "Pain In The Neck "
neck pain lady
           Neck pain can be, well, a "pain in the neck".  It is estimated that 10% of Americans (that's 30,500,496 people!) are currently suffering from neck pain.  The traditional treatment prescribed by physicians utilizing pain relievers, muscle relaxants, rest, and possible soft collar application is no longer the acceptable standard of care as this regimen only produces symptomatic relief.  According to a landmark report furnished by the Task Force on Neck Pain and its Associated Disorders (which can be found in the peer reviewed medical journal Spine), some of the most effective treatments for neck pain include manipulation, mobilization, massage, and exercise.  In addition, cutting-edge research is exposing the benefits of brain-based therapeutic exercises for the relief and prevention of neck pain due to the brain's intimate control of neck muscles.
            The neck is the most dynamic part of the spine.  Its main functions are to protect the spinal cord, provide the foundation for the skull, and act as a bridge connecting the skull with the rest of the body.  However, it has to be flexible enough to allow movement in six different planes.  This makes the neck the most vulnerable region of the spine to injury.  It is lined with a high concentration of compression sensitive sensors (joint mechanoreceptors), which when triggered provide a high powered stimulation to the brain which is essential for its health.  The small muscles which surround the neck play a large role in the overall health of the neck.  Reflexes generated in these muscles in response to stretch relay through a certain part of the brain termed the cerebellum which then fire back to keep these same muscles strong.  As a result, brain-based therapies geared towards the cerebellum produce amazing results concerning the overall stability of the neck.
 neck pain skeleton           The most common neck complaints involve three distinct structures: the disc, the posterior joints of the spine also known as the facet joints, and the soft tissue regions including the ligaments and tendons surrounding the spine. Injury to the discs which are found between the vertebrae and act as shock absorbers will produce moderate to severe neck pain with associated pain into the arm and hand. The pain may be relieved momentarily with elevation of the affected arm over the head.  Facet joint injuries will also manifest as neck and arm pain but may start without an offensive behavior like a trauma and will typically produce pain down the outer arm into the hand.  Lastly, soft tissue injury will normally produce localized pain with severe restriction of movement. Nausea and headache may accompany the pain.  This is commonly found after motor vehicle accidents.
            Many new, advanced therapies are combining physical medicine such as mobilization exercises, stretch/strengthening exercises, myofascial release, traction, decompression, and nutrition with brain-based exercises targeting the cerebellum region of the brain.  This approach not only focuses on the neck structures themselves but also the regions of the brain that control the deep intrinsic muscles of the neck producing greater stability.  Stop hurting and start living.  Schedule an appointment today.
Question of the Month

Which conditions do you treat?
Ab Crunches

Dr. Conde specializes in the treatment of difficult orthopedic and neurological disorders which include:

� back-neck pain
� numbness-tingling
� sciatica
� whiplash-auto injuries
� sports related injuries of the extremities (golf, tennis)
� nerve entrapment syndromes (carpal tunnel, thoracic outlet)
� scoliosis
� vertigo-dizziness-balance disorders
� fibromyalgia
� mild traumatic brain injury
� reflex sympathetic dystrophy
� headaches
� movement disorders (Parkinson's)
� dystonia
� multiple sclerosis
� undiagnosed symptoms
� post-stroke rehabilitation
� AD/HD, autism, dyslexia (Unlimited Potential Program)
� peak performance (for lay people as well as athletes looking to
improve memory, concentration, focus, and coordination)
� Dementia/Alzheimer's

Click here to read more frequently asked questions

Pita Salad 
click above to see the recipe
Recipe of the Month

Herb Toasted Pita Salad

Are you bored with sandwich bread?  Swap it for a whole-wheat pita.  A pita is heartier than bread and can stand up to being stuffed with veggies, dressing, chutney, and other fillings, when bread would typically go soggy.  Using pita in your meals is also an easy way to increase the number of whole grains in your diet.  Look for "whole wheat" on the label, not "wheat flour" to be sure what you're buying is the real deal.  One large pita provides about 170 calories and 5 grams of fiber.
brain teaser cartoonBrain Teaser of the Month

What has four legs
but can't walk?

Julia's Wellness Corner
You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present.
-Jan Glidewell

Spring Cleaning
People like "stuff". We tend to hold onto it year after year. We save and stock up on things that we don't know what to do with anymore. Maybe we keep things because they hold precious memories of days gone by, or they remind us of our parents, grandparents, past loves or childhood. To part with these precious possessions seems out of the question. There is a saying that goes, "You have to get rid of the old to make way for the new."  If you are feeling stuck or stagnant in your life, try spring-cleaning. Throw out some of that stuff, say goodbye to your past and welcome the new energy of your happy, healthy future. Try these three ideas:

1.    For good mental and physical health, we actually have two "houses" that need to be spring-cleaned: our physical homes and our physical bodies. Just as we accumulate "stuff" in the form of outgrown clothes, magazines, rusty bicycles, tools and random keepsakes, so do our bodies accumulate old food residues and toxins that need to be cleaned out.

2.    To spring clean your body, give it a break from rich and complicated foods by either cleansing or fasting for a short period of time. Cleansing means paring down your food to just simple fruits and vegetables, lots of water and perhaps whole grains. Fasting means limiting most foods and drinking lots of water, fresh vegetable and fruit juices, teas and soups. Without much energy going toward digestion, more energy is available to the rest of your body and mind. Cleansing and fasting can sharpen your concentration, help you gain insight and promote spiritual awareness. It can also bring improved immune function and better digestion.

3.    While you're cleaning out your body and home, don't forget to spring-clean your heart. Throw away negative thoughts and habits you've been harboring that no longer serve you. A clean, open heart will allow you to receive all the good that awaits you each and every day. If your heart and mind are cluttered, there is no room for life's gifts and surprises to enter.

4.    Schedule a FREE initial consultation with Coach Kadel.  During this session, we will discuss your health and lifestyle to determine how I can best support you in achieving your goals

Julia C. Kadel CPT, CHHC, AADP

Certified Holistic Health Counselor
Nutrition & Functional Fitness Coach
Contact Us:
Dr. John Conde is a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist.  He holds diplomate status through the American Chiropractic Neurology Board.  His office is located at the Atlantic Grove in Delray Beach, Florida.  For more information, or to make an appointment, please contact 561-330-6096  or email us at .
 I hope you've enjoyed the additions to this month's newsletter!  If you have any questions, you can reach the clinic at the phone number above or at our website:
 Ab Crunches
John Conde DC, DACNB

The Conde Center For Chiropractic Neurology
401 W. Atlantic Ave. Ste. 014
Delray Beach, Florida 33444