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DTC Business and Professional Women's Network
Pierre Jean-Pierre St. Pierre  
all the way from Paris...or not
On Wednesday, December 10, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
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December Meeting
Pierre Jean-Pierre St. Pierre Wednesday, December 10
Members and prospective members, Please come to our next meeting of DTC BPW.    
Carol & Rhonda 
DTC BPW lunch
Wednesday, December 10,  
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Cool River
 Members - $18 
 Guests - $25
RSVP by Monday prior to the meeting.  Please pay with credit card on-line at www.dtcbpw.org 
Or pay at the door by cash or check only with a reservation to dtcbpwpres@comcast.net
Members and guests - $25 without a reservation.
Note: Beginning in January,
there is an additional charge
of $10 per person for walk-ins on the
day of the event. Seating is not guaranteed without a reservation - Please RSVP early.
~ ~ ~ ~ 

Note: Full refund with written notice 48 hours prior to the event. 

Partners & Sponsors

DTC BPW members and Greenwood Village Chamber members attend  events at member rates.
Visit Our Partner
Am. Heart Assoc. 
Visit our Partner and join Choose to Move. Earn prizes.
December Sponsor
DTC BPW Leadership
Team Members
Carol Naff, President
Kathie Seedroff. President Elect
Mary Tobeck, Secretary
Diana Hutcherson, Treasurer
Polly Letofsky, V.P. Programs
Erin Seabold, V.P. Membership
Sally Reinemer, V.P. Membership
Emily A. Tucker, V.P. Public Relations
(303) 346-2461
Ruby Mayeda, Past President
Rebecca Moore Leach, Legislation
rebecca@investwithresponsibility.com   720.344.5188 
Audrey Spencer, Deepen the Connection
Rhonda Bolich-Lampo, Professional Development
Laurie Anderson, Woman of the Year
Ganette Isaacson, Young Careerist
Patty Howe, Photo Journalist
Elvi Bjorkquist, Web Master
 Melissa Wilson, Member at Large/CWEE Liaison

Get Involved! Join DTC BPW

Save the


Greenwood Village Monthly Luncheon
Thursday, December
11, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. gvchamber.com
Colorado BPW Mid-Year Legislative Conference Friday & Saturday, January 30 & 31

Leadership Team Planning Meeting, Last Tuesday each month - 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Next one in January
DTC BPW January Lunch with Dottie Lamm, former First Lady of Colorado
Wednesday, January 14
Dear , What an inspiration of dedication and hard work to achieve her dreams.  
 Kim Christiansen 
Kim Christiansen of 9News talked about her career path and the future of television at our last meeting. 

Plan now to attend our December holiday celebration with comedian Pierre Jean-Pierre St. Pierre
Colorado BPW sponsored Gloria Steinem Carol, Gloria, Cheryl
During 10 days and 27 community meetings in Colorado, Gloria's purpose was to supply the information that links our lives to the actions of our government - whether we are Democrats, Republicans, or Independents - especially in this crucial swing state with fourteen initiatives on its ballot; more than in any other state. She was often joined by others citizen experts from non-partisan Colorado groups and the focus was especially on uncommitted voters. Though she made clear that she supported first Hillary Clinton and now Barack Obama, she focused on the reasons in pro-equality, pro-environment and other majority interests.
Even though I didn't always agree with her positions, I value her contributions to society.
Our member of the month is Kathie Seedroff.
Kathie Seedroff
Kathie has been a member of BPW since February 2004. She currently serves as President-Elect, is starting our mentor program, and held the position of Secretary in 2007-2008. As a Feng Shui practitioner and clutter clearing coach, she joined the DTC local unit because she loves the 'energy' of the group.
Kathie's business, Simplified Interiors, offers presentations, classes, coaching and certification in clutter clearing, organizing and Feng Shui.  Kathie believes strongly in volunteering, mentoring other women in their pursuits, and community involvement.  She currently sits on the fundraising committee for Interfaith Hospitality Network of Greater Denver whose mission is to provide housing and self-sufficiency programs for families experiencing homelessness. 
Thank you, Neil McKenzie, for capturing the event with the photos at our meeting. Patty was unable to attend. Visit Neil's web site.

Join our LinkedIn Group at 
Plan now to attend our Colorado BPW Mid-Year Legislative Conference on January 30 & 31. See Colorado BPW for more information.
Best regards,
Carol Naff, 2008-09 DTC BPW President

Register to Attend and Invite a Prospective Member

Pierre Jean-Pierre St. Pierre
Please join DTC BPW in celebrating the holidays.
 All the way from Paris...or not, our special guest is Pierre Jean-Pierre St. Pierre of Lannie's Clocktower Cabaret.
DTC BPW also will honor our CWEE Partners (Center for Work Education & Employment) and celebrate their successes. CWEE provides realistic programs to help low-income single parents and families develop and expand the skills and confidence necessary to obtain continuous, meaningful employment and career advancement.
Wednesday, December 10, at our usual meeting place, Cool River and our usual time - 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 
11:10 - Networking tips by Marketing Coach, Carol Naff
Reservations required - dtcbpw.org
Register early. We almost had to turn people away in November. The first 30 people to register for the lunch will be entered in a special drawing for a door prize. 

Catch the Enthusiasm

Welcome new and renewing members
Laura Henelund
Karen Evans
Karen Ingle
Kim Woody
Nancy McKay
Rachel West
Networking tips 

Networking Tips to meet our prospective members

Reap the Benefits of Connecting

Become a Member in BPW
Mission: To achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education, and information, and to promote economic self-sufficiency for women.
  • The Power of Connecting
  • The Power to Change Workplaces
  • The Power of Voices United
 Empower Yourself and Others
Polly & Pam
 BPW is open to all women and men who wish to support and participate in our mission, get connected, and develop long-lasting business and personal relationships.  
Visit www.dtcbpw.org for more information. Annual membership is $120 and Student membership is $40.
Sponsors for our Monthly Lunches: Put your company in the limelight as a sponsor. All sponsorships are sold through May 2009. Click here on the Membership page to learn more about becoming a sponsor. Web ads also are available to support our organization.
If you have a door prize to contribute at a meeting, please notify me at dtcbpwpres@comcast.net  Your name will be announced from the podium as your door prize is awarded.
Earn BPW bucks as an incentive for building our local organization network. Each DTC BPW member will receive one BPW Buck for each prospective member/guest who attends the meeting when you are there, too. Earn one BPW Buck for every guest you bring to our lunch. You will receive five BPW bucks when your guest joins our organization. Collect 18 BPW Bucks and turn them in for a free lunch.
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