August 2009
The Triple Crescent
RCGI Newsletter, Vol 2, Issue 5

Motherhouse Hours

10 am to 2 pm
Central Time*

*please note these hours are also listed in Pagan Standard Time


RCGI Hallows Gathering

Hallows Gathering

October 16-18, 2009
Wisconsin Dells, WI

Save the date to come celebrate the magick of Hallows with RCGI!

Register Now!

Just a few left!

RCGI 25th Anniversary

Tote Bags and Mugs

tote bag

$10.00 + $2.50 shipping

Tote Bags:  $ 25.00 + $2.50 shipping

Don't wait!  Supplies are limited and we are almost sold out!

All proceeds from the sale of 25th Anniversary commemorative mugs and tote bags benefit RCGI.

Celebrating the First 25 Years

RCGI Herstory!

Get the scoop on the first 25 years of RCGI!
The definitive herstory!

PURCHASE Commemorative History of RCGI

 $10.00 per booklet +
$1 shipping

All proceeds from the sale of this commemorative history benefit RCGI

In the Balance

The earth is fascinating.  As we in the Northern Hemisphere celebrate La
mmas, our sisters in the South prepare for their celebration of Bridget.  One of the maxims of feminist craft, and a premise for a lot of spellwork, is "as above, so below."  When I first heard this saying, I did not consider that it also applied to the Earth.  Each hemisphere of the earth is a reflection of the other.  When one half of the earth moves toward spring the other moves toward fall.  This movement creates a constant state of balance between the two hemispheres.

As I look out my window here in Wisconsin at the lush green trees of summer, I know that my sisters in the South are moving toward spring.  In my magic, I sometimes pause to visualize a connection to the opposite side of the world.  I do this not as a way to connect with things to come or things past, but to touch those living now on the other side of the wheel.

In Spirit,

Jade River
Consistery Executive

WTI Online Classes!

Ogham & t
he Seasons of the Sun (13-weeks) / Bendis
WTI participant fees:  $120/13-weeks
Non-prt fees:  $150 /13-weeks.

Creating a Magical Home (6-weeks) Debi Smith
WTI participant fees: $65/6-weeks
Non-prt fees: $75 /6-weeks

Mediation Styles and Practices (6-weeks) / Bellezza Squillace
WTI participant fees: $65/6-weeks
Non-prt fees: $75 /6-weeks

Nuts and Bolts: A Writer's Workshop (6-weeks) / Kip Parker
WTI participant fees: $65/6-weeks
Non-prt fees: $75 /6-weeks
apples of knowledge

Crystals: A Journey into Self  (6-weeks)/ Marisa Folse  
WTI participant fees: $65/6-weeks
Non-prt fees: $75 /6-weeks

Gifts of the Grain Goddesses: Harvests of Heart & Mind (6-weeks) / Sid Reger
WTI participant fees: $65/6-weeks
Non-prt fees: $75 /6-week

Time to renew your WTI contracts.

Or join WTI.

Renew your WTI contract now!

WTI group

Daily Celebrations


August 10-Night of the Shooting Stars

Make a wish each time you see one in the night sky.

August 11-Day Dedicated to Kista, Persian Moon Goddess
Pray to Her for the women of Iran/Iraq.

August 12-Persiod Meteor Showers
An indication that Fall is on its way.  What must fall from your life to allow your spirit to shine brighter?

August 13-Celebration of Diana and Hecate
Leave a harvest offering at a place where three roads or paths meet.

August 14-Day Dedicated to Hina, Polynesian Moon Goddess
Go canoeing or offer some fresh coconut to Hina on your Moon altar.

August 15-Festival of the Torches to Diana
Hold a candlelight processional to a hilltop with friends. Follow it with games and contests.


Current Members

RCGI is an international congregation of Goddess Women. Currently, 2,906 women have signed the Affirmation of Women's Spirituality and become members of the Congregation.