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Monthly Newsletter

July 2011

Did you see our new website??  We launched OregonVoice.org earlier this month and are already getting fantastic feedback from a number of folks.  If you haven't had a chance to look at it yet, take three minutes and pop on over there.  It's full of useful information from Oregon Voice and State Voices, including a special "members section" with exclusive content for Oregon Voice members.  Contact Laura Taylor today for your member login information to get started. 

We also have a new Facebook page, so head on over there and like us today for another way to keep in touch.  This will be a busy summer for Oregon Voice, and we'll be using all of these resources--our website, email and Facebook--to keep you up-to-date with what Oregon Voice is up to!

--Helena Huang


Training Modules are Huge Success!

As you know, Oregon Voice has contracted with Lisa Horowitz (StrategyWorks NW, LLC) to design and facilitate two six-week training modules for partner organizations.  Ten participants are taking part in Creating Effective Advocacy Campaigns, including representatives from APANO, CAUSA and OSA.  We also have seven participants taking part in Building an Effective Organizing Program, including representatives from BRO, Oregon Food Bank and Oregon Tradeswomen.  The participants have had exciting things to say about each of the modules (a few quotes are included below).  


For a more complete overview of what they have been up to, head over to the website.  Oregon Voice hopes to continue to offer these training opportunities in the fall and will be reaching out later this summer to assess demand and interest.


"The campaign planning module is definitely giving me a solid understanding of the elements that go into building an effective advocacy campaign.  I really appreciate hearing from and sharing ideas with my colleagues.  Lisa provides a lot of excellent examples and real world experience that we can build off of." 

John Joo, APANO Field Organizer.


"Even though BRO has an extensive field program, I am taking away all sorts of useful information and practical tips.  I'm applying lessons learned weekly...

There's no doubt - the training will contribute to a more effective volunteer program for the Marriage Equality Campaign."

Demi Espinoza, Basic Rights Oregon Field Organizer


Legislative Brown Bag(s)
Just in time for the holiday weekend, the legislature adjourned, bringing to a close what has been a very busy time for all of us. Oregon Voice members have been engaged in a number of key campaigns this session, including tuition equity, issues of cultural competency, revenue and budget reform, redistricting and the health care exchange, to name a few.  

We look forward to providing opportunities to debrief several of these over the next few months.  Similar to the lunch we hosted prior to session, Oregon Voice will be holding a series of brown bag lunches this summer featuring legislators, lobbyists and representatives from Oregon Voice organizations to walk us through what some of these campaigns entailed, how they worked, what outcomes resulted and important lessons learned.

We will keep you all informed as we schedule these; you will also find them posted on our new online calendar



Helena Huang 
Oregon Voice
In This Issue
Training Modules are a Huge Success!
Legislative Update
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If you're an Oregon Voice member organization (don't know? Just ask!), you get access to exclusive content on the Oregon Voice website.  But, you need your member login info.  So, don't forget to email Laura Taylor today so you can sign in and start using all of the great tools Oregon Voice has to offer!


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