PRESS RELEASE:  05.17.08
For Immediate Release
Anne Yalon
Micaela Gallery
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SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA - 05.17.08 - (for immediate release) Mica�la is proud to introduce the works of New Orleans-based artist Karoline Schleh and San Francisco-based artist Sabina Sul� in Gallery 1. The exhibition is curated by San Francisco Art Institute MFA graduate, Anne Yalon, and opens on Tuesday, May 20.  The opening reception, with artist Karoline Schleh in attendance, is Friday, May 23, 2008 at 5 pm.

Schleh, Boat Tracings, 2008

After Hurricane Katrina, Schleh was forced to rebuild her house.  She notes: "For myself, and many, there is a dream-like affect of a familiar place with not all of the pieces fitting where they used to be."  Schleh was adamant about salvaging the old parts of her house to fit within the new.  Her window panes now reveal a palimpsest of paint illuminating every color of paint her house has ever been.  Her works reveal and conceal a similar concept.  Schleh's body of work is titled "Stereo" referring to seeing in stereo with two eyes and seeing the same situation, place, person, event from two different view points.  She verbalizes her work dealing with "perception and the futility of record keeping, my ever present backwards handwriting notes containing my thoughts from when each work was made."Sule, Almalgamation, 2005

Similarly, Azerbaijan-born Sabina Sul� presents work that can be seen as abstractions of what she chooses to reveal to her viewer. Beginning with precise realistic drawings of people from live models or photos, she then paints over the drawing with a transparent layer of color. Subsequent construction of her work is made by another drawing of a human figure, followed again by transparent layers of paint, thereby fragmenting the image to a familiar yet unrecognizable form.  "I often scrape off top layers to uncover the underlying images and rearrange them. I continue this until the painting loses most of its representational aspect."

Both artists use traces and fragments to disclose their imagery, leaving the viewer to place themselves within the work and locate the fragment to create the whole.

Left image: Karoline Schleh, "Green Boat Tracings."  Oil, acrylic and graphite on birch panel. 48 x 48 in. 2008.

Right image:  Sabina Sul�, "Untitled 29."  Oil on canvas. 60 x 48 in. 2005.

About Mica�la
Mica�la, a fine art gallery, represents contemporary fine art.  The gallery assembles several solo and group exhibitions annually, with emphasis on idea-based work, visual pleasure and artistic vision, as influenced by culture, emotion, intellect and the politics of life.

Mica�la is located at 333 Hayes Street, between Franklin + Gough Streets.  Summer gallery hours are Tuesday-Saturday from 11 to 6 pm, Sunday and Monday by appointment.  For more information, please visit our website at micaela.com (click image) or write to Anne Yalon at anne@micaela.com.

The current exhibition of work by Karoline Schleh and Sabina Sule
is on view from May 20 through June 31.  Opening reception is Friday, May 23 at 5 pm.
Entry is free of charge.
All images are courtesy of the artists and Micala, and are protected
by all copyright/trademark laws everywhere. 
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