Memorial Day 2011

milton e-roundup|May 2011 
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In This Issue

Join us on Memorial Day
17th Annual Golden Games begin May 4
Cruise In May 8
Rain barrel workshop May 11
$500 school grants available
Memorial Day 2011 May 30
Celebrate America 5K/10K May 30
Tuscaloosa tornado relief
Summer concert series coming
2nd Community Kickoff July 31
Earth Day Festival a hit
7,200-plus pounds recycled at rally
Check out Milton's Summer Day Camps
New threat system established
Faces and voices of the city
Monthly crime prevention tip: Have a safe vacation  
Monthly fitness tip:
Take the Sugar Challenge
May Calendar
May 3 -
Design Review Board Work Session
5:30 p.m.
Design Review Board Meeting
6 p.m.
Milton Boards and Committees Strategic Plan meeting
7 p.m.
Executive Conference Room
May 4 -
Historic Preservation Commission Meeting
6 p.m.
Milton Disability Awareness Committee Meeting
7 p.m.
Executive Conference Room 
May 9 -
City Council Work Session
5 p.m.
May 10 -
Milton Grows Green Meeting
6:30 p.m.
Fire Station No. 43
May 16 -  
City Council Meeting 
6 p.m.
May 17 -
Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting
7 p.m.

May 19 -
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting
11:30 a.m.
Executive Conference Room
May  24 -
Planning Commission Meeting
7 p.m.

May 25 - 
Community Zoning Information Meeting 
7 p.m.
May 30 -
Memorial Day Ceremony
City Hall Offices Closed

Unless otherwise indicated, all meetings are held at Milton City Hall, Deerfield Professional Centre, 13000 Deerfield Parkway, Suite 107, Milton, GA 30004.

If you need special accommodations in order to participate in any city meeting, please call 678.242.2500.
Quick Links
For more information about the City of Milton, please visit:
Milton City Hall
 Open Monday-Friday
8:30 am - 5 pm
 13000 Deerfield Parkway Milton, Ga 30004
Emergency numbers
For police, fire, and medical emergencies, call 9-1-1
For non-emergency police or fire matters, call 678.297.6300, Option 1.
To reach the City's Public Safety administration offices at City Hall, call 678.242.2570.
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Join us on Memorial Day


Mayor Lockwood


It's hard to believe we're already five months into 2011. But boy, isn't May beautiful? It's the perfect mix of spring and summer - warm, but not too hot - and everything is in full bloom, especially with the rain we've been getting.

And everyone knows what May means: the kids are getting out of school. If you're going on vacation in May, or really anytime this summer, please check out the crime prevention tips we've got in our newsletter this month from Community Outreach and Policy Coordinator Dennis Nelson. There's tons of useful information in there, from how to make your house an unlikely target for burglars looking for quick cash, to what important information and tools to keep on you during road trips and while out of town.

Of course, May also means Memorial Day, the unofficial kick-off of summer for most folks. But there are hallowed and somber origins of the holiday, and a lot of times this fact gets lost.

In Milton, Memorial Day has taken on a special significance thanks to the hard work of Councilman Bill Lusk, himself a former Navy Seabee and Vietnam veteran, and our committed special events staff. Last year's Memorial Day ceremony was the most successful ever, and this year is shaping up to be the best yet. 


Read the full message 

17th Annual Golden Games begin May 4
Golden Games

For the second year, the City of Milton Parks and Recreation Department will be a partner in the North Fulton Golden Games, held in May at locations throughout North Fulton.

This 17-year program for adults 50 and older features a wide range of events for every activity level, including golf, 3-on-3 basketball, tennis, track and field, and much, much more. It will kick off with Opening Ceremonies May 4 at the Roswell Adult Recreation Center and wind down May 26 with an awards luncheon at the Dorothy C. Benson center in Sandy Springs.

To download information and applications for the numerous events and tournaments, plus a calendar, click here.
For more information, click here.
Cruise In May 8
Cruise in

The Olde Blind Dog Irish Pub is once again holding its series of free "Cruise In" car shows starting Sunday, May 8 from 9 a.m. to noon.
The monthly event will be held on the second Sunday of the month until October.
For more information, call 678-624-1090 or click here.
Rain barrel workshop May 11


Work shop flyer


Have you been debating getting a rain barrel to sustainably water your outdoor plants this spring and summer?


Then mark your calendars for the rain barrel education workshop sponsored by City of Milton, Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeepers and Milton Grows Green on Wednesday, May 11 from 6 to 7 p.m. at Scottsdale Farms, 15639 Birmingham Highway in Milton (click here for directions). 


During this special event, you will be able to make and take a rain barrel home. It is easily installed on a home downspout and can conserve hundreds of gallons of water per month.


Cost for the workshop is $45. Reservations must be made by e-mailing Cindy Eade, Sustainability Coordinator for the City of Milton, at or calling 678-242-2509. 


You may also order a completed rain barrel if you are not able to attend the informational meeting for pick up. For more information on this service, contact Eade as well

Click here to download a flyer for the workshop.
$500 school grants available 



The City of Milton and Milton Grows Green are proud to announce the launch of a small grant program for environmental projects at local schools.


Environmental sustainability coordinator Cindy Eade said the awards of up to $500 per school are available through a grant application and awards process for both public and private institutions.


School principals, PTA officers, teachers, club sponsors and school volunteers are encouraged to submit project applications.


Projects are encouraged, but not required, to focus on solid waste reduction education, such as recycling, and storm water awareness, such as non-point source pollution and water conservation, that will benefit a large number of students in each school selected.


Grant applications are due no later than May 13, 2011. If awarded, funds must be used for projects to be completed by May 2012.


The determination of awards will be based on the project's focus and educational value, the number of students affected and the number of total grant applications received. Maximum of one grant award per school.


Applications should be faxed, mailed or e-mailed to:


Cindy Eade
Sustainability Coordinator
City of Milton
13000 Deerfield Parkway. Suite 107 A
Milton GA 30004



Eade can also be reached at or

Memorial Day 2011 May 30 

Memorial Day Poster 

Everyone is invited to the fourth annual Memorial Day event on Monday, May 30 at 10 a.m. at Milton City Hall (click here for directions).


The ceremony will feature a roll call of local veterans, both living and fallen, patriotic songs, and markers for more than 200 Miltonians who served their country.


This year's speaker is Col. Murphy Neal Jones of Covington, La. On June 29, 1966, during his third combat tour in Vietnam, Jones was shot down and captured on the outskirts of Hanoi. He was wounded by shrapnel in both legs when his aircraft was hit and sustained a dislocated shoulder, a broken arm and a broken back when he ejected at approximately 300 feet and over 620 miles per hour. 


After spending nearly seven years as a prisoner of war, he was released on Feb. 12, 1973. Neal returned to the cockpit after his release and served as Commander of the 357th Tactical Fighter Squadron and as Chief of the War and Mobilization Planning Division at United States Air Force Headquarters. He retired as a colonel after twenty-one years of service.


To request a marker, please click here.

Celebrate America 5K /10K May 30 
The Alpharetta Junior Woman's Club presents the Celebrate America 5K/10K on Memorial Day, Monday, May 30  at 7:30 a.m. at the New Balance store, 7300 North Point Parkway Suite 104A in Alpharetta.
The race is rain or shine. Early registration (before May 16) is $25. After or on race day, the fee is $30. There will be a limited number of T-shirts availbale for day of race entries.
Register online at or send checks to AJWC, PO Box 949 Alpharetta, GA 300009-0949.
Tuscaloosa Tornado Relief 
Due to recent storms, Tuscaloosa, Ala. is need of basic items such as toiletries, blankets, pillows, non-perishable food items, water, diapers and personal items. Also needed for the relief effort are tools, shovels, rakes, work gloves, tents, chainsaws and generators.
The need is tremendous, and will be for months.
Milton residents and University of Alabama alumni Abbe and Steve Laboda will be collecting the above items, along with Bibles and Walmart gift cards, since the local Tuscaloosa Walmart is still intact.
They will be taking the first truck to Tuscaloosa on Friday, May 6.
To donate, please drop off the items at the following locations in Milton:  
  • Sip Restaurant in Crabapple,  12635 Crabapple Road
  • The concession stands for fields 1 through 4 at North Park, 13450 Cogburn Road

For more information, contact Abbe Laboda at

Summer concert series coming

Concerts poster

For the first time, the City of Milton will host a series of free, live summer concerts at venues throughout the city. Families and friends are invited to bring a picnic and a blanket and enjoy the tunes and warm summer nights!
Currently, the tentative schedule is as follows:
  • Friday, June 17 from 6:30 to 8:30 at Birmingham Park -- Father's Day theme
  • Friday, July 1 from 6:30 to 8:30 at Birmingham Park -- Independence Day theme
  • Sunday July 31 at 7:30 p.m. as part of the 2nd Annual Milton Community Kickoff
More information on the performers will be available as the events near.
For more information on all of the City of Milton's special events, click here.
2nd Community Kickoff July 31 

Community Kickoff

The 2nd Annual Community Kickoff, presented by the City of Milton and the Milton High School Touchdown Club, will take place on July 31 at 5 p.m. at Milton High School's football stadium.  
Like last year, the event will feature games, rides, music, food and much more, including a live concert as part of the Milton summer concert series. Details will be finalized as the event nears, so stay tuned. 
For more information on all of the City of Milton's special events, click here.
Earth Day Festival a hit


Earth Day pictures

The 2nd Annual Earth Day Festival, held Saturday, April 16 at Birmingham Park, brought more than 500 people out for a great day of free family fun, said organizers.
Special thanks to all the volunteers, vendors and families that made this day so special. Again, thanks to the festival sponsors: Airsoft 360, Childrens Healthcare of Forsyth, Optech, Recycle Bank, Republic Services, Southeast Electric Cars, LLC, The Comfort Zone, Verizon Wireless, Waste Management, Wellness Centers of America and Harry's/Whole Foods Market.  

Click here to see photos from the event at the City of Milton's flickr page. Click here to see photos taken by Milton Grows Green member Francia Lindon.
7,200-plus pounds recycled at rally
Recycling Rally



Verizon Wireless announced its April 14 Recycling Rally, co-sponsored by the City of Milton, brought in more than 7,200 pounds of old electronics and household items.


Recycling Rallies are part of Verizon's year-round efforts to help protect and preserve the environment by giving employees and the community the opportunity to go "green" at both work and home. The organization managing the disposal of all items adheres to Verizon's zero-landfill criteria, which requires items donated to be either reused or recycled in an environmentally safe manner.


Click here to see photos from the event.

Check out Milton's Summer Day Camps


Looking for a summer day camp close to home? Don't forget that registration for Milton's two summer camps - Camp Bethwell and Camp Joyful Soles - will continue on a first-come, first-served basis until all sessions are filled.


Camp Bethwell, to be held in the newly renovated Bethwell Community Center (click here for directions), is an eight-week camp for ages 6 to 12 open June 6 to Aug. 5 (with no session the week of July 4) from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Participants can expect days filled with arts and crafts, drama, treasure hunts, games, fitness and more. 


Space is limited to 30 campers.

Cost is $110 for Milton residents and $165 for non-Milton residents (a 50 percent increase) per week. Guardians may register for all eight weeks or a week at a time. There is a $50 per-week, non-refundable, non-transferable fee to hold spaces in future weeks. Remainder of the balance is due prior to the week reserved.

Click here to download a registration packet.


Camp Joyful Soles, held at Cogburn Woods Elementary School, is for campers with mild disabilities. It is held in conjunction with Alpharetta's Camp Happy Hearts and is for children ages 12 to 18. Camp Joyful Soles will be open June 6 to Aug. 5 (with no session the week of July 4) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

In addition to arts and crafts and games, campers can also experience a range of fun and educational programs. 

For Camp Joyful Soles, space is limited to 20 campers.

Cost is $125 for Milton and Alpharetta residents and $187.50 for non-residents (a 50 percent increase) per week. Guardians may register for all eight weeks or a week at a time. As with Bethwell, there is a $50 per-week, non-refundable, non-transferable fee to hold spaces in future weeks. Remainder of the balance is due prior to the week reserved.

Click here to download a registration packet.

New threat system established


The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has just announced plans to roll out the new National Terrorism Alert System (NTAS), effective April 26.  


The NTAS will be replacing the Homeland Security Advisory System which utilized the color codes as indicators of the threat level faced by our nation


For more information, click here.

Monthly crime prevention tip:
Have a safe vacation


By Dennis Nelson 

As the weather warms and school winds down, families begin planning for summer vacations. These trips are a time for fun and enjoyment visiting or being with your loved ones. You can make each trip more enjoyable and carefree if you take a few simple steps to reduce the possibility of becoming a victim of crime.

Before Leaving ... Secure Your Residence and Notify the Milton Police Department

Follow these simple precautions to reduce the chances that your house will be burglarized or vandalized while you are gone. A house that appears to be vacant or unoccupied is an appealing target for a burglar.

  • Make sure all locks on the doors and windows function properly and use them!
  • Give your house a lived-in appearance. Put automatic timers on several lights on each level of your home, on a radio and also the television. Set the timers so that the lights and appliances will turn on and off at random times.
  • Leave shades and blinds in a position that you would normally leave them. Burglars often watch homes and record patterns. If they notice the blinds are shut for days, that may reveal you are gone.
  • Arrange for a neighbor to pick up mail, newspapers and any other packages. Ask your neighbor to use your driveway and garbage cans while you are away.
  • Make sure smoke and burglar alarms function properly and are armed.
  • Turn the ringer on your telephone down or off and do not leave your lights on 24 hours a day.
  • Ask a trusted friend or neighbor to watch over your property while you are gone and leave emergency contact information with them.
  • Leave a normal message on your answering machine and avoid discussing your vacation plans in public.
  • Never mention or post vacation plans on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social network.
  • Contact the Milton Police Department at (678) 242-2570 and request your home be placed on a "vacation watch". Officers will be made aware that you are not home and will drive by the area on each shift and record the time the property was checked.
  • Create an inventory of your property before you leave.

While on the Road

  • Never carry large amounts of cash; use debit or credit cards and traveler's checks.� Keep a record of your traveler's check numbers and your credit card numbers in a safe place.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and never advertise your plans to strangers.
  • Carry a flashlight with fresh batteries, reflectors or illuminating glow sticks, a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.
  • Do not stop to offer help to a stranded motorist. Call 911 and advise the local law enforcement agency that a motorist needs assistance.
  • If your car breaks down, raise the hood and attach a white cloth to the antenna. If someone stops to help, it is advisable that you stay in your locked car and ask them to call the police, AAA or a garage. If you must abandon your car, keep all passengers together.

Car Security

  • Always lock your car when entering or leaving it.
  • Always lock valuables out of sight, preferably in the trunk. Always carry wallets, checkbooks and purses with you.
  • Always remove your GPS unit, power cord and the GPS bracket from your windshield.
  • Never program your GPS unit with your home address. A thief can steal the GPS, push your "home" button and have turn-by-turn directions to your unoccupied house. Instead, program in the address of a nearby business that will place you in familiar surroundings to get home.
  • Do not advertise that you are a tourist. Place maps and travel brochures in the glove compartment.
  • Park in well-lit, busy areas.
  • Check the back seat before getting into your car.

Motel & Hotel Security

  • Determine the most direct route to and from your room, to the fire escapes, elevators and nearest phone.
  • When occupying or leaving your room, use all auxiliary locking devices on doors and windows (You may want to purchase a portable door lock for traveling).
  • Unpack and place belongings in the closet and dresser. Arrange your items so you'll know if anything is missing.
  • Never leave money, checks, credit cards or car keys in the room. Take them with you.
  • Place extra cash, expensive jewelry or other valuables in the room safe. If not available, use the hotel/motel safe.
  • Report any lost or stolen items to the hotel/motel management and to the police immediately.
  • Report to the management any suspicious movements in the corridors or rooms.

Keep This Important List of Numbers With You on Your Vacation

  • Vehicle make/model
  • VIN #
  • Tag #
  • Driver's License #
  • Credit Cards: Number to call if lost/stolen
  • Traveler's Checks: Numbers and Number to call if lost/stolen
  • Home Physician
  • Relative
  • Insurance Co.
  • Prescription numbers

Don't let thieves steal your hard earned name and reputation and ruin your summer vacation. Keep your papers and valuables with you at all times.


The Milton Police Department wishes each of you a very happy and safe summer vacation and safe travels!


Click here for information on becoming a part of the MPACT program.

Monthly fitness tip:
Take the Sugar Challenge




By Kolleen Riddick


I never knew I was addicted to sugar.


Being a personal trainer, I have always prided myself on how well I eat. I tout to my class "sugar is not one of my weaknesses, it's salt that I tend to crave!" Boy was I wrong. 


Recently I decided to take a Sugar Challenge with two of my fitness camp clients. That meant staying away from all food with added sugar: candy, ice cream, sodas and granular sugar in our coffee or tea. We're now paying close attention to food labels before we consume everyday products to see how much and what kind of sugar is in the food.


Being the competitive person that I am, and the fact that I'm already not much of a sugar fan, I thought that this was going to be a walk in the park.

It has been so much more difficult to avoid sugar then I thought. By doing this challenge, I discovered that I was reaching for sugar without even realizing it.


First, let's look at some alarming information on what effects sugar can have on the body: 

  • sugar triggers inflammation in the body
  • it increases your risk for cancer
  • it increases your risk for diabetes
  • it leads to obesity

The average American consumes more than 88 grams, 22 teaspoons, of sugar a day. Not good. The American Heart Association recommends the average female not consume more than six teaspoons, or 24 grams, of added sugar a day. For men, its eight teaspoons, or 32 grams.


So let's look at some food choices. Perhaps you enjoy an Oreo here and there ... four Oreos equals 18 grams of sugar -- that's 8.5 teaspoons. OK, so lets reach for a low fat blueberry Greek yogurt instead. Better choice, but still not great.


One four-ounce container contains 17 grams of sugar, equivalent to 4.25 tablespoons. How about an apple and 2 oz of cheese? Bingo! A small apple has approximately 15 grams of natural sugar and the cheese had none.


After just over a week of sugar avoidance, I notice my energy levels have increased, my skin looks better, I have stopped breaking out on my face and I even have better definition around my muscles.

Accountability is key. My fitness campers and I have started texting each other when we have a weak moment. We know that we are not alone in this and that helps.

So go ahead an take the sugar challenge. Look for CorePhysique on Facebook and let us know how you are doing. Your body will thank you.


Riddick, a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist, is founder of Milton-based CorePhysique and instructs Milton's fitness camps through a partnership with the City of Milton.


Click here to learn more about the city's fitness camps.