
Monthly News and EventsAugust 2012



Animal Shelter
Parks and Leisure
Watch Board of Commissioners meetings on TV18 at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. the week following the meeting, or anytime at www.tv18online.org



See this month's budget update, a detailed look at department spending and county revenue.


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Your vote still counts!


Charlotte Sosebee, Director of Elections for Hall County, said 34.5% of registered voters turned out for the July 31 primary, compared to only 18% in 2008. She encourages voters to participate in the runoff election set for Aug. 21. All voters who were registered to vote in the primary can vote in the runoff, whether they voted in the primary or not. There will only be a Republican ballot. If a person chose a Nonpartisan or Republican ballot in the primary, they can vote in the runoff.


Early Voting:

8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday-Friday, Aug. 8 - 17 

Hall County Government Center

2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville


Absentee ballots will be available Aug. 10. 


Visit elections.hallcounty.org for more information.

Sheriff's Office ranks 2nd in nation 


The Hall County Sheriff's Office was recently recognized by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) during its annual National Law Enforcement Challenge, placing 2nd in the nation among Sheriffs' offices of comparable size. This marks the third time the Hall County Sheriff's Office has been recognized as such, having placed first in 2006 and again in 2010.

The National Law Enforcement Challenge (NLEC) is a national traffic safety awards program, supported by a grant from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration as well as private entities that recognizes excellence in law enforcement traffic safety programs. Read more.
Public Defender reappointed to office 


Brad Morris was sworn in last month at Callaway Gardens, Ga., for another four-year term as the Circuit Public Defender for the Northeastern Judicial Circuit, which encompasses Hall and Dawson Counties.


Morris, who has been in charge of the Office of the Public Defender for the Northeastern Judicial Circuit since its inception in 2004, was unanimously recommended for reappointment by a three-person Supervisory Committee. He is responsible for an office of 14 attorneys and 10 support staff who represent indigent criminal defendants in the two-county circuit. Read more.

New leadership announced


Hall County Administrator Randy Knighton announced two new department directors in July. Srikanth Yamala, who has been with Hall County for seven years, is the new Planning Director. Bill Moats joins Hall County as Human Resources Director.


"After an extensive search, these two gentlemen emerged as the prime candidates for their respective positions. They are uniquely qualified to serve the staff and citizens of Hall County in the present and, more importantly, will be vital to Hall County's success in the future," Knighton said.  

Watch CPR re-enactment on TV18 

This month's episode of Hall County Connection focuses on personal health and safety. One of our own Hall County firefighters was saved by the quick response of his coworkers after he collapsed during his morning run. If you aren't trained in CPR, this story is motivation to get your certification! Also on the show, the executive director of Rape Response will talk about how her organization assists victims of sexual crimes and works to prevent sexual assault through education. Watch Hall County Connection, as well as Eye on Gainesville and all County Commission and City Council meetings, online at www.tv18online.org.
Our mission

The mission of Hall County Government is to promote, encourage and develop a strong, viable community and ensure that all citizens share in prosperity by providing efficient, accessible and responsible public service.