New This Month
John Ashbery to Judge the Walt Whitman Award

The Academy is pleased to announce that former Academy of American Poets Chancellor and Pulitzer Prize-winning poet John Ashbery will be the judge for the 2013 Walt Whitman Award. The award includes publication of an American poet's first book, a cash prize of $5,000, and a one-month residency at the Vermont Studio Center. Submissions will be accepted online only from September 15 until November 15. Since 1934, the Academy of American Poets has awarded more money to poets than any other organization. 

Abraham Lincoln's Favorite Poetry

According to his biographers, Abraham Lincoln's engagement with poetry ranged from inclusion in his intimate correspondence, memorization in private, and even recitation on cue. Browse selections from Lincoln's personal library, and start a conversation with the past president through the poetry he loved.


Poets Forum Discount Available

On October 18-20, over 30 poets will come together on the campuses of New York University and The New School for the Academy of American Poets 6th annual Poets Forum. The three-day series of events will feature in-depth discussions with an array of distinguished poets, readings, lectures, publication parties, and a selection of poet-led literary walking tours throughout Manhattan.


Buy an All-Events Pass before September 1 to receive a 20% discount.


The Poet's View: Mel Stuart's Legacy 


Mel Stuart's The Poet's View 

In honor of the visionary film-maker, Mel Stuart, director of Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, who passed on August 10, 2012, the Academy is re-releasing The Poet's View. Stuart's acclaimed documentary focuses on the work of poets John Ashbery, Louise Gl�ck, Anthony Hecht, W. S. Merwin & Kay Ryan. Browse clips from this groundbreaking documentary, including Stuart's personal interviews with each of the poets, and support his lasting vision and love of poetry.

lridge2Lola Ridge: Forgotten Poet of the Proletariat

Mel Stuart's The Poet's View

"Her life and work revealed to me the dynamic relationship between language and social struggle, and I find her deep belief that people can transcend the world's strife inspiring, especially in light of the Occupy Wall Street movement."


In this introductory essay to the work of Lola Ridge, Terese Svoboda outlines the urgency of a renewed focus on Ridge's poetry and the unaging quality of Ridge's socially charged imagism.

Thanks for being a part of the community. To learn about other Academy of American Poets programs, including National Poetry Month, Poem In Your Pocket Day, the annual Poets Forum, and more, visit

August 2012


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Abraham Lincoln Signature Travel Mug gift

Lincoln Signature Mug


Exclusive to, this classic stainless steel insulated travel mug is inscribed with Abraham Lincoln's signature and a wise and witty quotation.


Exclusive Price: $15.00

Members Price: $13.50


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