From the Carolinas Aviation Museum
camThe CAM News.  A changing newsletter for a museum on the move!
The North Carolina Air National Guard will  be displaying a C-130 Hercules at CAM on Saturday October 13 from 10:00 until 4:00.  This is a repeat performance of several months ago and based on the success of that visit, we expect high traffic for this exhibit.
We'll also be offering a combined tour of the Eastern Airlines DC-7B and Vintage Air Force One fuselage.  If you're in the area, stop in.  We expect Saturday to be another great day at the museum.
affiliateCAM - Now An Affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution.                     


Carolinas Aviation Museum has received written notification that we have been approved to be an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution.


This is a tremendous honor given to only six institutions in North Carolina. The primary benefits of the affiliation for CAM are:

  • Resource sharing opportunities
  • Assistance with educational programs
  • Technical information for the care, preservation, and safety of exhibits
  • Professional development opportunities

We expect this to be a real asset as we move forward with our plans to expand and improve the museum. 

founderMuseum Founders Letter

Dear Members

High lights of the years gone by.

August and September 1992


CHAC hosted a static display of aircraft from the National Warplanes Museum - a B-17 heavybomber, "Fuddy Duddy", and the B-25 medium bomber "Panchito". Also on display with the bombers was my 1953 Korean War Vintage ambulance. The static display was at Butler Aviation on the FBO ramp at Charlotte/Douglas airport. The static display was well attended with over 6,000 visitors

CHAC had a display at the EAA Antique/Classic Chapter 3 Annual Fall Fly-in at Woodward Field, Camden SC. I spoke before the OX5 Aviation Pioneers Luncheon at the fly-in.

October's general membership meeting speaker was WWII ace Col. Robert S. "Bob" Johnson. Bob is the fourth ranking ace of all U.S. wars. He shot down 28 enemy aircraft in Europe in WWII. Over 100 members and guests were enthralled as Bob Johnson spoke on some of his experiences in the air war in WWII. Bob was given a standing ovation at the end of his speech. 
 Left) Col. Robert S. "Bob" Johnson, in his P-47 Thunderbolt

Floyd Wilson and group







(Right)  Floyd Wilson with

Col Henry Harley Arnold Jr. (son of WWII, 5 Star General, Harley "Hap" Arnold  who was an American general officer holding the grades of General of the Army and later General of the Air Force), and Col. Robert S. "Bob" Johnson. Floyd is holding a book with a photo of Bob Johnson and Dick Bong  (Number one ace of all U.S. Wars, with 40 victory's) with Gen. Arnold. The photo was made in 1944 when both Bob and Dick Bong were brought back to the U.S. to sell War bonds.

Membership in CHAC was now 380 members.


Floyd S. Wilson

zemkeZemke's Wolf Pack -   
The Story of Hub Zemke and the 56th Fighter Group in the skies over Europe

As told to Roger A. Freeman


Book Report

By Steve West


An interesting tidbit, to me, was that the author Roger Freeman,  who has authored over 18 books on WWII aviation, actually met Hubert (Hub) Zemke as a twelve year old in England. Mr. Freeman's father cut the grass at the Boxted aerodrome-home of the 56th. He remembers Colonel Zemke as he was so young unlike all the much older British Colonels that lived in his neighborhood.


Hubert Zemke gained the nickname of Hub due to his pugilistic abilities which were a lot like Jimmie Doolittle in my previous book report. Hub was thought to be a better a name that Hubert for a fighter and the nickname stuck. Unlike Jimmie Doolittle Hub was not enamored with flying nor did he want to be a fighter pilot. He went into the military to earn income due to the poor economic times prior to WWII. He qualified for the air force only because two of his buddies had decided to try for advanced placements. But once in flight school he took to flying like a duck takes to water.


Hub almost spent a placement in Charlotte.  He was in Russia helping the Soviet Air Force become proficient with the P-40 when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. His request for a transfer was granted and he was assigned to the 56th which at the time was based in Charlotte-Fort Charlotte, South Carolina. He did arrive in Charlotte, NC in order to report to the 56th but they had been transferred to Teaneck, New Jersey. So both South Carolina and North Carolina lost the opportunity to claim Hub as part of their history.


One bit of luck was that Hub was assigned to the RAF and Soviet Air Force before war broke out for the US. There he learned a great deal about combat and the capabilities of the Luftwaffe. This knowledge that appears throughout the book saved him from making rookie mistakes. An interesting part of the book is Hub's comments about his strength and weaknesses as commander of the 56th. He did not pull any punches when it came to reviewing his weaknesses.


This book Zemke's Wolf Pack (27.837) is in the Members Loan Section and is available through the Dolph Overton Aviation Library of Carolinas Aviation Museum.



Mr. Brian Connolly, Charlotte

Ms. Kara Logue, Charlotte

Mr. William Worsley, Charlotte

Mr. Bradley Sloan, Statesville 

Mr. and Mrs. David Warren, Charlotte




Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dibble, Belmont 

 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kuntzelman, Concord



Silver Wings 

  J.W. Noah, Clarksville, VA 



 Golden Wing 

   Ms Carol Hance, Charlotte








October   2012

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