Dear ALCM member:
As you are probably well aware, print production and mailing costs continue to rise, while our ability to communicate electronically provides more timely and more cost-effective means of delivering and sharing information. Add to that our increasing global concern about the environment and our over-use of natural resources and - you guessed it - ALCM is going green(er)!
Over the next few months, we will be seeking out new ways to keep ALCM members connected electronically via email and our web site, while reducing the number of paper communications. Read the Board meeting overview below to see some of the changes already in place for 2010 and watch for more information in future issues of the e-newsletter.
Cheryl Dieter
ALCM Business Manager |
January Board Meeting Overview
The ALCM Board of Directors met on January 21-23 for the annual face-to-face meeting at the national office on the Valparaiso University campus. The productive two-day meeting unfolded to include a wealth of information, ideas, and emotions centered on several very difficult challenges. Budget concerns occupied a large share of the conversation and brainstorming throughout the meeting. ALCM has historically hosted regional events in even-numbered years and biennial conferences in odd-numbered years. Thus, budgets in even years are nearly $100,000 less than the larger biennial conference years, when income is anticipated to be much higher. This reality required every aspect of the 2010 budget to come under scrutiny, resulting in 12 different budget line items being significantly reduced or eliminated. At the conclusion of the board meeting, the board unanimously passed a 2010 budget that will:
- reduce the number of issues of GraceNotes from six to four and publish Grace Notes and the Region 4 newsletter online only, while allowing the high standard of outsourced design to continue;
- reduce the number of issues of CrossAccent from three to two;
- change our January annual board meeting from a face-to-face meeting to video conference; and
- tighten other budget lines as possible to reduce expenses while continuing the vital ministries we do. The board also committed to find new income through the annual fund and special gifts from supporters of ALCM.
Throughout 2010 the Board is committed to monitoring these changes and collecting hard data that helps us provide resources for our membership, maintain close and responsive contact, and create a financially responsible long-term vision for the future.
Grace Notes online
As noted in the board meeting overview (above), one of the changes for 2010 is that Grace Notes will be published online only. The first online issue has been posted and is ready for viewing. The four issues will be published at the beginning of February, May, August, and November. The deadline for submission of articles is the first day of the month preceding publication. The deadline for submissions for the May issue is April 1.
Online Conference Registration Open
Online registration for all summer conferences is now open. Click on the links on the left side of this newsletter to register.
Because brochures were mailed later than we would have liked, we're extending the early registration deadlines for the Region 1 and 2 conferences to April 6, 2010. Register by that date to take advantage of the reduced registration costs. |
Resources for Lent, Holy Week & Easter
Check out the free downloadable resources for Lent, Holy Week and Easter in the Members Area of the web site.
Can't remember your login? When we set up the Members Area of the site a year ago, we used your email address (case sensitive) as the username and your 5-digit zip code as the password. If you haven't changed them, try using those codes to log in. If you still have difficulty logging in, send an email to
Do you have resources to share with other ALCM members? Send them to us at the email address above. Review the guidelines for submission to be sure your submission can be posted. |
YLS Moves Ahead!
Thanks again to everyone who supported this year's Young Lutherans Sing program with monetary gifts. Because of your generosity, we are able to move forward with our plans for this summer's camp.
Are there children in your congregation who would benefit by participating in YLS? We would be happy to send you brochures for distribution. Simply send an email to and let us know how many brochures you would like.
Take advantage of the early registration discount by registering by April 20. |
Special Offer for ALCM Members!
Publish your business card in your regional conference book this summer. How?
Submit 2 business cards (and a PDF of your business card if possible) and a check to ALCM for $35. Do you have 2 different business cards or an oversized card? Send 3 cards and a check for $60. Do you want to include your business card in all 4 region's books? Send 5 cards and a check for $120. Why? Assist with the expenses of the conference. Make connections with other ALCM members - who you are and where you serve. Get a copy of the conference book, even if you can't attend! Send your check to the Strongsville office (address below) $30 payable to ALCM with 2 business cards (PDF if possible) by April 15, 2010. Payment must be made now; no billing Thanks for your support of ALCM! Joanna Pretz-Anderson 14367 Bennington Dr Strongsville, OH 44136-8103 |
New LYCNA Initiative
The Lutheran Youth Choir of North America, a national/international auditioned touring choir for high school youth (entering grade 9 through graduating grade 12), is pleased to announce a new visionary initiative beginning in 2010, building on the choir's first three successful tours to the Great Lakes States and Ontario, the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia, and to Germany. This exciting new venture - an annual Instruments of Peace Tour - will offer young people from across the United States and Canada opportunities for musical and spiritual development. The Lutheran Youth Choir's Instruments of Peace Tour 2010 will be to the East Coast, including New York City and Boston. Following five days of intensive rehearsal and fun at the choir's home congregation in the western suburbs of Chicago, the students will depart on an eight-day tour. Further information, application, audition materials, and generous financial assistance incentives may be found on the choir's website, |
Attention Facebook Users!
Did you know that ALCM is on Facebook? A Facebook group was established a few years ago for ALCM members to connect with each other and share thoughts, links, and insights about church music. It's also a great forum for us to share announcements and upcoming events. Please join us! Just search for "Association of Lutheran Church Musicians" in the search bar at the upper right corner of your Facebook page. And remember to visit the ALCM group often to check for new posts and updates!
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Association of Lutheran Church Musicians
Valparaiso University
810 Freeman Street
Valparaiso, IN 46383
800-624-2526 |