"For freedom Christ has set us free." (Galatians 5:1)
Freedom comes in many forms in July. As church musicians, we usually enjoy the freedom of a more relaxed schedule, time off to relax, recuperate and perhaps even get away from home.
Last week's lesson from Galatians shows us God's intent for our freedom: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. May your July be filled with the fruits of the Spirit that true freedom yields.
Lorraine Brugh
ALCM President |
New ALCM Officers
On July 1, new ALCM board members took office:
Lorraine Brugh became president, and Katie Adelman became past-president.
Kevin Barger was elected sectretary/treasurer, a position he was filling on an interim basis.
Scott Hyslop (newly-elected) and David Cherwien (re-elected) became directors-at-large.
Thanks to Paul Weber, who completed his term on the board as director-at-large. |
The Psalms in Christian Worship: An Ecumenical Music Ministry Webinar
Join musicians and pastoral leaders around the country (and the world!) for a stimulating one-hour webinar, The Psalms in Christian Worship on Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 2:00 pm ET, 1:00 pm CT, 12:00 noon MT, 11:00 am PT. The webinar will include a summary of key biblical and theological themes related to the Psalms and their use in the Church's worship today, drawing on insights from the history, theology, and pastoral practice of liturgy and preaching. The presentation will also offer practical guidance for musicians, clergy, and other worship leaders in preparing to sing or preach on the Psalms, including the choice of translations available to various denominations.
This one-hour webinar will be presented by Dr. John Witvliet, well-known scholar, teacher, musician, and pastor. Dr. Witvliet is Director of the Calvin Institute for Christian Worship and Associate Professor of Music and Worship at Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary. He is also the author of several books, including The Biblical Psalms in Christian Worship, which has been described as "ecumenical, practical, and passionate."
The webinar is being presented jointly by ALCM, the National Association of Pastoral Musicians, the Presbyterian Association of Musicians, and The Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts. Special individual and group pricing is available for ALCM members. More information is available on the NPM web site at |
Conference Odds & Ends. . .
Online registration for all conferences is available on the ALCM web site.
Region 1
There are still a few rooms left in our room block at the Doubletree Hotel Pittsburgh City Center. These rooms will be released to the public next Friday, July 9, and our conference room rate will no longer be guaranteed. If you have not yet reserved your room, be sure to do it by
next Friday. Call the Doubletree at 412-281-580 and be sure to mention ALCM. Also, they will give you the same room rate, if you are planning to come early or leave late.
Looking for something a little less expensive and a little less time-consuming? Rememer the Region 3 mini-conferences in Sioux Falls, South Dakota (July 16-17) and Davenport, Iowa (July 18-20). Want to have a little more conference time and see a bit of the Midwest as well? Several people have registered for both conferences! Registration is just $75 per conference, and inexpensive housing options are available at each conference site.
Region 4
Countdown: 8 days until the "Gathering in Boulder."
Remember, when you come to Boulder you can expect:
1. A very brief, but refreshing, afternoon shower, so you may want to pack an umbrella;and
2. Cool evenings, so remember to bring a light jacket.
The deadline for online registration is July 9. Additional information about the conference is available at |
International Reformation Music Festival 2012
"Art of the Prophets"
International Reformation Music Festival 2012 announces a concert series in Germany for the official "Year of Reformation Music 2012." Pre invitation applications are being accepted now exclusively from ALCM members to participate in this "once in a lifetime" event. The venues are the important cities of the Reformation such as Wittenberg, Erfurt, Eisenach, Leipzig, Coburg, Worms and other such cities suggested by our partners of the Luther 2017 organization. There will be four "festival" dates during the year to give everyone the opportunity to participate.
For details and information including application, contact Peter Zehnder ( or call toll free 866-777-1517.
Memberships on USA Steering Committee open. Please inquire. |
Region 4 Elections Underway
We are once again using Ballot.bin for online voting, this time for Region 4 elections, which began this week. Online ballots must placed by July 16th; paper ballots, for those who have no online access, must be postmarked by July 16th.
Regions 1 and 3 elections will be held as soon as the slates are complete. If you have an interest in running for office, please notify your regional president or send an email to the ALCM office at |
Have You Visited the Member Discussion Forum? Want to discuss a particular issue or share a problem with other ALCM members? Have you found a terrific resource that you'd like to share with others? Looking for others who share a particular interest? Be sure to visit the Member Discussion Form on the ALCM web site. Log in to the Members Area and the click on the "Member Discussion Forum" link on the left side of the page. |

Association of Lutheran Church Musicians
Valparaiso University
810 Freeman Street
Valparaiso, IN 46383
800-624-2526 |