
Monthly News and EventsJune 2012

County offices closed
June 11, furlough


Parks and Leisure
Watch Board of Commissioners meetings on TV18 at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. the week following the meeting, or anytime at www.tv18online.org



See this month's budget update, a detailed look at department spending and county revenue.


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Volunteer in Hall County parks 


 Hall County Parks and Leisure introduces a new volunteer program to Hall County residents. Our parks are in need of community-minded individuals who are interested in spending their free time beautifying a local park, teaching a class, working with young athletes, or have another passion, talent or skill to share. This is a great opportunity for:

  • Students or members of a civic organization who need to accumulate service hours.
  • People currently seeking employment who want to keep an active resume and build new skills.
  • Retired residents who would like to be involved in a good cause.
  • Stay-at-home parents who want to spend time in a fun and interactive environment.
  • Anyone who wants to make a difference in the community.

As a "thank you" to our volunteers, Parks and Leisure will offer credit toward facility rental fees and fitness memberships. For information on becoming a volunteer, contact your local community center manager or call 770-535-8280, ext.228.  

Be an educated voter on July 31


 Learn about road projects included in the upcoming July 31 transportation voter referendum at one of four public meetings hosted by the Gainesville-Hall Metropolitan Planning Organization, which is the transportation planning arm of local government.



  • June 4 at Oakwood City Hall
  • June 7 at Georgia Mountains Center 
  • June 19 at North Hall High School
  • June 25 at Flowery Branch Depot 


    5:30-7 p.m., formal presentation at 6 p.m. 

    More info: www.ghmpo.org or 770-531-6809.

    TV18 features Hall County schools


    This month's episode of Hall County Connection features special programs at Hall County schools. Dr. Cindy Blakely, principal of Lanier Charter Career Academy, talks about the businesses run by students at the academy, and the students tell us about their hands-on learning experience. Kim Martin, executive director of nonprofit Safe Kids Gainesville-Hall County, gives us a peek inside Safe Kids Week, which educates children in local elementary schools about water, fire, traffic and E-911 safety.
    2013 budget hearing scheduled


    Hall County Government will hold a public hearing on the proposed 2013 budget at 6 p.m. June 14 at the Georgia Mountains Center. A final draft of the proposed budget will be available at www.hallcounty.org/budget one week before the hearing. A presentation outlining the Administration's original proposal and a public comment form are currently online.


    The public got a first look at the budget at an Open House on May 1. Budget and millage rate adoption is scheduled for June 22 at 4 p.m., which is the earliest date after the public hearing that the Commission can approve the budget, according to state law.

    Stay safe on the lake this summer
    Last year, 15 people died from drowning on Lake Lanier. Hall County Fire Services has started a campaign called Operation FLOAT to encourage boaters and swimmers on the lake to follow these safety precautions:

    Flotation devices should always be worn.
    Learn to swim and always swim with a buddy.
    Obey all rules and posted signs.
    Adults should always supervise children around water.
    Think before you drink.

    Our mission

    The mission of Hall County Government is to promote, encourage and develop a strong, viable community and ensure that all citizens share in prosperity by providing efficient, accessible and responsible public service.