"Education is not the filling of the pail, but the lighting of a fire." -William Butler Yeats
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ACE Newsletter ~ Spring 2010

 A Publication of the ACE Center - Supporting Our College Partners
We've Changed Our Name to 'Academy for College Excellence'!
The Digital Bridge Academy (DBA) has changed its name to the Academy for College Excellence (ACE) and we've launched a new website featuring our new logo.
Take a look at www.my-ace.org >>

As of March, 2010... 
ACE college partners with live cohorts:  5
Colleges hoping to launch ACE cohorts:  6
Total # of FELI graduates: 282
Total # of ACE cohorts held at all colleges: 52
Total # of students that have attended ACE at all colleges: approximately 1300

March 27, 2010
ACE Community of Practice
Berkeley City College (Berkeley, CA)
June 7-11, 2010
Faculty Experiential Learning Institute (FELI)
Cabrillo College (Aptos, CA)


Summer 2010 Faculty Experiential Learning Institute (FELI) Registration Deadline
is April 16th
The FELI exposes community college faculty, administrators and staff to the communication and leadership curriculum used with ACE students; it is the first step for faculty interested in teaching ACE courses, and an excellent way to be introduced to ACE.  The registration deadline for the Summer 2010 FELI at Cabrillo College (Aptos, CA) is April 16th.
Register now >>

Order Fall Semester Curriculum Kits by April 30th
To provide more accurate, timely, and cost-effective delivery of curriculum kits (and refills), we are moving to a formal order process.  Details and order forms will be sent by the end of March to ACE coordinators at partner colleges.  Completed order forms for Fall semester kits must be returned by April 30th to ensure on-time delivery.

Fall Instructor Workshops to be Offered in June
We've received requests to hold the Fall semester Instructor Workshops (SJRC, TSM, FC Practicum, Integration & Behavior System) at the beginning of the summer, rather than waiting until right before the Fall semester begins, to allow faculty more time to prepare.  Some of the workshops will be offered in a virtual format so you can attend without traveling. We are working on a June schedule of Instructor Workshops and will post it later this month on the ACE website at www.my-ace.org; look for it in the 'Upcoming Events' section.


ACE Receives $3.6 Million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation

ACE Founder & Director Receives National Faculty Award
Diego Award
October, 2009

ACE's Founder & Director Diego James Navarro was awarded the 2009 William H. Meardy Faculty Member Award by The Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT).
"The ACCT Association Awards are among the most prestigious awards any community college, its trustees, presidents, faculty or staff member can receive," said ACCT Chair and Orange County Community College (New York) Trustee Arthur C. Anthonisen. "It is ACCT's privilege to shine the spotlight on these outstanding leaders."

Cabrillo ACE Graduate Wins Annual MLK Essay Contest
Robert DeMarco
Robert DeMarco MLK Speech
February, 2010

Cabrillo College ACE graduate Robert DeMarco (Spring '09) was recently awarded a medal and a $500 scholarship toward his attendance at Cabrillo next fall after winning first prize in the college's Dr. Martin Luther King Essay-Scholarship Contest. Contestants were asked to submit an essay about Dr. King, and how they have incorporated his ideals in their daily lives, educational goals, and future aspirations.
Robert placed first for his 5-page essay titled Altruism over Racism. He wrote about his experiences resisting the strong racial divisions among his fellow inmates during a 4-month stint in jail. He read his essay before an audience of 60 or more, and thanked ACE for helping him to succeed in college.
National Policy Group Highlights ACE
American Youth Policy Forum named Digital Bridge Academy (ACE's former name) as a successful program in its recent report 'Success at Every Step: How 23 Programs Support Youth on the Path to College and Beyond'.
Read full summary & report >>

**Know of any ACE news? Please send it our way!


Interview with ACE Community Member
In each newsletter we will interview a member of the ACE community to learn more about who they are and what brings them to ACE. In this edition, we spoke with Chris Lebo-Planas, the ACE Coordinator at Berkeley City College.


Robert DeMarco, ACE Graduate 
I want to thank the Academy for College Excellence (ACE) for helping me build the confidence that I needed to be successful in college. I started ACE at the Cabrillo College Watsonville Center in January 2009. It was the first time that I had been in school in over ten years.
I had wanted to go back to school in the past, but didn't feel confident enough for college classes. A friend told me about ACE, and it sounded interesting so I decided to give a try. The Foundation Course really helped me develop positive thinking and helped me remove negative beliefs that were imbedded in my conscience from years of negative self-talk. The Foundation Course also taught me how to improve my communication skills and provided a supportive environment that encouraged students to express their feelings.
This learning environment helped create a special bond between the students in my cohort, and if I had any problems understanding assignments, I felt completely comfortable asking fellow classmates for help. This was something that I had never experienced in school before, and the bond I felt with my classmates was crucial for building my confidence. Having supportive classmates and teachers gave me the strength to succeed. I just started my third twelve-unit semester at Cabrillo College and I have been getting all A's. I don't think I would have gotten this far if it wasn't for the support that I got during my first semester in ACE.
Robert DeMarco recently placed first in Cabrillo College's MLK Essay Contest- see 'Featured News' section above.
**We welcome Student Perspective submissions of 250 words or less from your ACE students!


Foundation Course Practicants - Winter 2010 - Hosted by Hartnell College


Denyss Estrada

Hartnell College

Garrett Riley

Hartnell College

Patty McEfee

Hartnell College

Foundation Course Practicants - Winter 2010 - Hosted by Cabrillo College
Ann Endris
Cabrillo College
Joy Adams-Jones
Community College of Baltimore County
Kevin Jonker
Cabrillo College
Maria Hernandez
Olive-Harvey Middle College
Matthew Trujillo
Olive-Harvey Middle College
Rebecca Arnesty
Cabrillo College
Rod Norden
Cabrillo College
Samuel Banales
Cabrillo College
Faculty Experiential Learning Institute (FELI) Practicants - Winter 2010 -
Hosted by Cabrillo College

Chris Lebo-Planas

Berkeley City College

Shannon Penn

Berkeley City College

Vicki Fabbri

Cabrillo College

Sadie Reynolds

Cabrillo College

**Congratulations also go out to the 51 graduates of the Winter 2010 FELI!


 Diego Navarro, ACE Executive Director & Founder
Diego face
I'd like to thank the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the William & Flora Hewlett foundation for their confidence in the Academy for College Excellence and for their support through funding.

We're pleased to announce our new name: Academy for College Excellence. We feel that this name communicates our mission more effectively than our former name, Digital Bridge Academy, which caused confusion. Our former name caused some to think we were a computer training program or a distance education technology program. We're also excited to announce the launch of our new website: www.my-ace.org. I'm very impressed by the quality work our staff has done to bring this about.

I have been working to hire evaluators/researchers to do two studies on ACE. The first will be a five-year longitudinal study on student effectiveness at all ACE campuses, looking at how and why ACE works, as well as issues of selection bias. The second study will be on how faculty's participation in the Faculty Experiential Learning Institute (FELI) affects their student retention rates in their non-ACE classes.

I'm in the process of hiring a strategic planning consulting firm. I will work with them to develop a national expansion strategy, sustainable funding model and organization management structure to support the growth of ACE.

 Jim Knickerbocker, ACE Director of College Partnerships
Jim Face
My team has worked hard to bring you this first newsletter, which I hope you find informative.  This is a time of tremendous growth for ACE -- while this Spring semester has 14 ACE cohorts across 4 ACE colleges, by the Fall we expect to double, with 28 to 30 cohorts at 9 colleges!  Congratulations to Truman College in Chicago, which started teaching the ACE Foundation Course to students this semester.

We recently defined a 9-phase Partner Life Cycle to show partner colleges the steps they can move through on their ACE journey.  Look for the graphic in this newsletter showing colleges we are working with and their current phase.  The new ACE website has a section describing the Partner Life Cycle - our major project this year is to create detailed information for each phase, so you know exactly what you need to do and have the tools and training you need to do it.

Please email me at [email protected] if you have any suggestions!

 Beth Nelson, ACE Program Manager
Beth face
We've been developing a system to collect information about all ACE instructors, including ACE courses taught & ACE events attended. We'll use this information to inform the instructor certification protocol, which will be drafted in the coming months. Also newly developed is an information sheet for all faculty confirmed to teach in a cohort. I've also taken part in the collaborative process to develop the spring ACE Community of Practice session, which we hope you will attend on March 27th.

I'm also participating in the Cabrillo institutionalization task forces on outreach and intake, scheduling, and the non-labor related costs of ACE. These task forces are opening many discussions and out of the box thinking on ways to institutionalize ACE into Cabrillo. As part of our expansion, we've been busy documenting our processes for event management & budget management. To the end of smoother operations, we've been optimizing existing administrative processes. The training of a new Program Specialist has also been keeping me busy.

Peter Fullenwider, ACE Curriculum Innovator
PeterF face
A central goal of the Academy for College Excellence is to provide curriculum/products along with supporting materials to colleges and institutions with whom we are affiliated.
Recent initiatives toward achieving this goal include:
- Standardizing how information is organized across Instructor Discs 
- Moving printed instructor materials out of binders and into labeled folders in a file box. 
- Prototyping methods for efficient, cost-effective duplication and delivery of course materials.

Much remains to be done to meet our quality and usability goals.  With the support of the Gates and Hewlitt Foundations and especially your help, we look forward to delivering more effective and easy-to-use curriculum/products in the months ahead. 

Antonio Alarcon & Natalia Cordoba-Velasquez,
ACE Student Recruitment
The Recruitment Kit is nearly completed! We are currently taking all of the feedback from our partner colleges and fine tuning the deliverables in the Recruitment Kit. We will have audio recordings, electronic documents and templates, and other essential items for building a sound recruitment plan.

We are also working on a workshop that will help partner colleges receive and understand the kit, while also providing insight into recruitment methods that have worked in the past. These workshops will be available online so that they are available at the users' convenience!

Natalia face

Our first Knowledge Nugget pilot has been completed and will be available for use shortly.  This nugget provides tips on how to use your own experiences and knowledge of ACE and turn them into effective conversations that equip others with the information they need to help recruit for you.
Peter Bartlett, ACE Community Organizer
On Saturday, December 19th a group of DBA Community members braved the rain and the cold to come to an exciting meeting of the DBA Community of Practice (COP) open to all community members and potential members.

Despite the rain we had an exciting exchange of ideas. The theme for the day was 'Taking DBA to the Next Horizon'. The day was interspersed with thoughtful presentations by Diego Navarro and Jim Knickerbocker followed by small group discussion.
The afternoon concluded with the identification of what we called 'white space' topics that have become the centerpiece for the upcoming Spring COP session on 27 March at the Berkeley Community College. These topics include: Funding for Growing the DBA; Growing within the College; Integrating Curriculum & Making It More Culturally Relevant; and Strategies for Student Success.

Please join us at the Spring COP session!


ACE Partner Life Cycle 
Partner Life Cycle

 ACE Partner Colleges




Adoption Activity

Cabrillo College

Aptos, CA


Institutionalization planning

Hartnell College

Salinas, CA


Expand accelerated cohorts

Berkeley City College

Berkeley, CA


Expand cohorts

Las Positas College

Livermore, CA


Expand cohorts

Diablo Valley College

Pleasant Hill, CA


Partial ACE implementation

Chabot College

Hayward, CA


MOU & Implementation planning

Los Medanos College

Pittsburg, CA


MOU & Implementation planning

Delaware County Community College

Media, PA


MOU & Implementation planning

Truman Middle College

Chicago, IL


Partial ACE implementation

MOU & Implementation planning

Olive-Harvey Middle College

Chicago, IL


Intake application & discussion

Southwestern Virginia Community College

Richlands, VA


Intake application & discussion


*Colleges in Phases 1-3 are still considering ACE program implementation and have not yet made a formal commitment.

Closing Thoughts
"To the extent that colleges are seeking strategies for increasing the rate at which academically underprepared students complete 'gatekeeper' courses such as college-level English and earn college credits, the accelerated version of the DBA program seems to hold particular promise."
Source: Jenkins, D., Hayward, C. (2009). Educational Outcomes of the Digital Bridge Academy: Findings from a Multivariate Analysis.  Columbia University Community College Research Center.

Editorial Staff
Newsletter Staff
We welcome your submissions! Please send submissions, questions or comments to Kathryn Nation at [email protected].