Butler County
United Way

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Give Today Change Tomorrow 


We lost a dear friend and leader with the shockingly unexpected passing this month of our Board Chair, Chris Worrell.  Death is never easy for me to accept, but it seems even more unfair when it strikes someone with so much more living to do. 


Chris was coming to grips with that next phase of life - the one where, with the kids grown and gone (and making Mom and Dad proud), we men are free to rediscover every day the truth of our greatest fear - that we did, in fact, marry women we don't deserve.  And, while I firmly believe that is the case more often than not, Chris probably really did deserve Stephanie.  I say that, not because she is anything less than incredible, but because he was clearly a better man than most, and desperately in love with her.


Though I counted Chris among my friends, there are others who had a deeper, longer personal friendship with him and can better convey stories of his devotion to Stephanie and his passion for being the best father possible to Ben and Devon.  From here on, I'll try to limit my comments to observations I had of Chris as a Board colleague and a "boss."


Good lawyers are, by nature, inquisitive and curious.  They have that in common with scientists and engineers.  Good lawyers

 want to know what happened and why.  They want to anticipate as many possible consequences to an act as they can - so they can protect clients from the negative ones.  That is how Chris approached his chairmanship of United Way's Board:  How can we achieve the best possible outcome for the community and still showcase the coalition-building strength of the Butler County United Way?


Chris chaired the Board at a pivotal time.  Near the end of his expected tenure, Maureen Noe told him that she had accepted a new challenge - one that would take her away from a community and position where she had experienced great success and to a new state and a larger city that would provide her with greater personal opportunities.    Chris felt a responsibility to assure continuity through the transition to a new CEO, and agreed to extend his term as Board Chair to do that.  He oversaw the search and selection process, and was careful to insure it remained impartial and transparent.


Once I came aboard as President and CEO last June, I anticipated that the nature of my relationship with Chris would change.  I was no longer a Board colleague - now, I was an employee.  But despite that difference, he remained generously supportive and respectful of me, and worked hard to assure my success as the President and CEO of the Butler County United Way.   For that, and countless kindnesses over the years, I will be eternally grateful.


Chris's absence will be felt for a long time by those in the community who were fortunate to know him - and in our United Way family - because his presence was so meaningfully felt by all of us. I've heard it said that the tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it.  Without a doubt, Chris's life ended too soon, but he lived it fully, and, by doing so, enriched the lives of all who knew him. 









For many people, philanthropic giving is a lifelong commitment that provides both personal satisfaction and financial benefits.


Through the Butler County United Way Planned Giving Program, you can give a general endowment gift that benefits you and your family, while ensuring vital health and human service programs are available for generations to come.


To learn more, contact Mitchell Willis, Director of Resource Development at [email protected] or 513-863-0800.




Our Volunteer Recognition Breakfast and Awards will be held on Friday, April 20, 2012, from 7:30am - 9:00am at The Oscar Event Center at Jungle Jim's International Market in Fairfield. Our Day of Caring-Spring 2012 when hundreds of volunteers with do projects in our community will immediately follow the breakfast ceremony.
To register online for the breakfast, click here.



Liberty Mutual celebrates its 100th anniversary by serving!  Friday, June 22, 2012 Liberty Mutual employees across the globe will serve the communities they call home.  Here in Butler County over 800 employees have the opportunity to serve.  Projects coordinated through Butler County United Way include pre-work on homes that will be served by the Group Work Camps this summer through SELF; reading with the children and painting in the buildings at the Boys and Girls Club; and organizing materials or going on a bowling outing with kids for Big Brothers, Big Sisters.


April is national child abuse prevention month, a time to recognize that we each can play a part in promoting the social and emotional well-being of children and families in our community.  The Center for Family Solutions will hold its first "Family Fun Fest," on Saturday April 28 from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. There will be FREE crafts and games for the whole family.   Raffle tickets and booths including face painting, temporary tattoos, hair coloring, video game contest, cupcake walk, and much more will be sold.  Prizes include an IPad, gifts cards, gifts baskets, and much more.  For more information, visit www.centerforfamilysolutions.org or call 513-887-4303. The Center for Family Solutions is located at 400 N. Erie Hwy, Suite C, Hamilton, OH 45011.


Paint by the Glass


Can you sip from a wine glass while holding a brush? If so, you can paint!


Are you a woman looking to meet and network with other women in your community?


The Butler County United Way Women's Leadership Council is planning a fun, relaxed evening of creativity (painting a picture) and hors d'oeuvres.


The evening is easy and fun, made for those with no painting experience. Think you can't paint? A local professional artist will show you step by step how to paint your very own abstract work of art on a pre-sketched canvas, you just add your own style and creativity. Each artist (that's you) will have created their very own unique masterpiece to take home. Frame it, hang it and love it because it's yours! We will provide everything you need; just bring your creativity and some friends. 


Space is limited to only 30 ladies,  so book early. Cost is $30.00 per person.


To RSVP contact Mitchell @

[email protected] or 513-863-0800.

For the second year in a row, Butler Tech is hosting the Run United 5K as part of its campaign. This year the walk/run will be held at the D. Russell Lee Career Center on Saturday, May 12th, 2012. Register now online!

2012 Hamilton Home Repair 


Volunteer to Help Repair Homes


In July of 2012, nearly 400 kids will be coming into Hamilton from around the country to repair between 50 and 60 homes in the city.


There are a number of volunteer opportunities to help these kids do a great thing for Hamilton. Take a look at this list of roles and responsibilities, and contact Vanessa Jackson at [email protected] if you would like to help or for more information.

Butler County Volunteer Administrators Network

Butler County Volunteer Administrators Network Business Mixer

If you're a volunteer administrator or work with volunteers is some capacity, join the Butler County Volunteer Administrators Network for an after-hours event from 4:00pm until 6:00pm at the Hamilton Welcome Center on Wednesday, April 11th, 2012.

For more information, contact Rhonda Brown at 513-524-5670 or at

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