A new year is always a bud of possibilities that has the capacity to flower at breakneck speed. We all make resolutions hoping to establish balance and control, resolving to be better people and better musicians forming a better church. We make checklists and vow to make our best effort to accomplish our goals.
Even so, this year will bring a fair share of disappointments. We will make mistakes with family and friends, and inadvertently let down our co-workers. Thank God we have a Savior!
Here are a few of my own discoveries about my Savior:
Never once have a seen God's eye's roll when I've needed saving.
I've never heard deep sighs of disgust when being retrieved from countless messes.
God has never made sarcastic comments or gossiped about my faults.
In the midst of all that this year will bring, what I have learned to remember is that I am loved - deeply, passionately, and without reserve.
 This year we will succeed at some of our goals and fall short of others. Life is a roller coaster ride. But regardless of the outcome, God will love us no less at the end of the year than at this moment. I pray that this year you will experience more fully with each passing day God's deep, passionate, and boundless love. And that you will notice that love spilling over you faster than any roller coaster ride you may be on. If that inspires you to sing - even better! Happy New Year! Kate Adelman Interim Executive Director |
Composer's Colloquium
February 3-4, 2012
St. Luke's Lutheran, Park Ridge, IL

Composer colleagues from around the country will gather at Saint Luke's Lutheran church in Park Ridge, IL beginning at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, February 3, and ending in the late afternoon on Saturday, February 4. The colloquium provides the opportunity for composers and arrangers of the church to gather, share ideas, and learn from one another. The event includes:
- skill shops (advanced Finale, counterpoint and voice leading, and understanding texts)
- meet, greet, and interact with editors about the publication process
- small groups for mutual support and feedback
- hymn sing at St. Luke's
- conversations with colleagues about struggles, writer's block, ideas, etc. "after and before hours" at the hotel
The best news is that the Colloquium is FREE!
Now is the time to make travel and hotel arrangements. Just follow these simple steps and you will be ready for this mid-Winter continued education opportunity.
- Register by sending an email to office@alcm.org. Let us know if you will need transportation to/from the hotel to the church or if you have a car and can provide transportation for others.
- Make flight arrangements to O'Hare Airport (shuttle to hotel).
- Call Best Travel at 800-543-8016 or 773-380-2440 to book a room at the O'Hare Marriott (or, if you prefer, Springhill Suites). Let them know you are attending an ELCA conference to receive the ELCA hotel rate.
Check the ALCM web site for more information!
Members Area Log-in
Remember, you will now need to use your email address when logging in to the Members Area of the ALCM web site. Passwords have not changed. If you have difficulty logging in, notify the ALCM office.
Luther College Nordic Choir Tour
Luther College is glad to announce the 2012 Winter Tour of the Luther College Nordic Choir conducted by Dr. Allen Hightower. This year's tour from January 21 - February 5, 2012, will include concerts in Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Colorado, and Kansas. Featured pieces on this year's program include "Holy, Radiant Light" by Gretchaninov and "Love is the Key" by Zebulon Highben (recent winner of the ALCM 2011 Raabe Prize). Other choral works by Schütz, Bach, Pärt, and Lauridsen will also be performed, along with hymn-arrangements and spirituals. For details about each concert, please go to http://music.luther.edu or call 1-800-4-LUTHER. If you would like to host the Nordic Choir for a future event, please contact Eric Ellingsen at eric.ellingsen@luther.edu.
Hymn Festivals Continue!
Although ALCM's official 25th anniversary was in 2011, our 25th Anniversary Hymn Festivals will continue throughout 2012. It's not too late to late to sign up to host a hymn festival.
For those of you who will be hosting a hymn festival, please remember to make ALCM's purposes known to the participants and invite their generous support. |
Handbells Wanted
A handbell choir in Kelowna, British Columbia is looking for a used fifth octave of Schulmerich handbells to purchase. If you have a fifth octave to sell, please contact Nikki Attwell at nattwell@telus.net or by phone at 250-707-3375. |
One-Minute Devotions
Why not start out the new year with a commitment to use Nancy Raabe's weekly "One-Minute Devotions for the Church Musician?" We'll even help you remember by sending you an email notice when the weekly devotions have been posted on the ALCM web site. Let us know if you'd like us to add your email address to the notification list. |

Association of Lutheran Church Musicians
Valparaiso University
810 Freeman Street
Valparaiso, IN 46383
800-624-2526 |