
Monthly News and EventsNovember 2011

County offices closed
November 23-25 for furlough and Thanksgiving holidays


Parks and Leisure


Steer and Heifer Show
November 5
8 a.m. - 10 a.m. is weigh in
8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Chicopee Woods Ag Center


Active Generation
Thanksgiving Pot-Luck
November 10
11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Bring a dish to share and a $5 bingo prize.
Mulberry Creek Community Center


New Classic Horse Show
November 12
8 a.m. - finish
Chicopee Woods Ag Center


Zumba Classes
November 14 - December 19
7:30 - 8:30 p.m.
$30 for six classes
Mulberry Creek Community Center


Reading Time
November 16
10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
East Hall Community Center


Potluck and Recipe Swap Luncheon
November 17
11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Bring a dish to share and recipe.
East Hall Community Center


Mulberry Creek Community Center Open House
November 19
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Mulberry Creek Community Center


Canine Capers
November 19 & 20
8 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Saturday
8 a.m. - finish on Sunday
Chicopee Woods Ag Center
Yoga Class
6 p.m.
$64 for eight week session
Call 770-965-7140 for dates.
Mulberry Creek Community Center


Tai Chi
4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
$1 per class
Mulberry Creek Community Center

Toys for Tots
Mulberry Creek Community Center and East Hall Community Center are drop-off locations for Toys for Tots. New, unwrapped toys may be donated during regular business hours. Monday-Thursday from 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday from 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Government meetings


Board of Tax Assessors
November 2 at 8:30 a.m.
Nov. 16 at 4 p.m.
Joint Admin. Bldg., Bill Wms Room
300 Henry Ward Way,
Gainesville, GA


Planning Commission
Nov. 7
5:15 p.m.
Georgia Mountains Center,
301 Main St.,
Gainesville, GA


Board of Commissioners
Nov. 10
6 p.m.
Georgia Mountains Center,
301 Main St.,
Gainesville, GA
Parks and Leisure Services Board
Nov. 21
5 p.m.
East Hall Community Center,
3911 P Davison Road,
Gainesville, GA

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Recycling: More options, less sorting


Hall County is making

Hall County Connection - Recycling Changes, Drug Free Coalition, Community Fire Drill - November 2011
Find out more about recycling on TV18.

it easier for residents to recycle with more options and less sorting at the county's 12 compactor sites. Starting Nov. 5, mixed paper and mixed card-board are accepted at all sites. And only at the Flowery Branch and Sardis compactors, you can recycle all your cans, glass, and plastic in one bin. Those two sites are part of a pilot study for modified single stream recycling, which may go county-wide if it works! What can I recycle? 

 America Recycles Day

Recycle old electronics and shred sensitive documents at the America Recycles Day event on Saturday, Nov. 5 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Hall County Farmers Market on Crescent Drive.


Second tax installment due Dec. 1


The second installment of Hall County property tax bills is due Dec. 1. Mortgage companies pay the tax for about 40% of property owners in Hall County. If you don't have an escrow account in your mortgage, you can pay online, mail your payment with the installment coupon, or drop off a payment at the Tax Commissioner's office. Visit tax.hallcounty.org to learn more.
Spout Springs Widening open house 


The public will have the opportunity to learn more about the Spout Springs Road Widening Project at a Community Open House on Nov. 3. Drop by Spout Springs Elementary School between 5 and 7:30 p.m. to see maps and timelines, talk to project engineers, and provide comments. Read more at improvespoutsprings.com.  
County continues to improve budget 


Since the fiscal year 2012 budget took effect on July 1, Hall County has found additional cost reductions and revenue opportunities resulting in millions saved for the taxpayers. Highlights include the reorganization of Parks and Leisure Services to save $800,000 , and changes to employee health insurance benefits that are expected to eliminate a projected $4-million deficit that the county faced for the 2013 fiscal year. Read more.  

Fire Services: Holiday safety tips
Fire Services Logo


The chances of experiencing a cooking fire increase during holiday times. People are busy, houses are crowded with family and friends, and it is easy to be distracted by all the festivities and forget about the stove or the oven. Check out these five cooking safety tips from Hall County Fire Services.

Monkeying around at Laurel Park 
Roscoe the Boston Terrier and his monkey suit won the Best Overall prize at this year's Howl-O-Ween pet costume contest, sponsored by Hall County Parks and Leisure Services.
Roscoe the Boston Terrier in his monkey suit won the Best Overall prize at the Howl-O-Ween pet costume contest. Roscoe is owned by Jason and Debbie Bates. Hall County Parks and Leisure hosts the contest each year at the Laurel Bark Park, along with the Hall County Animal Shelter
Our mission

The mission of Hall County Government is to promote, encourage and develop a strong, viable community and ensure that all citizens share in prosperity by providing efficient, accessible and responsible public service.