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Newsletter / ニュースレター

Issue 23
June 2011

 Tel: 03-3583-2135

Contents (Please click)
"Ganbaro Iwanuma: Serving Food" Project Report
Partner Highlight: Tokyo Miracle Stars
2011 National Conference on Volunteering and Service
Day Of Service 2011: Remember
Volunteer Project Updates


Newsletter Jun 2011_1_ENb
 Newsletter Jun 2011_2_EN

Newsletter Jun 2011_3_ENb

 Da Noi Official Site   /   IL GRAPPOLO DA MIURA Official Site




Newsletter Jun 2011_4_ENb


Newsletter Jun 2011_5_ENb  


Newsletter Jun 2011_6_ENb 


Newsletter Jun 2011_7_ENc 


Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities are HERE

Sponsors as of May 2011 


Hands On Tokyo

Executive Tower Azabudai #402,

1-4-3 Azabudai, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0041



東京都港区麻布台1-4-3 エグゼクティブタワー麻布台402号室


TEL: 03(3583)2135  FAX: 03(3583)2127