Conference time is fast approaching, and things have "moved into high gear" both in the ALCM office and in other areas around the country. This issue of the e-newsletter contains important information related to the summer conferences, but the conferences are not the only thing happening this summer.
The board continues to carry out their assignments, keeping in touch at regular intervals via conference call. Within the next week you will be receiving an announcement about a new member benefit available on the ALCM web site. Plans are underway to produce a recording of Latin/Hispanic hymns. Elections for regional officers will be taking place during the summer as well.
Are you looking for a way to get more involved in ALCM? There are several suggestions in this e-newsletter. If you prefer, Executive Director Jim Johnson will be happy to chat with you about opportunities for involvement. Give him a call at 803-609-8225 or send an email to
Cheryl Dieter
ALCM Business Manager |
Board Meeting Summary
The ALCM Board met via conference call on May 20, 2010. Highlights of our meeting:
- National Board elections are complete. Results of the election:
- Kevin Barger elected secretary/treasurer
- David Cherwien elected as director at large
- Scott Hyslop elected as director at large
Regional officer elections will be taking place this summer. We approved a one time change to the bylaws allowing for incumbents to run unopposed provided the entire ballot is not unopposed. This will allow for increased continuity and stability at the regional level.
We continue to monitor the effects of changes to our budgetary process. A better look at this will be available after regional conferences conclude this summer.
Regional conference registrations remain low. The Board is having continuing discussions regarding influencing factors.
David Cherwien, director at large, in consultation with the board, will be producing a recording of Latin/Hispanic hymns this summer - look for availability of these CDs in the fall.
Mark Bighley has submitted his resignation as the Cross Accent editor, effective December 2011. The Publications Committee, in consultation with the board, will begin looking for a replacement immediately. |
Region 2 Conference Deadlines
There are still a few rooms left in our room block at the Wyndham Jacksonville Riverwalk Hotel. These rooms will be released to the public this Friday, June 4, and our conference room rate will no longer be guaranteed. If you have not yet reserved your room, be sure to do it by this Thursday. Call the Wyndham at 904-396-5100.
Also, the deadline to register by mail for the conference is this Saturday, June 5. After that time, registrations should be completed via online registration only. |
Bethany (Lindsborg, KS) Mini-Conference Cancelled
Regretfully, due to insufficient registrations, we have had to cancel the Region 3 mini-conference scheduled to take place in June at Bethany College in Lindsborg, Kansas. Many thanks to those who worked so hard on the conference program.
If you are planning to attend one of the ALCM conferences this summer and have not yet done so, please register now! Your early registration will help ensure that no other conferences are cancelled. |
Online Voting for Regional Elections
2010 is a regional election year and, continuing our efforts to "go green-er," voting for regional elections will be done online through This is free online balloting site, so it will save a significant amount of money in postage and paper. Those ALCM members for whom we have email addresses will receive an email notification with a unique balloting code. ALCM members who do not have email will receive a paper ballot in the mail.
Region 2 elections are currently underway. The other three regions will be holding elections as soon as the slates are complete. If you have an interest in running for office, please notify your regional president or send an email to the ALCM office at |
Web-Based Discussion Forum Coming!
Want to discuss a particular issue or share a problem with other ALCM members? Have you found a terrific resource that you'd like to share with others? Looking for others who share a particular interest? You'll soon have the chance to do those things and more on ALCM's discussion forum. This members-only benefit is currently being tested. Look for a special announcement within the next week.
Also, Ann Krentz Organ has agreed to chair a member benefits task force, whose assignment will be to develop and expand resources available to ALCM members. Their work will begin later this summer. |
Summer 2010 ALCM Conferences
ALCM summer conferences begin this month. Here is a list of the conferences in the order in which they occur:
June 17-19 - Bethany College, Lindsborg, KS (CANCELLED)
June 20-23 - Region 2 conference, Jacksonville, FL July 11-15 - Region 4 gathering, Boulder, CO July 16-17 - Region 3 mini-conference, Sioux Falls, SD July 18-20 - Region 3 mini-conference, Davenport, IA July 26-29 - Region 1 conference, Pittsburgh, PA July 27-31 - Young Lutherans Sing, Valparaiso, IN If you are planning to attend one of the conferences, please register now! Check the links on the left to view complete conference information or to register online. |

Association of Lutheran Church Musicians
Valparaiso University
810 Freeman Street
Valparaiso, IN 46383
800-624-2526 |