An eNewsletter for chapter leaders, advisors and volunteers of Phi Sigma Sigma
September 2012
In This Issue
Recruitment Board
Note From Your MMs
Share Your Memories!
Friendly HQ Reminders  
All members
  • Update spring 2012 GPA
  • Update individual activities & honors
  • Acknowledge your policies
  • Complete Fraternity education exam
  • Enter NM into website 48 hours after bid day
  • Change NMs to Collegians one week prior to initiation or as soon as they have paid their NM fees (this will ensure your chapter does not incur fines)
  • Use licensed vendors
  • Enter your bid day date online 
    PR Chairs (or general)
  • Update social media  regularly (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, website)
  • Make sure the chapter is planning for major events (e.g., recruitment, sisterhood retreat, etc.)
  • Verify chapter roster no later then Oct. 1
  • Greetings!


    Can you believe summer is just about over? With move-in day over or about to happen, everyone is preparing for what lies ahead with the upcoming semester!


    It is important to read this issue of Savvy. It has great information and tips from your membership managers, great thoughts for recruitment, information about CRA and thoughts from one of Foundation's UIFI recipients.


    Additionally, be sure to check out our new online store (promo code available below)! It is a great place to purchase bid day gifts, t-shirts, bid day cards and much more.


    Speaking of Bid day, be sure to send your bid day pictures and NM class pictures to our Communications Manager. We would love to share your fun memories on our Facebook page!


    Just a few housekeeping reminders - it is very important to update your chapter rosters  no later than Oct. 1. Chapters will be charged for every member on the roster, so you want to make sure it is accurate. Additionally, archons need to remember to verfiy the roster once it is updated. In order to have a vote at Convention this year, each chapter must complete the Fraternity education exam. I strongly recommend each MAL set up a three-step deadline process (see the "Maintaining Membership" article below) that will encourage members to complete the exam.


    Lastly, Phi Sigma Sigma has been evaluating our brand, but we need your help! In order to provide feedback, please be sure to take the Phi Sigma Sigma Branding Survey.


    I wish everyone the best of luck and a great start to the new semester and, as always, Aim High! 

    Michelle Ardern
    Executive Director
    Phi Sigma Sigma
    Introducing the "19thirteen Boutique" - the NEW Online Store
    An easy way to purchase all your Phi Sig merchandise
    Phi Sigma Sigma is excited to announce the launch of our new online store - the "19thirteen boutique." It is a great place to order your Phi Sigma Sigma swag!  Get a FREE t-shirt with any purchase of $30 or more by Sept 30! (Promo codes - 4781 or 4782)
    Ready, Set, Recruit!
    Recruitment, for many chapters, is right around the corner! Here are some tips for how to prepare
    You've probably spent the last several months planning your chapter's upcoming recruitment down to every little detail - the shirts, the songs, the roses (to name a few!).   We know that YOU could probably go through your recruitment frontwards, backwards and sideways, but what about the rest of the chapter? One of the most important roles of an MRC is not only to plan the recruitment itself, but also to PREPARE the chapter for recruitment! Read more>

    True Greek Leadership is About "Living Your Values"

    One of Foundation's 2012 UIFI scholarship recipients, Marissa Colon (Iota Mu Chapter at the University of New Haven), shares her conference experience

    FOR ANYONE WHO IS TRULY PASSIONATE ABOUT GREEK LIFE, the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute (UIFI) is a place where you can network and learn how other Greek communities across North America operate. Thanks to a Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation scholarship, I was fortunate to attend the conference earlier this year - and I am happy to share some of the interesting things I learned there so sisters who care deeply about our sorority and the future of Greek life can also benefit! Read more>
    Maintaining Membership
    As the semester begins - here is how to remain in good standing with Phi Sig
    What sets a fraternity or sorority apart from any other organization you might join during your college years? Why not join a social club, or simply spend your free time making friends at a residence hall?
    The answer to this question, of course, is that unlike other campus experiences, which provide specific benefits, fraternity and sorority membership presents a comprehensive approach to college life.
    Ideally, you joined Phi Sigma Sigma because you found a group of women who shared your values and made you feel welcome. But just as with any involvement, there are minimum standards and responsibilities in order to maintain "active" membership.  
    Speaking of individual responsibilities, it is important everyone remember to complete the Fraternity education exam by Oct. 1. MALs - it might be a good idea to come up with a three-step deadline process for members to ensure each completes the exam. For example, step one could be for all sisters who do not complete the exam by Sept 16; followed by step two being Sept 23 and so on. We highly recommend sisters bring a computer to a chapter meeting so members can take the exam there. Remember - chapters that do not complete the exam will not be able to vote at Convention (July 10 - 14, 2013).

    A Note from your HQ Membership Team!

    Alex, Simonne & Catherine share some things to keep in mind this semester


    We hope everyone is excited to return to campus and have a phabulous Fall semester!


    Good luck to all the chapters with upcoming recruitment events in the Fall! Be sure to Aim High and recruit women who will better the sorority! Remember to always be confident and have phun with recruitment!


    For all chapters, remember recruitment is a year round process, the chapter should always be recruitment ready! With students returning to campus and freshmen joining your campus be sure to get out there and represent Phi Sigma Sigma!



    Share Your Memories!

    Send us your photos!


    As the semester begins, HQ encourages sisters to share their memories with us. Don't forget to send us lots of fun pictures from all of your fun semester activities! Send your photos to