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Child Hope International             June 2012  
In This Issue
Meet Diene
Summer Camp Update
Transition Program
Haiti Photos
It's Summer Time! 
Manassero Family
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Author and Perfecter of our Faith.

It's summer here in Haiti and we are gearing up for a busy season.  We're ready for the intense heat, humidity, hurricane season, summer school, vacations, camp, graduations, missions teams and a host of unexpected events...

In addition, our family will not be visiting the states as we have in the past.  Instead we will be focusing on wrapping up our adoption of Francesca and Kenson.  It has been a long road and we are compelled to push forward.  It has been too difficult in past years to leave Frankie and Kenny behind as we go to the states. Our goal is to get all paperwork completed before the end of summer.

And so that it's not all work and no play, we are taking our family vacation here in Haiti, touring the southern peninsula of the island for the first time together.  That should be a blast.

Summer is always a bundle of emotions for us.  We have kids graduating from schools, moving up to a new school, and  the transition of the 18 year old young men and women who grew up at the MDL homes to independent life outside.  This is exciting but also heart-wrenching.

When we see these young adults beginning their new lives it's hard not to reflect on how they were when we first met them.  Raggedy street kids, hustling to make a few gourdes.  Some who were ill or suffering from malnutrition.  Some who were restaveks (child slaves). 

It's hard to believe that they have grown up so fast into adults.  They still seem like they are our little children.

Haitian law requires us to release our children at 18 but we realize that some may not be ready.  That is why we try all we can to prepare them for this transition.

We are so very thankful to God for our Transition Program and all that is being done before (and after) they graduate to help them adapt to independent life.

Our goal is that most of our children,  as early as age 9 or 10, will have exposer to the various trades at the transition program so they can look at options for careers or, at the very least, a job that will help them to reach their career goals. This dynamic program seeks to offer kids at MDL Primary School "shop classes" where they can start to experience woodworking, silk screening, sewing, baking, and more.  And, hopefully, by the time they reach 18, they will be skilled in one or more trades that will allow them a means of financial support when they graduate.

Please pray for our children this summer.  For those graduating schools -- that they be encouraged and enthusiastic about their future.  For those graduating from the homes -- that they not be fearful, that they trust in God completely and rely upon His provision and guidance in this next phase of their lives.

Also, pray for the staff here that will counsel these young people to put them at ease and get them excited about their futures.

 May the Lord be glorified in the lives of these very special young people.   


In Christ in Haiti,


The Manasseros  

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Meet Diene
Diene Diene Renard came to us in 2006 with his brother Bohnel (better known as Ti-Bo). His father, who had recently lost his wife, was desperately trying to care for nine children when Ti-Bo became seriously ill.  His father, a farmer from the countryside, came to Port-au-Prince because he feared Ti-Bo was dying and needed immediate help.  Diene was also suffering from malnutrition.  Unable to feed his children, let alone pay doctor bills, he was struggling to reek out a living as a farmer in agricultural conditions that worsen year each due to deforestation and declining rainfall. 

When we first met Diene, he arrived at our orphanage with his brother Ti-Bo,Susette with Ti-Bo his father and a blind man (a relative from Port-au-Prince) who had heard of  the Lighthouse and thought we could help.  Ti-Bo, who was 4 years old at the time, only weighed 12 pounds.

We immediately took in Ti-Bo and began praying over him, while trying to feed him Ensure and water.  We also discovered that he had malaria.  Diene never left his side.  After interviewing the father we realized that Ti-Bo's life was seriously at risk and needed immediate care.  The plan was to take in Ti-Bo and, once his health was restored, determine the next step.
Diene with Wilson Diene, who was suffering from malnutrition, was also taken in.  Later, after speaking with the father in depth, it was evident that the father could not care for the boys and they became residents of the Lighthouse.

Diene is a very special boy who has tremendous compassion. He accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior early on. Through the years he has always watched out for Ti-Bo and has demonstrated the same compassion for Diene in baking class the other small boys at the home as well.

His favorite things are playing goalie for the MDL boys soccer team, playing basketball, reading his Bible, and being one of our cooks in the transition home baking business.

Please keep Diene in your prayers, that he would grow-up to be a man who loves the Lord with all his heart.  If you are interested in sponsoring Diene, click here.  
Summer Camp Update

Camp 2012 Logo Although we are not having our regular week-long summer camp this year, Child Hope board member Jody Giles and his 18 person missions team from Revolution Church from Annapolis, Maryland have put together a very special weekend camp for MDL kids at Kaliko Beach Club, 90 minutes north of Port-au-Prince on the west coast on July 7-9.  The event has the theme "Living Water."  The camp will include daily Bible studies, fun water sports, worship music and a host of other fun activities. 


While the camp is being held, the team is also hosting an MDL senior staff retreat at Club Indigo, up the road from the kids camp.


We are so very grateful to Jody and his team for putting all this together.  Please pray Jody's team, for favorable weather conditions, safety and protection and that the Lord would work powerfully that weekend.

Transition Program Update

Diene in baking classThe transition Program is a unique program that empowers young people and adults to develop vocational skills that can translate into income and, eventually, a career. Participants learn a trade, Life Skills (how to budget, shop, save, etc.), and partake in daily Bible studies.  The goal is to prepare young people to not just survive but to thrive -- independently -- in the Western Hemisphere's poorest country.  


In Haiti, where unemployment is 80%, a person cannot count on finding a job, regardless of skills and education. Most must create their own job.  


Some of the businesses the program has launched include:


Cerley being taught Woodworking - Currently the number one profit-generating business in the program, this unique furniture making/carpentry business continues to produce items that are being purchased by leading Haitian businesses, NGOs and individuals.

 Cerley being taught


Sewing - The sewing business teaches sewing skills and produces products that are sold in Haiti. We recently received a donation of 1,300 pounds of fabric from Christian Aid Ministries and an embroidery machine was also recently donated.


The three weavers Jewelry - We are still making the beaded jewelry (made from cereal boxes) but we are now moving into newer, more contemporary creative jewelry designs incorporating local Haitian items (shells, rocks, etc.). Christa Gibler, interning from Reality L.A. Church, has been working with the girls on the new designs.The three weavers


Weaving - Linda Bohlinger, a visiting missions team member, brought in a small loom to teach our girls to weave and ended up  launching a new business for three needy Port-au-Prince women. Producing quality scarves, purses and accessories, this micro-business is providing hope and income.


Junior and Gibson making T-Shirts Screen Printing - Meeting a strong demand for silk screened items, including T-Shirts, school uniforms, hats, purses, etc., the Lighthouse screen printing business continues to grow.


IT Services - The transition program has a computer room that is currently being used for Internet research and graphic design.  In the near future, it will hopefully expand to include education (French and English software courses and online video conferencing classes), research, database, word processing, software development, networking training and more.


Cupcakes Bakery - The kitchen at the trans house has been converted to allow for increased bakery production. Funds have also been received to purchase a convection oven. Currently, the bakery supplies snacks to a nearby school and wants to expand to grocery stores, home deliveries of bread and other fresh baked goods.Bee Hive


Agribusiness - A honey bee business is one of the newest micro-businesses at the transition house.  Also, an egg  business is the process of development.  Junior Bataille will be overseeing these new ventures.  


The Child Hope Transition Program is a tremendous program that is making significant inroads in creating jobs and empowering previously homeless children with opportunities and hope for the future.  But, as one can imagine, the challenges are great and the needs are many.  Here are a few of our needs to lift up in prayer:


Matching Grant - Half of the funds needed have been donated to purchase a convection oven for the baking business.  We currently need an additional $ 1,200.  


We also have a need for volunteers. 


Instructors/Mentors - People with specific experience in the previously described businesses are needed to help train students in each skill area. People who can volunteer in Haiti for one week, 3-6 months or a year would be greatly appreciated.


Business Coaches - We are interested in individuals who have experience starting and running businesses, writing business plans and managing businesses.  One week, 3-6 months or a year would be greatly appreciated.


Office Manager - Someone who has office administrative skills who would like to help manage transition program operations, bookkeeping, orders, invoices, collection, etc. would be a gigantic value.    


If you are interested in helping out or contributing in some way to the transition program, contact us at

The Manamobile
The Manamobile (top: Dee Flowers and Christa Gibler. Inside: John Flowers and Bill Manassero)
Photos From Haiti
Basketball in the Ben's
Basketball in the Ben's

Ariana's Bible Study Girls
Ariana's Friday afternoon Bible study Girls
Upcoming Events
June 29 - July 6 - Ocean Hills Church - California

July 6-13 - Revolution Church - Maryland
July 16 - August 3 - Guest House Closed  

August 3-17 - Calvary Chapel Santa Barbara Youth - California

Contact Info
Brittany Rauschkolb                    Financial (sponsor payments, donations)                             
Gabrielle Nord                              General information, Internships, Donations            
Tami Jo Bates                              Missions Teams, Guest House, Haiti Administration                
Child Hope International  1225 Coast Village Road Suite C Santa Barbara, CA 93108  888-808-9595