Senate quickly approves 3-foot passing bill
3-foot passing poster
Last Friday the California Senate voted 27-6 to approve Senate Bill 1464, our 3-foot passing bill.

The debate was short and sweet. Sen. Alan Lowenthal, SB 1464's author, introduced the bill and urged an "aye" vote. When no other Senators took the floor to debate the bill, the roll was called. We're convinced the unprecedented flood of emails, letters and phone calls from bicyclists to Senators urging a yes vote helps explain the quick decision.
MAY 2012
Senate passes SB 1464
Streamlined bike plan review
Online auction ends
Around the state


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The bill goes next into the Assembly, where we expect it to be heard in the Assembly Transportation Committee later next month. If you'd like to be notified about how you can express support for SB 1464 as it moves through the Assembly, please join our email list.  
Streamlined review would save millions

Streamlining planning for bicycle safety improvements while saving local agencies millions of dollars is the goal of Senate Bill 1380, authored by Kern County Sen. Michael Rubio. The bill would exempt four types of bike projects -- restriping of streets and highways, bicycle parking and storage, signal timing to improve street and highway intersection operations, and related signage for bicycles, pedestrians, and vehicles -- from review under the California Environmental Quality Act.


Currently, under a typically cautious interpretation of CEQA, local agencies spend millions to analyze every possible environmental impact of every element of a bicycle plan, right down to bicycle racks and bike route signs. The long delays that plagued San Francisco bicycling advocates while planners worked to make sure the bike lanes wouldn't be bad for the environment will be a thing of the past if SB 1380 passes.

Spring Online Auction ends tonight

Great deals in support of a great cause remain available through 11:59 PM PDT tonight. That's when our Spring Online Auction officially ends.

It's not too late to find great deals on bikes, bike accessories, clothing, vacation getaways and special experiences. The auction features items donated by PUBLIC Bikes, Tern Bicycles, Linus Bicycles, Timbuk2, Sheila Moon Athletic Apparel, Grimes Getaways, Jax Bicycle Centers and Revolights, among others.

Your bill helps support our mission to make California communities safer, healthier and more livable through bicycling.

Keeping the pressure on Boxer

We're working with our national partners to pressure U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer and her colleagues on the Senate-House committee negotiating a compromise over federal transportation funding to preserve the elements of the draft federal transportation bill that support safe bicycling. Read our May 20 Sacramento Bee editorial here.

Mayoral candidates answer to SD bike advocates

Two of the four candidates in San Diego's hotly contested mayoral race have offered their visions for bicycling in the city in response to a questionnaire prepared by the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition.

Assemblymember Nathan Fletcher and Congressman Bob Filner both expressed support for a complete streets policy for San Diego, creation of a bicycle advisory committee, more bicycle education, secure bike parking, a citywide Safe Routes to School program, and a ciclovia.

Fletcher and Filner have each released a strategy with specifics for making San Diego more bike-friendly. But so far, frontrunner Carl DeMaio and candidate Bonnie Dumanis have said little about bicycling as a mayoral priority.

San Francisco develops innovative tools for bikeway designs 

A new engineering guide should help bring street designs like protected bike lanes to more San Francisco streets. Known as the Innovative Bicycle Treatment Toolbox, the guide developed by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency promises to accelerate the city's adoption of high-quality bikeway design treatments.

Already one of those tools, a sharrow painted on a bright green field, has been used to mark the bike route known as the Wiggle, which connects the eastern and western parts of San Francisco between Civic Center and Golden Gate Park.

We're sponsoring legislation to enable more cities to install protected bike facilities like those being installed in San Francisco. Read more about our Better Bikeways campaign. 

Policy & Campaign Manager

The Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition is hiring a Policy & Campaign Manager to work primarily on campaigns and community organizing in the City of Los Angeles. LACBC seeks candidates passionate about working with the diverse communities that make up the City of Los Angeles, as well as city and county partners to continue LACBC's efforts to transform Los Angeles into a more bikeable and livable place.

Cycle the Sierra
June 23-27, 2012
Benefits 1% for the Planet, Keep Tahoe Blue, SYRCL and the American River Conservancy

This fully supported, five-day journey takes riders on a 300-mile loop through breathtaking country, beneath granite peaks, through evergreen forests and to alpine hot springs. We'll ride through iconic locations like Lake Tahoe and the area where gold was discovered starting the California Gold Rush, over the 4th highest bridge in the US, and through numerous unique and historical communities along the way. Learn more...

Looking for an interesting ride or other bike-related event? Check out our website to see what's happening throughout California.


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